Monday, September 17, 2007

EVO Wrestling on 9/23

Source: Deric Blaze

Evolution Wrestling & Mom's Taxi & Bandstock '07 Presents Bring the Funk N' Wrestling on Sun, Sept. 23rd @ Catfish Lake 1700 W. Wabash Ave. Logansport, IN- 46947

Show Time is 3PM
Admission is $5 Per Person

Indy Star, "MR. Electrifying" Adam Evans makes his EVO debut.

"The Ugandan Beast" Kamala Jr. will be in action.

Damian Michaels defends the High Risk Championship against Matthew Columbine.

Since the beginning, Tony Duke & Kid Dynamite have been going after each other with a vengeance. On the 23rd, Duke & Dynamite face off in a battle to end it all in a TLC Match. If that doesn't spark the interest of either men, the winner gets a shot at any EVO championship they choose & the contract is good for up to one year.

"MR. E.V.O." Brutus Dylan goes against American Bulldog & Justice to determine the future of the former EVO Heavyweight Champion. If Dylan ever wants another title shot, he must first defeat the couple.

Comments from "MR. E.V.O." himself: "I've been sitting here contemplating what the hell happened at the last show, and Ive come to realize, I GOT SCREWED!!! The match was only suppose to be Me vs WAR but no!!!! Management once again stuck it to Brutus Dylan! Well that wont happen anymore! Because coming up this weekend at Bandstock, I have a Handicap Match against The American Bulldog and Justice. After I win, Im getting back what is rightfully mine and that is the EVO Heavyweight Title! WAR you have your little fun while it lasts, because the next time we face each other it will be fun for me but not for you! Im going to make sure your little friends Bulldog and Dynamite dont even make it out of Bandstock the same again! So War what are you going to do when you finally realize that Im not the person to mess with! I will make my statement at Bandstock and there is nothing War, The American Bulldog or anyone else can do about it!

Get it, Got it, GOOD!!!"

Signing out
"Mr. E.V.O." Brutus Dylan

Plus an EVO Diva's Battle Royal where the winner gets an exclusive photo shoot and will be headlined on the EVO Calendar coming in 2008!

Also schelduled to appear: EVO Heavyweight Champion WAR, Visionary Champion "X-Rated" Alex Rase, "Simply Stunning" Scotty Young, Mazz, EVO Tag Team Champions Gorilla Warfare, & MUCH MORE!!


FCW 9/15 report


FCW Results 9/15/07

The new WWE Developmental Territory; Florida Championship Wrestling, held an event on September 15th at the Jewish Community Center, 9841 Scenic Drive in Port Richey, FL. Thanks go out to Ker’s Winghouse for stopping by with items for the audience. The evening began with Steve “Gator” Keirn letting the fans know what they were going to see tonight and some history of wrestling in the Tampa Bay area.

(1) “The Professional” Mike Mondo defeated Chris Gray.

In the opening moments Mondo tried to control the bout but Gray took over with a headlock takeover and kept Mondo off balance with a flying head scissor takeover. Mondo got to his feet and with a handful of hair backed Gray to a corner where he hit a kneelift. Mondo took over with a headlock and some punches that the referee didn’t see due to some maneuvering. But Gray fought back with two bodyslams and a headlock takeover for two. Mondo got an overhand wristlock applied but Gray fought out and hit several European style forearms but couldn’t avoid a cross armbreaker that got two. Mondo went for the submission with a front facelock but opted for a stepover armbar but couldn’t get Gray to give up. Mondo went up to the second rope but instead of landing a move, he landed face first on Gray’s boot. Gray went on the offense with a furious attack but his speed came back to an end when a corner splash only met the corner buckles. Mondo snuck in and rolled up Gray for the victory, not too sure if he used the tights for leverage.

(2) Egotistical Fantastica and Johnny Curtis defeated “The Human Massacre” Keith Walker and “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne.

Early on it was obvious that Walker and Osborne were going to bend the rules at any cost, using hair pulls and other trickery. But they couldn’t combat the double team work of Curtis and Fantastica who worked over Osborne’s wrist. Walker tagged in but walked right into an armdrag from Fantastica and a spinning head scissor. Curtis and Fantastica kept Walker isolated until some clever maneuvering sent Curtis into the ropes and a forearm to the back from Osborne. Walker and Osborne taunted the fans and Fantastica as they beat down Curtis for several minutes. But no matter what they hit Curtis with he refused to be pinned nor would he submit. Osborne made an error and missed a corner splash and it allowed Curtis to tag in Fantastica who avoided a Walker spear which leveled Osborne who was easy to pin.

(3) “The Natural” Nick Nemeth defeated Hade Vanson.

Nemeth tried to control the match with arm bars and some trash talk but he seemed a bit off kilter when Vanson locked in a spinning toe hold. Nemeth screamed in pain and crawled to the ropes for a break. Nemeth decided to change his attack by stalling for time and avoiding Vanson. That didn’t work and Vanson hit several forearms to the jaw that sent Nemeth to a corner. Vanson went after him and got kneed in the jaw. Nemeth went right to the injury with a neckvise submission but slid into a head scissor with some help from the ropes as the referee was asking Vanson if he wanted to give. Vanson was able to fight out of the hold and get to his feet, only to be hit in the gut with a knee. As the referee checked on Vanson, Nemeth went to the corner and removed a turnbuckle pad. As the referee went to fix it Vanson got a small package pin without a count. Nemeth got two after sending Vanson into the corner chest first, sucking all of Vanson’s wind out with it. Vanson fought out of a chinlock even as Nemeth raked the eyes. Nemeth went for a running boot but Vanson caught it and leveled Nemeth with several chest chops and a running knee to the face. But when it looked good for Vanson, Nemeth’s old Spirit Squad partner Mike Mondo came out and distracted Vanson long enough for Nemeth to get the pinfall via a small package.

(4) G-Rilla and Jake Hager defeated Kofi Kingston and Steve Taylor.

Taylor and Kingston kept Hager on the defensive working on destroying his left arm. Hager fought off the pain and raked Taylor’s eyes but Taylor whipped him to a corner. Taylor went for a suplex but Hager drove him into the corner where G-Rilla was waiting to attack. Kingston tried to come in and aide his partner but got sent out by the referee who didn’t see G-Rilla and Hager’s double team assault. Taylor survived and tagged in Kingston who also got backed into the wrong corner where G-Rilla pounced on him with a fury. G-Rilla used his near 300 pound frame to toss Kingston from one corner to the other and nearly broke a jaw with a legdrop. Kingston fell to the canvas after getting hit with a posterior first corner splash. Kingston countered a backdrop into sunset flip but G-Rilla sat out and landed on Kingston’s chest. Hager tagged in and locked in abdominal stretch with some help from G-Rilla on the ring apron. Kingston fought back and out of a G-Rilla slam, hitting a spinning heel kick to the head. This allowed Taylor to tag in and go on the attack hitting Hager with a fireman’s carry into a forward roll but G-Rilla broke up the pin. All four men got in but it was Kingston and Taylor who hit double top rope cross bodyblocks. But the referee tossed Kingston to the apron since he was not the legal man. As this occurred G-Rilla and Hager hit a double team neckbreaker to get the win.

(5) “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson defeated Heath Miller and Ted Hart.

While Hart and Miller were thinking up stuff to do, Wilson hit both of them with a dropkick and went on the attack. That was stopped when Miller hooked his arms and Hart punched Wilson in the jaw. Hart hit Wilson with a neckbreaker and Miller laid the boots in as the referee tried to get them to stop as Wilson crawled to the ropes. They hit Wilson with a suplex but instead of going for the pin, they decided to taunt the crowd. The double team work kept going with a corner clothesline and suplex as Wilson was trying to recover from the assault. Next they took turns distracting the referee so the other could choke Wilson in the corner. Wilson got some senses back and avoided Miller’s shoulder tackle that met the steel ring post. But Miller recovered and leveraged Wilson to the floor where Hart followed out with a moonsault and some shots to Miller who he felt should have put Wilson away. Hart tossed Wilson back in the ring and went to work on him but a backdrop went wrong and Wilson landed on his feet, allowing him to hit a Northern Lights suplex for two. Wilson dropped Hart on the top rope but hart blocked the move and headbutted Wilson back into the ring where he hit a front twisted senton but Miller grabbed him and sent him to the floor, crashing into the ring steps. Wilson hit a sling shot elbow drop but Hart got back in the ring and sent him to a corner. But Hart walked into a Miller spinebuster for two. Miller went up top but Hart brought him off with a slam. Hart decided to go up again and hit a top rope Acecrusher but Wilson hit a Dragon Sleeper into a slingshot sit out power bomb. He didn’t forget about Miller who was hit with a springboard tornado DDT. Wilson locked Miller into a Cloverleaf but Hart locked Wilson in a Dragon Sleeper. Miller recovered and hit Hart with an enziguri but his rope legdrop move backfired and he was pinned by Wilson.

(6) With special referee FCW Diva Victoria, Bella Twins (Bri and Nicole) defeated Krissy Vaine and Nattie Neidhart.

If you were in attendance good luck trying to tell the Bella’s apart in their matching “Cadillac” Williams tops. They also kept Neidhart and Vaine confused with a high speed offense that Neidhart stopped with a knee to the back when Vaine tossed a Bella into the ropes. Neidhart and Vaine used their experience to maneuver the Bella twin around keeping Victoria blocked from seeing illegal activity. They kept the twins apart but nearly got pinned when their cockiness backfired. It did backfire on Neidhart and the twins made the tag, but Neidhart collided with a twin who fell to the floor. Vaine and Neidhart were busy talking to Victoria and no one in the ring saw the twins switch on the floor. It led to Neidhart being rolled into an inside cradle for the upset victory.

(7) The Giant Titan defeated Doink the Clown.

Referee Buck Quartermaine had his hands full with the shenanigans of Doink, while Titan had trouble keeping Doink from stepping on his feet. Titan went for a slam but Doink slid off only to be elbowed in the ribs. Titan went for an elbow but Doink moved. But he didn’t get far as Titan hit a sideslam and was backed into a corner where Titan hit an elbow before tossing Doink to the floor. Titan grabbed Doink in a double handed choke and smashed him into the ring post, but missed a punch that hit the post as Doink slid back in the ring. Titan came back in the ring and hit a corner clothesline but his corner splash met Doink’s boot bottoms. Doink climbed on top and locked in a sleeper but Titan fell back into a corner breaking the hold. Titan went for a corner splash but hit the top of the ring post instead. Doink hit a top rope sitout drop but even a top rope bodyblock couldn’t keep Titan down. Titan fired back with a chokeslam that shook the ring and the wind out of Doink who was pinned.

(8) FCW Southern champion Harry Smith defeated former WCW/WWE champion World Cruiserweight champion Billy Kidman (w/FCW Diva Lacey Von Erich.)

This was a classic battle of youth vs. experience and early on Smith controlled the match with speed and sending Kidman to the floor to regroup. Smith had enough and followed Kidman out but got a boot to his ribs. Kidman went to whip Smith into a row of chairs but he was reversed and the fans went running to safety. Smith dragged Kidman to the ring and hit a standing suplex just like dad used to for two. Smith went for a move but Kidman used some leverage and drove Smith shoulder first into the ring post and the assault began as Kidman went to work driving his knee into the shoulder joint. Kidman used a variety of armlocks trying to wear down Smith but they were to no avail. Kidman switched strategy and locked Smith in a sleeper. Smith fought to his feet and hit a Saito suplex that briefly took the out of both men. Smith got to his feet first and went on the attack but his power bomb was countered by Kidman into a facebuster. Kidman went up for the Shooting Star Press but Smith caught him. Kidman came off the top and got a pinfall but Kidman used the ropes. But Commissioner Steve Keirn saw it and ordered a re-start to the match. The match didn’t last much longer as Kidman fought off a Smith sunset flip with help from Lacey. The referee saw it and ordered Von Erich down from the apron. When she refused referee Quartermaine kicked her hands sending Kidman to the mat where his shoulders were counted down.

(9) G-Rilla won a battle royal to name a new number one contender to face Harry Smith for the championship on September 25th. In the match were: Ted Hart, Johnny Curtis, Hade Vanson, TJ Wilson, Keith Walker, Heath Miller, The Giant Titan, Shawn Osborne, Billy Kidman, G-Rilla, Egotistical Fantastica, Mike Mondo, Nick Nemeth, Jake Hager, Steve Taylor, Kofi Kingston and Chris Gray. The final three were Kidman, Hart and G-Rilla. Hart eliminated Kidman with a clothesline but G-Rilla eliminated Hart with a backdrop.

FCW will return to the Jewish Community Center on Saturday October 13th.

On Tuesday September 25th at 8:30pm Bourbon Street Night Club will be hosting a charity event for the SPCA called "Wrestling for Whiskers". This event is being setup by S.O.S. (Save our Sandbar Foundation). Doors open at 6:30pm all proceeds go to the Pasco Humane Society. The show starts at 8:30pm. There will be food fun and a great atmosphere to help us give to this honorable charity.

Bourbon Street Located 4331 US HWY 19, New Port Richey Florida 34652. For further info on 9/25 event please check out For information on FCW, please follow the link to a story on

RPW 9/15 report, PWX on 9/22 & 9/23, NWA: Anarchy 9/15 report


Rising Phoenix Wrestling 9/15/07 Results
Greg DeMarco, The Voice of Rising Phoenix Wrestling

A capacity crowd turned out for Rising Phoenix Wrestling on September 15 at the 52nd Street Armory in Phoenix. A new venue, new lights, and more new talent all combined to bring Arizona wrestling fans a night they won't soon forget.

The main event tag team grudge match between TNT (Brandon Nitro & Johnny Nitro) and NWA Arizona Heavyweight champion "XXX" Lawrence Tyler & "Miracle" Mike James became even more heated when two additional stipulations were added to the match. First, it was announced that it would be one of two first round matches in the NWA Arizona Tag Team Championship Tournament taking place that night. Second, "XXX" Lawrence Tyler accepted Brandon Nitro's challenge that if Nitro could pin the champ, he would receive another shot at Tyler's title. Tyler spent most of the match outside of the ring, only interjecting himself when he was in the least danger of being pinned by Nitro. However, it was Johnny Dynamite who scored the pinfall over LT in the end, inadvertinently eliminating Nitro's shot at the gold. The match also lead to three developments, each having a tremendous impact in their own way. RPW Commissioner acknowledged that while Lawrence Tyler did not have to defend his title against Brandon Nitro, his next challenge would come from the man who did pin him, Johnny Dynamite. As a result of their win, Nitro & Dynamite have advanced to the second round of the NWA Arizona Tag Team Title Tournament. Finally, frustrated by his team's loss, "XXX" attacked Mike James after the match, ending the partnership and friendship shared by James and the man who trained him.

In the other first round match of the NWA Tag Team Title Tournament held this evening, Dean Radford and Black Metal defeated the team of "Tough" Tony Durango and Bonzai to advance to the second round.

In a small measure of revenge stemming from their first match (which resulted in a 20 minute time limit draw), Mikey Nicholls cost The Hawaiian Lion the chance to pick up a victory in a Triple Threat Match that also included TJ Perkins. Nicholls made Perkins tap out to Lion's own ankle lock after tying up Lion's leg around the ringpost, eliminating the Arizona favorite from the match.

Complete results:
1. Dean Radford & Black Metal beat "Tough" Tony Durango & Bonzai in a first round match in the NWA Arizona Tag Team Championship tournament
2. Mayhem pinned The Navajo Warrior
3. Ryan Taylor pinned "Da Latin Terror" Don Montana
4. Mikey Nicholls made TJ Perkins tap out to an ankle lock after tying The Hawaiian Lion leg's around a ringpost to win a Triple Threat Match
5. Country Bear pinned Angelas
6. "TNT" ("Mr. 300%" Brandon Nitro & Johnny Dynamite) defeated NWA Arizona Heavyweight Champion "XXX" Lawrence Tyler & "Miracle" Mike James in a first round match in the NWA Arizona Tag Team Championship Tournament when Dynamite pinned XXX.

Rising Phoenix Wrestling returns to action on Saturday, October 20 at the Broadway Recreation Center in Mesa, Arizona. Visit for announcements and to purchase tickets for RPW's next big event!

PWX September 22nd & 23rd

PWX returns to action on September 22nd and 23rd with former WWE/TNA star Spike Dudley. Also appearing will be former NWWL/WEW star Annie Social

September 22nd PWX comes back to Coolz Warehouse in St. Thomas. Tickets are $10 in advance , $15 for adults $5 for kids at the door. Bell time 7PM

Here is your card so far

Xtreme Title Round 1 Match
Cody Deaner vs. Kobra Kai

Xtreme Title Round 1 Match
Matt Burns vs. Freak Show

Women's Match
NWWL Star Annie Social vs. Jen Blake

Triple Threat Match
Ash vs. Hayden Avery vs. Phil Atlas

Singles Match
Reck vs. WWE/TNA Star Spike Dudley

Bar Title Match
Tyson Dux (c) vs. Phil Latio

Plus more PWX stars

September 23rd PWX hits Tillsonburg. PWX action will take place at the Tillsonburg Complex. Tickets are $20 for VIP, $10 in advance $15 for adults at the door and $5 for kids

Here is your card so far

Singles Division
Reck vs. TNA Star D-ray 3000

Women's Title Match
NWWL Star Annie Social vs. Haley Rogers (c)

Fan-barricade Match
Daemon Reznor vs. Freak Show

X Division Title Match
Tyson Dux vs. Derek Wylde

Michael Elgin (c) vs. Cody Deaner

Also in action Former WWE/TNA star SPIKE DUDLEY, PD Skillz , Jen Blake, JTP and more

NWA Anarchy returned to NWA Arena, otherwise known as The Church of Southern Wrestling, with their final television taping prior to the 9th annual Fright Night spectacular on September 29.

It’s weird to be on the cusp of the traditional fall classic during the waning days of summer, but it beez that way in Cornelia this year. The decision was based on September being the month with five Saturdays, plus the fact that the usual late October date allows only four TV tapings to set up the major holiday show. Logical? Yes. But to paraphrase the immortal words of Tony Santarelli, Halloween without Fright Night is like a breast without a nipple. It’s just not right.

On a personal note, I absolutely hate that I'll be missing Fright Night for the time ever. Especially after last night's show. Fright Night holds a special place in my heart. It was the first big show I attended at the NWA Arena back in 1999.

Booking Fright Night was no easy task. A slew of new story directions came on the heels of Hostile Environment. The losses of Ace Rockwell (injury), Iceberg (medical) and Al Getz (quit) added unexpected complications.

There was a lot of ground to cover at last night’s show, and the Anarchy crew got the job done in fine fashion. Shatter’s first defense of the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title was announced as the main event. It’s being billed as “Godzilla vs. King Kong.” Who said Anarchy didn't have heavyweights? (my bad). It wouldn’t be Fright Night without gimmick matches. And not one of two, but three were announced last night. They also majorly ratcheted up the intrigue surrounding the tag team title situation.

The show drew the usual insanely hot crowd, 175 strong. I used to drive to Alabama for shows with that old time heat. These days, it’s awfully tough to beat the atmosphere at the NWA Arena.

Randy Hughes got off to a rough start as the new ringside announcer, a seat once occupied by Jason Martin (last seen slithering out of Cornelia with his tail tucked between his legs). He introduced Anarchy’s venerable play-by-play/ring announcer, Greg Hunter, as “Jeff Hunter.”

(1) “Skater Boy” Chris King & “Cowboy” Billy Buck beat J. T. Talent & Andrew Pendleton III in 6:03. The opener was a prime example of Anarchy waiting until talent is ready rather than rushing them into spots they can’t handle. The crowd was behind King and Buck, a gimmick clash that works in spite of itself. King shows charisma as the babyface fighting for survival from underneath. Buck’s house cleaning has improved 1000%. Talent (replacing the departed Caleb Konley) and Pendleton have also stepped up their games. The faces flustrated Talent in the early going. Pendleton hit a neckbreaker across the knee to derail King, a decisive way to start the heat. A King enzuigiri lead to the hot tag. Buck pulled the straps down and hit a butterfly sitout slam on Pendleton for a near fall. Moments later, Talent reached in and upended Buck. But while Talent was gloating over his dastardly deed, Buck rolled through for the pin on Pendleton. The crowd popped for the finish, which was nicely done.

Tony Santarelli entered the ring with a bizarro new hairstyle that drew a chant of “Emo f*g**t.” Santarelli ran down his former partner, Todd Sexton. Santarelli rewrote Fright Night history, stating that he singlehandedly beat Lost Boys. Santarelli said he was back in Anarchy because he loved the small people. Santarelli said he should be featured against the top dogs at Fright Night instead of that little oompah-loompah Wes Grissom. That brought Grissom out with a look of grim determination. Melissa Coates jumped Grissom from behind and laid him out with the Facelift. Before the duo from Deep South could inflict more damage, Sexton hit the ring and gave them a meeting of the minds. Grissom joined forces with Sexton to drive the heels out of the ring.

Sexton issued a warning about bringing that ugly, disgusting she-male into the building. Coates went nuts and had to be wrestled down the floor by Santarelli. “No, I was talking about you, Tony.” Best Sexton line ever. Monster pop. Santarelli went crazy and had to be restrained by Coates. A very entertaining segment that also had great heat. Santarelli’s mic work has been outstanding since his return to Cornelia, and physical comedy is Coates’ strong suit. She brings great energy to her character.

(2) Truitt Fields beat Jeremy Vain (with Mr. Adonis) by a count out in10:57 so Vain escaped with the NWA Anarchy Televison Title. AGAIN. Vain schooled Fields and rubbed it in. Fields exploded with his signature power offense. A head first catapult into the turnbuckle was good for a near fall. But Vain ducked a high crossbody to get the upper hand. Vain’s offense was scummy, nasty stuff. Fields had the crowd and was strong on the comebacks. He no sold Vain’s punches and the spit flew from Vain’s mouth when Fields returned the favor. Vain hit a gordbuster for a near fall. He tried to humiliate Fields. Enough was enough. Vain turned into a bumping machine. V staggered into a gorilla press slam for a near fall. Time for the Killing Fields. Vain clung to the ropes for dear life. Vain tried to exit with Adonis. Fields threw him back into the ring. Vain went to the floor with a bogus knee injury and took the 10 count.

NWA Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer confronted Vain about his fakery. “This charade is over, buddy.” Palmer said he was going to ensure that Fields got a fair title shot at Fright Night by installing four fans with leather straps at ringside. Palmer added that Adonis was barred from the building. The heels begged. Palmer said if Adonis showed up, he would get whipped like a dog.

(3) Hollywood Brunettes (Andrew Alexander & Kyle Matthews) defeated World’s Prettiest Tag Team (Seth Delay & Adrian Hawkins) via DQ when Hawkins went berserk. Brunettes advanced to the finals of the Mysterious Benefactor Tournament. Around 10 minutes. The bell never sounded to end the match for reasons that will become obvious. WP2T cleared the ring before the opening bell. Not much heat at the start, but it built throughout the match. WP2T were handing Brunettes their combined asses. Delay paid homage with a perfect Flair kneedrop. Matthews wasn’t happy about taking the tag. Delay and Matthews did some crisp reversals of the standing switch. At the six minute mark, Matthews moved and Delay crashed into the turnbuckles. Delay had his ribs heavily taped, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the Brunettes. They ripped the protective wrap off the ribs and launched a relentless assault on the vulnerable body part. Delay was agony. Alexander brought a chair into the ring and drove the edge into Delay’s ribs. Hawkins lost it. This was potentially the make-or-break moment in Hawkins’ Anarchy career, and did he ever come through. Delay blasted both Brunettes with chairshots. Referee Jacob Ashworth tried to intervene and got cracked on the top of the head with a stiff one. One of the security guys hit the ring. Bullseye. He went down like he had been hit with a ton of bricks. The crowd let loose with a thunderous chant of “Let’s go Adryan.” The refs, the security guys and Bill Behrens approached the ring. Hawkins was still wielding the chair with a crazed look in his eyes. The crowd chanted “knock them out.”

Dan Wilson led the Devil’s Rejects (Azrael & Shaun Tempers & Patrick Bentley) into the ring for a chat with Hawkins. Wilson advised Hawkins to lower his weapon, because if Rejects were there to beat him down it would have already happened. Wilson said he was the good shepard. He called Hawkins “a madman unleashed.” Wilson said if Hawkins hated humanity that much, he might be Devil’s Rejects material. He invited Hawkins to become part of a real family. “HELL NO,” said Hawkins. Wilson called Hawkins a punk and slapped him. Hawkins slugged Wilson. Azrael and Tempers retaliated with the Hellhammer on Hawkins. Slim J hit the ring. He was beaten down and left laying by Bentley’s Dark Driver. The bleacher fans chanted for blood. Powerful stuff.

Intermission. A drawing was held to select the first two fans for the strap match at Fright Night.

(4) Anger Alliance (Adam Roberts & Don Matthews) beat Derrick Driver & Steven Walters in 6:05 to earn the last spot in the finals of the Mysterious Benefactor Tournament. The babyface team worked on Roberts arm for a while. But Matthews grabbed Walters by the leg and Roberts f#cked him up with high kick. Roberts blasted Walters with gutshots. The crowd got behind Walters a bit. Roberts went for a back suplex. Walters landed on his feet and hit an enzuigiri. Both men down. Both men tagging. Driver was on fire with dropkicks, but he failed to see Matthews tag in. Matthews drilled Driver with The Lariat to score the pinfall. Driver appeared to take the finisher on his shoulder, but it should look OK on TV.

On the WRESTLEVISION, we saw Roberts and Matthews with Brandon Phoenix. Roberts said he and Matthews were the best team in Anger Alliance, and they were winning the trophy and the title shot. Matthews interrupted to say they were all on the same side. Roberts agreed and compared the Alliance to a fist. Phoenix pointed out that there were five fingers in fist and there were only four of them. Matthews came up with an arcane explanation of how the thumb didn’t count as a finger. Roberts said it was a symbol of unity and success.

Awesome Attraction (Austin Creed & Hayden Young) cut an in ring promo about their title defense at Fright Night. Creed’s belt buckle doubles as a mini electronic message board that reads “Awesome Attraction” Young said whoever won the tournament was going down, even Urban Assault. A segment of the crowd didn’t like that one bit. Phoenix and Roberts attacked Attraction. Matthews made it 3 on 2 and laid Attraction out with a double lariat. Brunettes came out. They got jumped by Urban Assault Squad. UAS helped the Attraction clear the ring.

Nemesis instigated crap with Young, like he was O.J. wanting his stuff back. Jackson and Creed got in between them, but Young and Nemesis continued to talk trash. “I will tear yo ass up,” said Nemesis. The heat for this was off the hook.

(5) Patrick Bentley (with Devil’s Rejects) beat Jesse Emerson via submission in 1:38. Bentley is exploring the depths of his character. He sat in the ring and rocked with a vacant expression on his painted face. Bentley pretty much squashed his larger opponent. Bentley teased the Dark Driver and then switched to Slim J’s finisher, the Roach Clip, to get the tap out.

Wilson cut another great promo. He said Rejects had been dissed for the last time. “Even monkeys know we sell tickets.” Wilson issued an open challenge for to Hawkins, J and whoever else they could find for a six man no DQ, no count out streetfight at Fright Night.

Attorney Jeff G. Bailey entered the ring with the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion, Shatter and “Soul Assassin” Kory Chavis. Bailey was disappointed that there was no opponent for his one man walking genocide to defend his title against at Fright Night. Bailey said that coward Mikal Judas had done nothing to earn a title shot. Bailey saved his choicest words for the “backstabbing traitor” Jeff Lewis. He challenged Lewis to a first blood match with Chavis at Fright Night. Bailey said the two naked dogs were going to be put down for the final count.

(6) Mikal Judas & Jeff Lewis beat Phil Shatter & Kory Chavis (with Jeff G. Bailey) in 10:33. This was intense, brutal and heated. The match was laid out beautifully to climax with the first direct physical confrontation between Shatter and Judas. Lewis and Judas entered separately with both getting big pops. Shatter overpowered Lewis. That dude’s strength is unreal. Judas beat up on Chavis and did a staredown with Shatter. Lewis tagged in. Shatter gave him a wicked gorilla press toss to the hardwood floor. Judas came over to protect his partner, stopping Shatter dead in his tracks. That was a first. NWA Elite beat the hell out of Lewis. Chavis nailed the Shining Wizard. Shatter hit a fallaway slam. Chavis connected with a sick knee strike for a near fall. Lewis got busted open the hardway on a shot into the post. Lewis countered the Spinesplitta with an Edge-o-matic to set up THE SHOWDOWN. Judas and Shatter traded bombs. Shatter was the first to show the effects. Judas blocked the PTSD. They cold-thingyed each other with a massive double lariat. The disfigured freak Dominous came to ringside. Judas got distracted. Shatter surprised Judas with a spinebuster. Judas gave Shatter a long-distance toss over the top rope. Shatter landed face down, a psychotic bump for a man that size. Make that any size. Shatter’s nose was busted open on impact. Chavis used a Matrix move to avoid the Kick of Death but Judas goozled him. Chokeslam straight to Hell for the 1-2-3.

Palmer announced that the main event at Fright Night would be Shatter vs. the former IWA World Champion, Judas. Bailey went crazy. Judas exited through the front door with the fans chanting his name. The show closed with the fans chanting “Jeff, Jeff, Jeff” at Lewis.

NOTES: So the Fright Night ’07 lineup is Shatter (with Bailey) vs. Judas for the heavyweight title, Rejects vs. J, Hawkins and ? in a no DQ-no count out Streetfight, 4 corners tag team elimination: Roberts & Matthews vs. Phoenix & Brodie Chase vs. Brunettes vs. UAS, the winners get a shot at Awesome Attraction later in the show, Fields vs. Vain for the TV Title in a Fan Strap Match, Lewis vs. Chavis in a First Blood Match and Santarelli & Coates vs. Grissom & Sexton…A portion of proceeds from Fright Night will go to a recovery fund for firefighter Angie Roach as well as the Muscular Dystrophy Association Judas, Shatter and Chad Parham are booked for WWE Smackdown/ECW in …Caleb Konley moved to North Carolina…Anarchy color commentator John Johnson is working on a movie screenplay… The 9/21 APW show in Royston has Jackson defending the APW Title against Talent, and Matthews & Vain vs. King & Buck for the APW tag titles…Executive Producer Kevin debuted a cool video opening for the show….All three MAXW singles titles ended up in the hands of Vain at their show in Williamston, SC on 9/15.

AWA/WSW on 9/22, MCW/SWA Supershow, CHIKARA, Union News


AWA/World Star Wrestling Federation @ the AWA/WSW Arena
This Saturday, Sept. 22nd!
Doors Open 7:00pm, Bell Time 7:30pm.

-AWA/WSW Heavyweight Champion, Justyn Glory
-From AWA/APEX Wrestling, Brian Logan
-Jak Molsonn
-ROH star and AWA/WSW Cruiserweight Champion, Matt Turner
-Current AWA/WSW Tag Team Champions, The Moonshiners
-Mikey Chase
-Junior Alou
-Matt Magnum
-Chris "Pain" Forza
-"The Notorious" Pat Backlund
-The Phantom


$10 in Advance at Durham Auto Parts 24 Main Street
$12 at the Door

MCW / SWA SUPER SHOW ON 10/13!!!!!

The Road to Full Access 4 Tour 2007
Blue Ridge Summit Firehall
13063 Monterey Lane
Blue Ridge Summit PA
MCW/SWA Supershow
October 13 Belltime 6pm
Tickets $12 and $15

M.C.W. Show "Fall Fights 07" (6pm)

1. Tag Team Main Event: E.L. Stanley Esq. & "Puerto Rican Bad Boy" Danny Pagan w/ X-Man & JADEN vs. Shaka & Tristan Spade
2. A+ Aken Pembrooke w/ X-Man vs. Bodysnatcher Sam Jones
3. M.C.W. Tag Team titles: Sinsationally Rich {c} (Asian Sinsation & Louis G. Rich) vs. Massive Mike & Shawn Fury w/ D'lixious
4. M.C.W. Huney's Halloween Costume Contest featuring: Autumn Breeze, D'lixious, Jasmine, Ashley Nicely, Ms. Sinsational, Mistee, and more M.C.W. Huneys!
5. "The Tank" Chris Payne vs. "Stonewall" Dave Snyder vs. "Playboy" Stevie Stylez w/ Jasmine
6. Great Kitsume #3 vs. Jimmy Dream

S.W.A. Show (approx. 7:45pm)

1. S.W.A. Title: "Pinnacle" Shawn Patrick (c) vs. Chris Hay w/ Mike Hay
2. S.W.A. Tag Team titles: Happy Tour {c} (Chucky Wynn & Freak) w/ Uncle Ray vs. Nick Tide & Damien
3. S.W.A. Mid Atlantic title: Justin Cage (c) vs. Jason Static
4. "Hagerstown One and Only" John Dumbo w/ His Trainees vs. Massive Mike w/ D'lixious
5. Bazooka Joe vs. Joesph Brooks
6. Jonathan Empire vs. El Dirty Dirty

Plus all the stars of M.C.W. and S.W.A.!

Card subject to change, be rearranged, or outright redone.

Advance tickets can be ordered by calling Mike Pryor at (717) 794-2705
MCW hotline: (302) 423-0041
Myspace :

-Auctions Launch! Cibernetico & Robin just 6 days away! PPV released!

Earlier today, nine exclusive CHIKARA auctions launched on eBay, in conjunction with our 2nd pod-per-view (more info on that puppy below!). Here are some direct links to these incredible collectibles, being offered for just one week:

UltraMantis pants & cape!
Original Hijo del Ice Cream mask!
CHIKARA show banners!
Ring-worn Larry Sweeney singlet!
The head of Private Eye!
Mike Quackenbush ring costume!
Set of CHIKARA Trading Cards!
UltraMantis kickpad covers!
Book collection!

As of right now, CHIKARA's second pod-per-view is available for your viewing and entertainment pleasure! Race over to to read up on how you can download and obtain this exclusive, 37-minute program for a measly $2.99! Filled with exclusive news, matches, interviews, schedule updates and more! Available through the end of the month for your viewing pleasure!

In just over a week, our mammoth Cibernetico is coming to Philly! Check out the complete card:

Lince Dorado's Squad:
Las Chivas, Incognito, Equinox, Los Ice Creams & Magno
Mitch Ryder & his squad:
Shayne Hawke, Chuck Taylor, Claudio Castagnoli, Gran Akuma, Icarus, Larry Sweeney & Chris Hero

The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant & Worker Ant)
BLK Out (Eddie Kingston & Joker & Sabian)

Delirious & Hallowicked vs. UltraMantis Black & Hydra

Mike Quackenbush vs. Tim Donst

Moscow, the Communist Bovine vs. Moohammed

Super Xtremo vs. Kris Chambers

Jigsaw & Shane Storm vs. The Osirian Portal

The batting order for each of the Cibernetico squads will be announced tomorrow!

This event will be your first chance to snag one of the new CHIKARA t-shirts, as well as the latest release in our ongoing series of CHIKARA trading cards (card # 14 goes on sale in Philly)!

Advance tickets are on sale right now (just follow the SCHEDULE link for this event) and complete information is available at! Join the rest of the CHIKARMY and come see us live; keep up to date with all things CHIKARA by subscribing to our free, weekly podcast!

"Cibernetico & Robin"
Saturday night, September 22nd, 2007
Live @ The New Alhambra (former ECW Arena)!
7 Ritner Street
in scenic South Philadelphia, PA!
All seats just $15.00!
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Bell time is 7:00 pm.

Our homebase:
For our free, weekly video podcast:
On MySpace!

UIPW News for 17 Sept 2007

~ Updated line-up for STATE OF SHOCK on October 6th
~ Rumors abound about November's Union Title Tournament

The UNION of INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS returns to Toronto, Ontario, Canada on Saturday night October 6th for an event titled "STATE OF SHOCK". The Union roster will look to thrill and amaze the hometown faithful with another evening of UIPW excitement.

Owing to previous engagements, both STEVE CORINO and PEPPER PARKS have had to withdraw from the October 6th event. Both men promise to be back at Legion Hall #101 in November as they are the first two names to have been officially granted spots in the Union Heavyweight Title tournament.

With this news, the Union's Head of Fighters Affairs, AUSTIN SHAW, has announced the new main event for STATE OF SHOCK will see "The King of Iron City Hardcore" STERLING JAMES KEENAN go one-on-one with "The Havana Pitbull" RICKY REYES. These men are not strangers to one another. Reyes, the former Ring of Honor Tag Team champion, defeated Keenan one year ago today on his way to winning the IWC Heavyweight title in a tournament in Pittsburgh and would like to accomplish something similar in Toronto. Keenan wants to avenge that loss and solidify his place in November's tournament.

Then, in a no holds barred grudge match, the first-ever Union Heavyweight champion, "The Bastard Son of 1,000 Corpses" SEBASTIAN DARK takes on the last champion of the original Union, "Fabulous" JOHN McCHESNEY. Austin Shaw has put a spot in the November Heavyweight title tournament on the line in this match and both men want to prove that they are the past, present and future of the promotion.

Also announced, high-flying Northern Lights Division stand-out RIP IMPACT fights the debuting HENTAI. Impact is already proving himself to be one of the most popular workers in the Union and he hopes to continue his winning ways against the world-traveling cruiserweight veteran known as Hentai.

6'9", 300lb EDDIE VENOM returns to the Legion Hall on October 6th. After his complete destruction of THE ALL-KNIGHTERS at "BORN AGAIN", how will "The Motor City Monster" stack up against the wily veteran presence of REGGIE MARLEY? Jamaica's gift to professional wrestling will need to bring his "A-game" to fight Detroit's newest beast but with Union fans squarely on his side, Marley is eager for the challenge.

And speaking of the All-Knighters, the usually happy-go-lucky duo was anything but after getting their tickets punched by Eddie Venom. KEVIN GRACE and ROBIN KNIGHTWING have reportedly taken a "super-duper mega-binding lifetime pinky swear agreement" to never wrestle singles matches in the Union again. It's tag team matches or nothing for the All-Knighters and they'll get their chance to shine together at 'STATE OF SHOCK".

First up on their list? MATT BURNS and ASYLUM: the tag team known as THE FLATLINERS. How will the "all-night party people" fare against the size and muscle of Burns and Asylum? Join us on October 6th to find out!

The UNION of INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS returns to Royal Canadian Legion Hall #101 in Toronto, Ontario on Saturday October 6th for "STATE OF SHOCK". Doors open at 630pm. Bell time is 7pm. The Legion Hall is located at 3850 Lake Shore Blvd West, midway between Dixie Road and Brown's Line and directly adjacent to both the Long Branch GO station and the TTC's Long Branch Loop.

Tickets are ON SALE NOW in person at the Legion Hall and online via the "UNION SHOP" at The event is open to ALL AGES, but for those 19 and older, the Legion Hall includes a FULLY LICENSED BAR. Fans are reminded to bring valid ID and encouraged to use public transit if they plan to purchase alcohol.

As already mentioned, STEVE CORINO and PEPPER PARKS have already been assured their places in the Union Heavyweight title tournament being held November 3rd in Toronto. In addition, JOHN McCHESNEY and SEBASTIAN DARK will fight on October 6th for a place in the tournament. So with five more workers to be named to the tournament, the rumor mill is working overtime once again to guess the names of those fortunate few who will get a chance to become champion of the new Union.

STERLING JAMES KEENAN is an obvious choice and almost assuredly a shoe-in for a spot. His October 6th opponent, RICKY REYES, would certainly earn himself a berth win a victory of SJK. EDDIE OSBOURNE was apparently overheard bragging that he was already in the tournament, but AUSTIN SHAW has refused to confirm or deny this report. EDDIE VENOM has been spoken of very highly by Shaw on several occasions. Could the H. of F.A. be looking to add the "Motor City Monster" to the tournament mix? Where do men like REGGIE MARLEY and young sensation ETHAN PAGE stand in the title picture?

Austin Shaw has promised that fans will learn the full line-up for the tournament live and direct at October's STATE OF SHOCK event. Be there in person when the announcement is made!

Looking for more Union-related fun online? The Union is expanding its presence on the internet and we're hoping you'll join us. Check out photos and videos. Connect with Union Workers and fans. Get frequent updates about Union events and merchandise. And have your say about the Union by leaving a comment.

Official website:

Saturday October 6th - STATE OF SHOCK
Saturday November 3rd - CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT 2K7 (featuring the Union World Heavyweight title tournament)
Saturday December 15th - END OF DAYS

The UNION of INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS is an exciting new wrestling promotion based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Union features a diverse mix of homegrown talent (including Eddie Osbourne, Rip Impact and The All-Knighters) and international stars (including Steve Corino, Sterling James Keenan and El Generico). UIPW maintains partnerships with promotions in Canada and around the world. For more information about THE UNION, please visit our official website at

Matt Sydal Suffers Concussion in RoH's "Farewell Match"

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Matt Sydal suffered a concussion at last night's Ring of Honor event in Chicago Ridge, IL against Delirious. It was Sydal's "farewell" match with the company.

As reported on earlier, Sydal has signed a deal with World Wrestling Entertainment and is scheduled to report to Ohio Valley Wrestling at the end of this month.

RoH 9/15 report


Ring of Honor Results - 9/15/07
Location: Chicago Ridge, Illinois


- Ernie Osiris & Silas Young defeated Bobby Dempsey & Rhett Titus.

Main Show:

- Nigel McGuinness defeated Naomichi Marufuji, Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli.

- Rocky Romero defeated Matt Cross.

- Austin Aries defeated Davey Richards.

- Roderick Strong defeated Erick Stevens.

- ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima defeated Bryan Danielson via referee stoppage to retain the title.

- ROH World Tag Team Champions The Briscoes defeated Kevin Steen & El Generico in a Ladder Match to retain the tag titles.


- Mitch Franklin defeated Alex Payne.

- Amazing Kong & Daizee Haze defeated Sara Del Rey & Lacey.

- BJ Whitmer & Brent Albright defeated The YRR of Chasyn Rance & Kenny King.

- Tyler Black vs. Jack Evans went to a No Contest.

- Delirious defeated Matt Sydal.


!BANG! TV report & 'Pro Wrestling Unplugged report (Sandman & DDP)


!BANG! TV Report
-Wrestling, Tears and Rock 'N Roll

!BANG! TV Webbie Report (Mini Movie) - More tears than Chris Crocker can muster flow from the eyes of Blain Rage as Blain pleads with fans around the world to, "Stop Saying Bad Things About Britney Spears."

Blain Rage appears in Sumo Wrestling attire as He spills a bucket of tears.

Then there are no tears left. With the help of the Pop Tarts, Kim Dakota and Vickki Von, Blain Rage shows a few special crunch exercises passed on to him by the most infamous athlete in sports.

Next it is time for rock 'n roll and Blain and The Pop Tarts, "Dance to the Music."

It is all on !BANG! TV at

PWU Diamond Anniversary Results
w/ Sandman; Red Carpet Clip; TV Debut WEDNESDAY

* The night started hot with the Too Cold Scorpio Step II clinic & the Red Carpet Arrivals
From the sounds of Shovelhook to the arrivals of PWU superstars on the red carpet, PWU fans got to be up close & personal the likes of “Living Legend” Larry Winters, Justice Pain, Nikolai Volkoff, Gangrel, Sunny, Diamond Dallas Page, PWU Heavyweight champion Too Cold Scorpio (arriving on Jet Skis with The Bosom Buddies), and more of the PWU superstars and their unique arrivals, including Team PIT in convertible Corvettes, Eddie ! Kingston in a custom car from Eargasm, & even Detox on a scooter!

As PWU prepares for its TV debut on Wednesday at 8 pm on Comcast Philadelphia channel 66 and Comcast Main Line channel 98, catch exclusive Red Carpet highlights each day until Power Surge TV explodes onto Philadelphia TV.

As fans entered the building, they were warmed up by the sounds of Survival Rate Zero.

* TV Title First Round Match: Detox def. Lucky
An overconfident Lucky, who pulled off a victory against Detox in their last match was ready to shut him out again. But this time, Detox has a goal in mind – 10 lbs. o! f gold around his waist in the form of the PWU TV Title. Action packed from the beginning, Detox caught the NJ superstar with a pump handle STO after Lucky attempted to fake an injury.

* Aramis w/ “Pitbull” Gary Wolf & Annie Social def. "The New Jersey All Star" JC Ryder
One NJ Independent Superstar suffering a loss, JC Ryder wanted to stop Team PIT member Aramis from making it 0-2...but got sidetracked at first, telling the crowd Annie Social was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Aramis took exception to the comments and took a powerful control over JC Ryder the whole match, finally connecting with a Brainbuster to get the 1-2-3.

* Justice Pain stepped up to Gangrel’s open challenge & pulled off a win
With the ink barely dry on his contract, Justice Pain pulled off a victory against the legendary Gangrel using every tactic on the book to keep Gangrel off guard. But as Gangrel seemed to have the upperhand, Pain reversed the momentum and hit the Pain Thriller for the victory.

* PWU Wo! men's champion "Primetime" Amy Lee retained over British star Lexx (w/ guest referee Annie Social)
The petite Lexx attempted to out maneuver the PWU Women’s champion, but Amy Lee showed she can trade holds with the best of them. But Amy Lee’s power shone through and despite some “playful” assistance from referee Annie Social, Lexx got caught and tapped out to the Gory Stretch. But before leaving, Amy Lee told Annie Social that she’s beaten her before in under 20 seconds and next month if she can’t do it again, she’ll give up the PWU Women’s Title.

*John House Interviews Joey Mattews and his private security force – Dan Severn
After House reminded the crowd to catch him on the new PWP Live on Friday nights at 10 pm, he demanded everyone stand for a “real” TV star, the number 1 contender to the PWU Title, Joey Matthews. Matthews said he’s not worried about facing Scorpio as he brought his own! security force, Dan “The Beast” Severn.

* TV Title First Round Match: Z-Barr w/ Sunny def. "The Fabulous" John McChesney
Z-Barr, in pre match commentary, promised some Sunny skies ahead and once in the ring through the resounding boos that filled the Arena, he introduced his new manager, “The Original Diva” Sunny. But John McChesney showed how little he was impressed and took early control, even splashing Barr from the top rope on the floor. But Sunny turned the tide, stopped the count after McChesney’s frog splash, allowing Z-Barr to hit his world famous Brainbuster to advance in the TV Title Tournament.

* PWU #1 Tag Title Contenders Match: The Best Around def. The Iron Saints and All Money Is Legal
The crowd exploded for the arrival of All Money Is Legal, but the building shook with booing upon the arrival of both sets of opponents. Fast paced action was the name of the game, as each man tried to capitalize to get their chance for tag team gold. As both The Iron Saints & All Money Is Leg! al hit awesome double team maneuvers on T.B.A., they began to brawl on the outside. This gave The Best Around a count out victory over The Iron Saints & All Money Is Legal.

* TV Title First Round Match: Brandon Thomaselli def. Adam Flash
Brandon Thomaselli riled up the crowd by getting them to insult Adam Flash by asking him “Who are you?” and “What’s your name?” Thomaselli started by blindsiding Flash and took the early control, until Flash capitalized and clotheslined the boots off of Thomaselli. But as Flash later tried to go to the top, Thomaselli crotched him and connected with a Superplex. After a powerful double underhook lungblower, Thomaselli his “The Deal” and advanced in the TV Title Tournament.

* “New Batman” Johnny Kashmere & “Boy Wonder” Jimmy Kleidsdale hosted the first Batcave w/ special guest Diamond Dallas Page & turned the tables on the Commissioner Idol contest! ants
Upon Diamond Dallas Page’s arrival to a chorus of &ldquo ;DDP”, he said he was there to put the Commissioner Idol contestants through the ringer. The Commissioner Idol finalists each had 30 seconds to give their best, most “DDP-like” motivational speech. Each contestant (Dexter, Joanna, RC, The Kliq, The White Board Mafia, Loud Fan, Chris Cavanaugh, The Joker, Stephanie, and Ravenheart) did their best, but their’s only one DDP. You can vote for your PWU Commissioner at

* TV Title First Round Match: "The King Of Diamonds" Eddie Kingston def. "The Southern Stomper" Luke Hawx
Hawx tried to start off with a vicious onslaught, shrugged off by Kingston who capitalized by trying to knock Hawx’s head off. Hawx tried to take advantage after catching Kingston with a lucky neckbreaker, but got crotched on the top rope, allowing Kingston to continue the assault with powerful kicks and suplexes. When Hawx countered a backdrop driver, Kingston ducked a spinkick attempt, and deliv! ered a crushing spinning backfist for the win & to advance in the PWU TV Title Tournament.

* PWU #1 Contender to the PWU World Heavyweight Title: Devon Moore def "The International Superstar" Trent Acid w/ “Discount” Dewey Donovan
Both men tried to destroy each other – Trent to beat Devon down for his assault on Too Cold Scorpio last month and Devon to show he’ll do anything regain the PWU World Heavyweight Title. Powerful action that went back and forth and spilled to the outside, these two kept a strong flurry of action. But Devon pulled referee Mike Kehner in between him & Acid, knocking the ref out. Acid connects with the Yakuza Kick, but there’s no referee. Moore slid on a pair of brass knuckles to lay out Acid cold, but to play more mind games, put the knux in Acid’s shorts & drug Trent’s Arm over himself for the 1-2-3…just to point out to Kehner that Acid “cheated”, which caused a reve! rse decision.

* Pro Wrestling Unplugged Tag champions The SAT retained over The Bosom Buddies
The SAT started their assault early by slinking through the crowd to assault The Bosom Buddies. The champions kept on the attack with double teaming tactics until Drew Blood came in to clean house. But after the champs regained control, Blood made the save by holding down Teddy Fine’s feet to stop him from being hit with the Spanish Fly. But when the ref’s back was turned, Joel hit Drew with a cheapshot for the win.

* PWU World Heavyweight champion Too Cold Scorpio vs. Joey Matthews w/ Dan Severn went to a no contest
Joey Matthews started confident that with his new security Dan “The Beast” Severn, he would champion by the end of the night. But it was Scorpio who got the support of the fans, standing on their feet for his arrival. A tremendous high impact match between the two, it broke into chaos after Matthews sidestepped a dropkick from Scorpio which instead hit referee John Finnegan. Dan Severn slides in! the ring & began to beat down & choke out the champion, only to be stopped by Diamond Dallas Page, who Diamond Cuttered Severn and Matthews. But Devon Moore made his way to the ring, cleared the ring of DDP & then began to try to stomp through Scorpio’s rib cage. But when all hope was lost, the light went off in the Arena and as they came back on, Devon Moore was so flipped out, he ran out of the ring as fast as he could and away…from THE SANDMAN! After clearing the ring, Scorpio, DDP & Sandman stood with their arms raised & Sandman saying, “Damn it feels good to be home!"

Pro Wrestling Unplugged
Diamond Anniversary
September 15, 2007
New Alhambra Arena
Philadelphia, PA

By Art Shimko

Pro Wrestling Unplugged celebrated their third anniversary Saturday
night in front of a packed house at the New Alhambra Arena, a historic
venue that has been home to many wrestling promotions since 1993.

Before the wrestling itself took place PWU held a Red Carpet ceremony in
a parking lot across from the arena which featured many of the wrestlers
performing this evening being interviewed about their matches by Johnny
Kashmere who was sporting a Batman mask.

Local rock group Shovelhook played an acoustic set that was at one point
interrupted by Joey Matthews who cut a promo on 2 Cold Scorpio who he
was wrestling for PWU world title later on.

As fans were entering the arena for the evening's Diamond Anniversary
show another local rock group Survival Rate Zero were entertaining the
crowd inside.

Show opens with a PWU music video featuring various clips and highlights
played to Pearl Jam's "Go".

Nikolai Volkoff comes out to the ring and sings the National Anthem, he
seemed to forget some of the words and didn't finish the song, crowd
didn't know what to really make of this but it was an interesting idea
and surreal to hear him sing the National Anthem.

1) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #1
Detox vs Lucky of The New Jersey Independent All Stars
Lucky comes out and tears a fan's sign who then replaces it with one
that reads "You're Still A Jobber", Lucky wasn't too happy with that
one. Lucky gets the early advantage striking away at Detox, gets cocky
about it while Detox goes for a pin only to get a two-count. Lucky hits
a standing moonsault and goes for a pin, gets another two-count. Lucky
scoops up Detox, has him upside down and throws Detox hard into the
corner. Lucky climbs to the top turnbuckle and falls back and gets his
knee caught in the top rope, referee Mike Kehner checks on Lucky who
then superkicks Detox but he catches Lucky's boot and hits a pumphandle
slam for the win.

2) JC Ryder vs Aramis w/Gary Wolfe and Annie Social
Ryder's eyeing up Annie saying she's a beautiful girl and girls who look
as good as her are from New Jersey, this gets "Jersey Sucks" chants and
some people around me didn't take too kindly to that chant. Ryder
immediately beats on Aramis cornering him with chops then trips him into
the bottom turnbuckle taking control of the match but only gets a
two-count for his first pin attempt. Ryder then flirts with Annie,
Aramis hits a brainbuster on Ryder and gets the pin. Afterwards Aramis
holds up Ryder while Annie slaps the hell out of him.

3) Special Challenge match: Justice Pain vs Gangrel
Former CZW wrestler Justice Pain makes his debut this evening accepting
former WWE wrestler Gangrel's open challenge. Pain goes for the early
advantage but Gangrel quickly takes control cornering Pain with a
beating and goes for a pin but only gets a two-count. Pain hits a
belly-to-belly on Gangrel and follows up with some punches and kicks.
Gangrel heads out the ring and Pain dives out the ring onto Gangrel,
after some fighting outside the ring both wrestlers are back in, Pain
brings a chair but the ref takes it away. Gangrel gets the chair and
goes for Pain in the corner with a chairshot and misses, Pain hits the
Pain Thriller on Gangrel and gets the pinfall for his first win as a PWU

4) PWU Women's title match
Amy Lee (champ) w/Dr. Bootz vs Lexx - referee: Annie Social
Lexx is a cutie, Lee comes out and throws her belt in the ring hitting
Annie's head. Match was at a slow pace, Lexx was making an effort to get
as much offense on Lee but didn't have much luck. Lee wins with a Gory
stretch for the submission win, Lee then cuts a promo on Annie who
wouldn't raise her hand for the victory, she challenges Annie next month
and she accepts. Lee's jawjacking with a fan in the front row making fun
of his teeth and clothes.

John House comes out to the ring and interviews Joey Matthews on his
match later on, the last time I saw Matthews in this building was his
last match in 3PW against Chris Sabin. A few fans and myself recalled
the early days when Matthews was aligned with Special K in Ring Of
Honor. Matthews at first puts over the Philadelphia fans then says he
realizes that they're disrespectful. Matthews brings out his enforcer
for the main event, Dan "The Beast" Severn! Severn assures Matthews
he'll watch his back during the match.

PWU returns to the New Alhambra Arena on 10/27 featuring Brutus
Beefcake, Larry Zbyszko and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.

5) 1) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #2
Z-Barr w/Sunny vs John McChesney
First off I couldn't believe how hot Sunny looked, Z-Barr attacks
McChesney from behind following his chops and headbutts. McChesney
fights back and superkicks him out the ring then gets on the top rope
and hits a splash onto Z-Barr. Back in the ring McChesney corners
Z-Barr, hits a dropkick and follows with a Northern Lights suplex.
Another dropkick, McChesney goes for the pin but gets a two-count,
Z-Barr kicks McChesney out of the ring and Sunny works on him. McChesney
back in the ring gets a Bossman slam from Z-Barr, goes for the pin only
with a two-count. Both men exchange vicious chops, McChesney hits a
frogsplash and goes for a pin as Sunny distracts the ref. Z-Barr gets
McChesney with a brainbuster for the win.

6) Number one contender's match for the PWU Tag Team titles
The Best Around (TJ Cannon and Bruce Maxwell) vs The Iron Saints (Sal
and Vito Thomaselli) vs All Money Is Legal (K-Murda and K-Push)
TJ and Vito start off, lots of action with various tag partners coming
in, TBA takes control beating on Murda then the Saints run in tossing
TBA out the ring and continuing the beatdown on Murda. Pusha tags in
getting revenge on the Saints, TBA back in and AMIL work on them also,
Saints come back beating on AMIL. It's craziness as all teams are
beating on each other, AMIL and the Saints take out TBA and then both
AMIL and the Saints end up outside the ring fighting. The ref counts
both teams out and The Best Around become the #1 contenders for the tag
titles. The AMIL/Saints feud is far from over.


7) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #3
Brandon Thomaselli vs Adam Flash
When the ring announcer is about to say Flash's name the mic cuts out,
Flash gets mad and grabs the mic to say his name but again the mic cuts
out. When Thomaselli grabs the mic it works fine, there are fans with
signs featuring different versions of Flash's name, he's not amused.
Thomaselli gets control early on getting Flash in a headlock then a
chokehold, drops an elbow for a quick pin attempt but only gets a
two-count. Flash hits a spinebuster and gains control cornering
Thomaselli with elbows and hits a facebuster from the top rope but only
another two-count. Flash on the top turnbuckle, Thomaselli hits a
superplex leaving both men lying on the mat. Both men are up, Thomaselli
hits a double underhook lungblower followed by "The Deal" (Thomaselli
pulls Flash face-first down into his knees) for the victory.

Johnny Kashmere (in a Batman mask) and Jimmy Clydesdale (as Robin) debut
their "Batcave" segment by bringing out special guest Diamond Dallas
Page. They have contestants in the ring for the PWU Commissioner Idol
contest where a PWU fan wins a spot as the promotion's commissioner.
Each contestant gives a 30-second promo on why they would make a great
commissioner. Voting for the winner takes place at Segment ends with DDP, Kashmere and
Clydesdale tossing packs of Batman cards to the crowd.

8) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #4
Luke Hawx vs Eddie Kingston
Hawx wastes not time attacking Kingston from behind with a series of
chops and kicks, Kingston retaliates with a powerslam and goes for a pin
only getting a two-count. Luke goes for a lowblow followed by a kneedrop
to Kingston's head. Hawx hits a neckbreaker but Kingston kicks out of
his pin attempt, Hawx kicks Kingston several times, heads to the top
turnbuckle but Kingston hits him with an enzuigiri. Eddie comes back
hitting Hawx with a number of suplexes, Hawx hits a flatliner but only a
two-count following another pin attempt. Eddie tries a backdrop driver
and misses, Hawx with a spinning kick and misses, Kingston delivers and
connects with a spinning back fist and gets the pin.

9) Number One contender's match for the PWU world title
Trent Acid w/Dewey Donovan vs Devon Moore
Trent takes his good ol' time getting to the ring working the crowd and
emptying his shorts from the dollar bills given to him by girls in the
crowd. Moore is all heated up and storms in attacking Acid, Acid returns
with an aggressive series of punches and strikes to Moore. Moore
delivers a sunset flip powerbomb to Acid outside the ring! Back in the
ring Moore goes for a few pin attempts only getting two-counts, he's
working on Acid with elbows in the corner, Acid hits a swinging
neckbreaker and a springboard DDT. Moore and Acid on the top turnbuckle,
Acid hits a sitout powerbomb but only gets a two-count, Moore goes out
the ring and Moore hits an high Asai moonsault onto Moore slamming his
ankle into the guardrail. Acid limps back into the ring and goes for a
lariat, Moore ducks and referee Mike Kehner gets knocked out. Acid
yakuza kicks Moore goes for the pin but the ref's still out, Moore has
brass knuckles and punches out Acid. Moore puts the knucks in Acid's
shorts and positions him on Moore for a pinfall, ref counts it then
finds the knucks on Acid and reverses the decision in Moore's favor.

10) PWU tag team champions The S.A.T. (Jose and Joel Maximo) vs The
Bosom Buddies (Teddy Fine and Drew Blood)
As the Bosom Buddies are in the ring waiting for the SAT they come from
the crowd and attack the Buddies from behind. Both teams fight outside
the ring then Teddy and Joel wrestle in the ring while Drew and Jose
continue brawling outside, Drew helps his partner double team Joel. SAT
come back hitting double team moves of their own regaining control of
the match, Drew tags in beating on the SAT. SAT set Drew up on the top
turnbuckle for the Spanish Fly but Teddy holds onto Drew's feet and the
SAT go to the mat without him. Drew pins Joel following a crossbody
getting a two-count, Joel hits Drew and rolls him up for the pin.

DDP comes out to do commentary for the main event.

11) PWU World Championship
2 Cold Scorpio (champ) vs Joey Matthews w/Dave "The Beast" Severn
Scorpio offers a handshake and Matthews flips him off. Match begins with
some mat wrestling as both men counter each other's moves, they go for a
test of strength and Matthews takes Scorpio down trying his best to get
a pinfall without any luck. Scorpio now in control elbowing Matthews who
then sends him out of the ring with an elbow strike of his own. Back in
the ring Scorpio takes punishment from Matthews delivering a lariat
followed by a sleeper hold, Scorpio grabs the ropes and the hold is
broken. Scorpio hits a gord buster, Matthews on the top turnbuckle and
Scorpio hits a sunset flip powerbomb for the pin but gets a two-count.
Scorpio goes for a dropkick on Matthews and instead hits referee John
Finnegan. The match breaks down as Severn applies a guillotine choke on
Scorpio, DDT runs in hitting the Diamond Cutter on both Matthews and
Severn, then Devon Moore runs in attacking DDP and Scorpio... suddenly
the lights go out... a fan next to me wonders if it's Sandman then
figures probably not... but in fact it is the Sandman! And the crowd
pops like crazy! Moore, Matthews and Severn escape as DDP, Scorpio and
Sandman celebrate in the ring, Todd Gordon comes to the ring as well.
Crowd chants "Welcome back!" to which Sandman replies, "Damn, it feels
good to be home!" Title match was a no-contest but the crowd went home
extremely pleased seeing their hometown hero back in the old ECW Arena.

RoH 9/14 report


Ring of Honor Results - 9/14/07
Location: Detroit, Michigan


- Ernie Osiris defeated Dingo.

- Shane Hagadorn defeated Kyle Durden.

Main Show:

- Davey Richards defeated Silas Young.

- Chasyn Rance & Kenny King defeated Alex Payne & Mitch Franklin.

- Bryan Danielson defeated Kenny King & Chasyn Rance.

- Four Corner Survival: Erick Stevens defeated Delirious, Roderick Strong & Kevin Steen.

- Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey defeated Chris Hero w/ Larry Sweeney, Sara Del Rey, Tank Toland & Bobby Dempsey.

- Naomichi Marufuji defeated El Generico.

- Brent Albright & BJ Whitmer w/ Shane Hagadorn defeated Nigel McGuinness & Claudio Castagnoli.

- Street Fight: Jack Evans defeated Rocky Romero.

- ROH World Title Match: Takeshi Morishima defeated Erick Stevens.

- ROH World Tag Team Title Match: Jay & Mark Briscoe defeated Austin Aries & Matt Cross.
