Monday, September 17, 2007

RPW 9/15 report, PWX on 9/22 & 9/23, NWA: Anarchy 9/15 report


Rising Phoenix Wrestling 9/15/07 Results
Greg DeMarco, The Voice of Rising Phoenix Wrestling

A capacity crowd turned out for Rising Phoenix Wrestling on September 15 at the 52nd Street Armory in Phoenix. A new venue, new lights, and more new talent all combined to bring Arizona wrestling fans a night they won't soon forget.

The main event tag team grudge match between TNT (Brandon Nitro & Johnny Nitro) and NWA Arizona Heavyweight champion "XXX" Lawrence Tyler & "Miracle" Mike James became even more heated when two additional stipulations were added to the match. First, it was announced that it would be one of two first round matches in the NWA Arizona Tag Team Championship Tournament taking place that night. Second, "XXX" Lawrence Tyler accepted Brandon Nitro's challenge that if Nitro could pin the champ, he would receive another shot at Tyler's title. Tyler spent most of the match outside of the ring, only interjecting himself when he was in the least danger of being pinned by Nitro. However, it was Johnny Dynamite who scored the pinfall over LT in the end, inadvertinently eliminating Nitro's shot at the gold. The match also lead to three developments, each having a tremendous impact in their own way. RPW Commissioner acknowledged that while Lawrence Tyler did not have to defend his title against Brandon Nitro, his next challenge would come from the man who did pin him, Johnny Dynamite. As a result of their win, Nitro & Dynamite have advanced to the second round of the NWA Arizona Tag Team Title Tournament. Finally, frustrated by his team's loss, "XXX" attacked Mike James after the match, ending the partnership and friendship shared by James and the man who trained him.

In the other first round match of the NWA Tag Team Title Tournament held this evening, Dean Radford and Black Metal defeated the team of "Tough" Tony Durango and Bonzai to advance to the second round.

In a small measure of revenge stemming from their first match (which resulted in a 20 minute time limit draw), Mikey Nicholls cost The Hawaiian Lion the chance to pick up a victory in a Triple Threat Match that also included TJ Perkins. Nicholls made Perkins tap out to Lion's own ankle lock after tying up Lion's leg around the ringpost, eliminating the Arizona favorite from the match.

Complete results:
1. Dean Radford & Black Metal beat "Tough" Tony Durango & Bonzai in a first round match in the NWA Arizona Tag Team Championship tournament
2. Mayhem pinned The Navajo Warrior
3. Ryan Taylor pinned "Da Latin Terror" Don Montana
4. Mikey Nicholls made TJ Perkins tap out to an ankle lock after tying The Hawaiian Lion leg's around a ringpost to win a Triple Threat Match
5. Country Bear pinned Angelas
6. "TNT" ("Mr. 300%" Brandon Nitro & Johnny Dynamite) defeated NWA Arizona Heavyweight Champion "XXX" Lawrence Tyler & "Miracle" Mike James in a first round match in the NWA Arizona Tag Team Championship Tournament when Dynamite pinned XXX.

Rising Phoenix Wrestling returns to action on Saturday, October 20 at the Broadway Recreation Center in Mesa, Arizona. Visit for announcements and to purchase tickets for RPW's next big event!

PWX September 22nd & 23rd

PWX returns to action on September 22nd and 23rd with former WWE/TNA star Spike Dudley. Also appearing will be former NWWL/WEW star Annie Social

September 22nd PWX comes back to Coolz Warehouse in St. Thomas. Tickets are $10 in advance , $15 for adults $5 for kids at the door. Bell time 7PM

Here is your card so far

Xtreme Title Round 1 Match
Cody Deaner vs. Kobra Kai

Xtreme Title Round 1 Match
Matt Burns vs. Freak Show

Women's Match
NWWL Star Annie Social vs. Jen Blake

Triple Threat Match
Ash vs. Hayden Avery vs. Phil Atlas

Singles Match
Reck vs. WWE/TNA Star Spike Dudley

Bar Title Match
Tyson Dux (c) vs. Phil Latio

Plus more PWX stars

September 23rd PWX hits Tillsonburg. PWX action will take place at the Tillsonburg Complex. Tickets are $20 for VIP, $10 in advance $15 for adults at the door and $5 for kids

Here is your card so far

Singles Division
Reck vs. TNA Star D-ray 3000

Women's Title Match
NWWL Star Annie Social vs. Haley Rogers (c)

Fan-barricade Match
Daemon Reznor vs. Freak Show

X Division Title Match
Tyson Dux vs. Derek Wylde

Michael Elgin (c) vs. Cody Deaner

Also in action Former WWE/TNA star SPIKE DUDLEY, PD Skillz , Jen Blake, JTP and more

NWA Anarchy returned to NWA Arena, otherwise known as The Church of Southern Wrestling, with their final television taping prior to the 9th annual Fright Night spectacular on September 29.

It’s weird to be on the cusp of the traditional fall classic during the waning days of summer, but it beez that way in Cornelia this year. The decision was based on September being the month with five Saturdays, plus the fact that the usual late October date allows only four TV tapings to set up the major holiday show. Logical? Yes. But to paraphrase the immortal words of Tony Santarelli, Halloween without Fright Night is like a breast without a nipple. It’s just not right.

On a personal note, I absolutely hate that I'll be missing Fright Night for the time ever. Especially after last night's show. Fright Night holds a special place in my heart. It was the first big show I attended at the NWA Arena back in 1999.

Booking Fright Night was no easy task. A slew of new story directions came on the heels of Hostile Environment. The losses of Ace Rockwell (injury), Iceberg (medical) and Al Getz (quit) added unexpected complications.

There was a lot of ground to cover at last night’s show, and the Anarchy crew got the job done in fine fashion. Shatter’s first defense of the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title was announced as the main event. It’s being billed as “Godzilla vs. King Kong.” Who said Anarchy didn't have heavyweights? (my bad). It wouldn’t be Fright Night without gimmick matches. And not one of two, but three were announced last night. They also majorly ratcheted up the intrigue surrounding the tag team title situation.

The show drew the usual insanely hot crowd, 175 strong. I used to drive to Alabama for shows with that old time heat. These days, it’s awfully tough to beat the atmosphere at the NWA Arena.

Randy Hughes got off to a rough start as the new ringside announcer, a seat once occupied by Jason Martin (last seen slithering out of Cornelia with his tail tucked between his legs). He introduced Anarchy’s venerable play-by-play/ring announcer, Greg Hunter, as “Jeff Hunter.”

(1) “Skater Boy” Chris King & “Cowboy” Billy Buck beat J. T. Talent & Andrew Pendleton III in 6:03. The opener was a prime example of Anarchy waiting until talent is ready rather than rushing them into spots they can’t handle. The crowd was behind King and Buck, a gimmick clash that works in spite of itself. King shows charisma as the babyface fighting for survival from underneath. Buck’s house cleaning has improved 1000%. Talent (replacing the departed Caleb Konley) and Pendleton have also stepped up their games. The faces flustrated Talent in the early going. Pendleton hit a neckbreaker across the knee to derail King, a decisive way to start the heat. A King enzuigiri lead to the hot tag. Buck pulled the straps down and hit a butterfly sitout slam on Pendleton for a near fall. Moments later, Talent reached in and upended Buck. But while Talent was gloating over his dastardly deed, Buck rolled through for the pin on Pendleton. The crowd popped for the finish, which was nicely done.

Tony Santarelli entered the ring with a bizarro new hairstyle that drew a chant of “Emo f*g**t.” Santarelli ran down his former partner, Todd Sexton. Santarelli rewrote Fright Night history, stating that he singlehandedly beat Lost Boys. Santarelli said he was back in Anarchy because he loved the small people. Santarelli said he should be featured against the top dogs at Fright Night instead of that little oompah-loompah Wes Grissom. That brought Grissom out with a look of grim determination. Melissa Coates jumped Grissom from behind and laid him out with the Facelift. Before the duo from Deep South could inflict more damage, Sexton hit the ring and gave them a meeting of the minds. Grissom joined forces with Sexton to drive the heels out of the ring.

Sexton issued a warning about bringing that ugly, disgusting she-male into the building. Coates went nuts and had to be wrestled down the floor by Santarelli. “No, I was talking about you, Tony.” Best Sexton line ever. Monster pop. Santarelli went crazy and had to be restrained by Coates. A very entertaining segment that also had great heat. Santarelli’s mic work has been outstanding since his return to Cornelia, and physical comedy is Coates’ strong suit. She brings great energy to her character.

(2) Truitt Fields beat Jeremy Vain (with Mr. Adonis) by a count out in10:57 so Vain escaped with the NWA Anarchy Televison Title. AGAIN. Vain schooled Fields and rubbed it in. Fields exploded with his signature power offense. A head first catapult into the turnbuckle was good for a near fall. But Vain ducked a high crossbody to get the upper hand. Vain’s offense was scummy, nasty stuff. Fields had the crowd and was strong on the comebacks. He no sold Vain’s punches and the spit flew from Vain’s mouth when Fields returned the favor. Vain hit a gordbuster for a near fall. He tried to humiliate Fields. Enough was enough. Vain turned into a bumping machine. V staggered into a gorilla press slam for a near fall. Time for the Killing Fields. Vain clung to the ropes for dear life. Vain tried to exit with Adonis. Fields threw him back into the ring. Vain went to the floor with a bogus knee injury and took the 10 count.

NWA Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer confronted Vain about his fakery. “This charade is over, buddy.” Palmer said he was going to ensure that Fields got a fair title shot at Fright Night by installing four fans with leather straps at ringside. Palmer added that Adonis was barred from the building. The heels begged. Palmer said if Adonis showed up, he would get whipped like a dog.

(3) Hollywood Brunettes (Andrew Alexander & Kyle Matthews) defeated World’s Prettiest Tag Team (Seth Delay & Adrian Hawkins) via DQ when Hawkins went berserk. Brunettes advanced to the finals of the Mysterious Benefactor Tournament. Around 10 minutes. The bell never sounded to end the match for reasons that will become obvious. WP2T cleared the ring before the opening bell. Not much heat at the start, but it built throughout the match. WP2T were handing Brunettes their combined asses. Delay paid homage with a perfect Flair kneedrop. Matthews wasn’t happy about taking the tag. Delay and Matthews did some crisp reversals of the standing switch. At the six minute mark, Matthews moved and Delay crashed into the turnbuckles. Delay had his ribs heavily taped, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the Brunettes. They ripped the protective wrap off the ribs and launched a relentless assault on the vulnerable body part. Delay was agony. Alexander brought a chair into the ring and drove the edge into Delay’s ribs. Hawkins lost it. This was potentially the make-or-break moment in Hawkins’ Anarchy career, and did he ever come through. Delay blasted both Brunettes with chairshots. Referee Jacob Ashworth tried to intervene and got cracked on the top of the head with a stiff one. One of the security guys hit the ring. Bullseye. He went down like he had been hit with a ton of bricks. The crowd let loose with a thunderous chant of “Let’s go Adryan.” The refs, the security guys and Bill Behrens approached the ring. Hawkins was still wielding the chair with a crazed look in his eyes. The crowd chanted “knock them out.”

Dan Wilson led the Devil’s Rejects (Azrael & Shaun Tempers & Patrick Bentley) into the ring for a chat with Hawkins. Wilson advised Hawkins to lower his weapon, because if Rejects were there to beat him down it would have already happened. Wilson said he was the good shepard. He called Hawkins “a madman unleashed.” Wilson said if Hawkins hated humanity that much, he might be Devil’s Rejects material. He invited Hawkins to become part of a real family. “HELL NO,” said Hawkins. Wilson called Hawkins a punk and slapped him. Hawkins slugged Wilson. Azrael and Tempers retaliated with the Hellhammer on Hawkins. Slim J hit the ring. He was beaten down and left laying by Bentley’s Dark Driver. The bleacher fans chanted for blood. Powerful stuff.

Intermission. A drawing was held to select the first two fans for the strap match at Fright Night.

(4) Anger Alliance (Adam Roberts & Don Matthews) beat Derrick Driver & Steven Walters in 6:05 to earn the last spot in the finals of the Mysterious Benefactor Tournament. The babyface team worked on Roberts arm for a while. But Matthews grabbed Walters by the leg and Roberts f#cked him up with high kick. Roberts blasted Walters with gutshots. The crowd got behind Walters a bit. Roberts went for a back suplex. Walters landed on his feet and hit an enzuigiri. Both men down. Both men tagging. Driver was on fire with dropkicks, but he failed to see Matthews tag in. Matthews drilled Driver with The Lariat to score the pinfall. Driver appeared to take the finisher on his shoulder, but it should look OK on TV.

On the WRESTLEVISION, we saw Roberts and Matthews with Brandon Phoenix. Roberts said he and Matthews were the best team in Anger Alliance, and they were winning the trophy and the title shot. Matthews interrupted to say they were all on the same side. Roberts agreed and compared the Alliance to a fist. Phoenix pointed out that there were five fingers in fist and there were only four of them. Matthews came up with an arcane explanation of how the thumb didn’t count as a finger. Roberts said it was a symbol of unity and success.

Awesome Attraction (Austin Creed & Hayden Young) cut an in ring promo about their title defense at Fright Night. Creed’s belt buckle doubles as a mini electronic message board that reads “Awesome Attraction” Young said whoever won the tournament was going down, even Urban Assault. A segment of the crowd didn’t like that one bit. Phoenix and Roberts attacked Attraction. Matthews made it 3 on 2 and laid Attraction out with a double lariat. Brunettes came out. They got jumped by Urban Assault Squad. UAS helped the Attraction clear the ring.

Nemesis instigated crap with Young, like he was O.J. wanting his stuff back. Jackson and Creed got in between them, but Young and Nemesis continued to talk trash. “I will tear yo ass up,” said Nemesis. The heat for this was off the hook.

(5) Patrick Bentley (with Devil’s Rejects) beat Jesse Emerson via submission in 1:38. Bentley is exploring the depths of his character. He sat in the ring and rocked with a vacant expression on his painted face. Bentley pretty much squashed his larger opponent. Bentley teased the Dark Driver and then switched to Slim J’s finisher, the Roach Clip, to get the tap out.

Wilson cut another great promo. He said Rejects had been dissed for the last time. “Even monkeys know we sell tickets.” Wilson issued an open challenge for to Hawkins, J and whoever else they could find for a six man no DQ, no count out streetfight at Fright Night.

Attorney Jeff G. Bailey entered the ring with the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion, Shatter and “Soul Assassin” Kory Chavis. Bailey was disappointed that there was no opponent for his one man walking genocide to defend his title against at Fright Night. Bailey said that coward Mikal Judas had done nothing to earn a title shot. Bailey saved his choicest words for the “backstabbing traitor” Jeff Lewis. He challenged Lewis to a first blood match with Chavis at Fright Night. Bailey said the two naked dogs were going to be put down for the final count.

(6) Mikal Judas & Jeff Lewis beat Phil Shatter & Kory Chavis (with Jeff G. Bailey) in 10:33. This was intense, brutal and heated. The match was laid out beautifully to climax with the first direct physical confrontation between Shatter and Judas. Lewis and Judas entered separately with both getting big pops. Shatter overpowered Lewis. That dude’s strength is unreal. Judas beat up on Chavis and did a staredown with Shatter. Lewis tagged in. Shatter gave him a wicked gorilla press toss to the hardwood floor. Judas came over to protect his partner, stopping Shatter dead in his tracks. That was a first. NWA Elite beat the hell out of Lewis. Chavis nailed the Shining Wizard. Shatter hit a fallaway slam. Chavis connected with a sick knee strike for a near fall. Lewis got busted open the hardway on a shot into the post. Lewis countered the Spinesplitta with an Edge-o-matic to set up THE SHOWDOWN. Judas and Shatter traded bombs. Shatter was the first to show the effects. Judas blocked the PTSD. They cold-thingyed each other with a massive double lariat. The disfigured freak Dominous came to ringside. Judas got distracted. Shatter surprised Judas with a spinebuster. Judas gave Shatter a long-distance toss over the top rope. Shatter landed face down, a psychotic bump for a man that size. Make that any size. Shatter’s nose was busted open on impact. Chavis used a Matrix move to avoid the Kick of Death but Judas goozled him. Chokeslam straight to Hell for the 1-2-3.

Palmer announced that the main event at Fright Night would be Shatter vs. the former IWA World Champion, Judas. Bailey went crazy. Judas exited through the front door with the fans chanting his name. The show closed with the fans chanting “Jeff, Jeff, Jeff” at Lewis.

NOTES: So the Fright Night ’07 lineup is Shatter (with Bailey) vs. Judas for the heavyweight title, Rejects vs. J, Hawkins and ? in a no DQ-no count out Streetfight, 4 corners tag team elimination: Roberts & Matthews vs. Phoenix & Brodie Chase vs. Brunettes vs. UAS, the winners get a shot at Awesome Attraction later in the show, Fields vs. Vain for the TV Title in a Fan Strap Match, Lewis vs. Chavis in a First Blood Match and Santarelli & Coates vs. Grissom & Sexton…A portion of proceeds from Fright Night will go to a recovery fund for firefighter Angie Roach as well as the Muscular Dystrophy Association Judas, Shatter and Chad Parham are booked for WWE Smackdown/ECW in …Caleb Konley moved to North Carolina…Anarchy color commentator John Johnson is working on a movie screenplay… The 9/21 APW show in Royston has Jackson defending the APW Title against Talent, and Matthews & Vain vs. King & Buck for the APW tag titles…Executive Producer Kevin debuted a cool video opening for the show….All three MAXW singles titles ended up in the hands of Vain at their show in Williamston, SC on 9/15.

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