Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pro Wrestling Unplugged TV debut, IWF 8/18-19 report, NWA: Anarchy

Source: http://www.wrestleview.com/

Nate Stein sent this in:

PWU’s ‘Diamond Anniversary’ 9/15; TV Debut Info; More Added to 11/3 at SportsPlex; 8/18 Results


PWU fans made the call & THEY booked the matches on Saturday, August 18 for “Fan Appreciation Night”. For the full results, visit ProWrestlingUnplugged.com. As ongoing battles were fought, new ones began. You won’t believe what some of our fans picked!

PWU’s TV DEBUT – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 – Comcast Channel 66 @ 8 pm

A new era for Philadelphia wrestling is about to begin. Philadelphia TV audiences will “Experience the New Edge” of PWU starting Wednesday, September 19 at 8 pm on Comcast channel! 66.


(Diamond Dallas Page, Nikolai Volkoff, Dan Severn, TV Title Tournament, & More)

“The New Batman” Johnny Kashmere will debut his new segment, “The Bat Cave” and has named PWU’s anniversary eve! nt on September 15, “The Diamond Anniversary” - as his spe cial guest will be Diamond Dallas Page!

Also on hand will be MMA and pro wrestling superstar Dan “The Beast” Severn!

Two of the First Round Matches of the PWU TV Title Tournament will also take place 9/15:
- “The King of Diamonds” Eddie Kingston takes on Luke Hawx
- “Fabulous” John McChesney vs. Z-Barr


"The New Batman" Johnny Kashmere has called a "Super Hero Summit" to take place at The Red Carpet Ar! rival Show beginning at 6pm on September 15th.

Tod Gordon has announced Nikolai Volkof will walk the red carpet on 9/15 and will start “The Diamond Anniversary” singing the national anthem.


Sign up at info@prowrestlingunplugged.com



- Tickets on sale NOW in the PWU Pro Shop for PWU's "Diamond Anniversary" event on September 15
- The latest news on PWU's "Diamond Anniversary” and red carpet arrivals.
- Up to date info on PWU's 11/3 debut at the SportsPlex in North East! Philly.
- And more exclusive news, event and ticket information, and PWU Power Surge TV.

IWF sent this in:

Independent Wrestling Federation
Website: http://www.wrestlingiwf.com/
MySpace: www.MySpace.com/WrestlingIWF


IWF Desperate Measures Weekend Day 1
August 18, 2007 @ IWF Centre, West Paterson, NJ

1. Jana defeated Nick Sabre in a contender's bout for a future IWF Junior Title Match.

2. Mister Nick Gregory defeated Dan Schwartz.

3. IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Antonio Rivera defeated Chris Steeler to retain the title.

4. Kevin Knight defeated IWF American Champion Travis Blake w/ Commissioner Rich Ross to win the title.

5. Biggie Biggs defeated Bryan Harley.

6. IWF Tag Team Champions Justin Corino & Frank Scoleri defeated Burnin' Mike Durnin & Steve Camacho to retain the titles.

7. With WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard as Guest Referee, IWF Heavyweight Champion Franciz w/ Rich Ross defeated Tony Torres w/ Eloy Fiesta by disqualification to retain the title.

IWF Desperate Measures Weekend Day 2
August 19, 2007 @ IWF Centre, West Paterson, NJ

1. Chris Steeler & Mister Nick Gregory defeated Dan Marques & Jason Roberts.

2. IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Antonio Rivera defeated Travis Blake in a non-title match.

3. Burnin' Mike Durnin w/ Steve Camacho defeated Frank Scoleri w/ Justin Corino.

4. Nick Sabre defeated IWF American Champion Kevin Knight via disqualification.

5. Biggie Biggs defeated Jason Jones.

6. Bryan Harley defeated Mike Jenkins.

7. With WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard as Guest Referee, IWF Heavyweight Champion Franciz & Travis Blake w/ Rich Ross fought Kevin Knight & Tony Torres w/ Eloy Fiesta to a double disqualification.



City of Paterson
Independent Wrestling Federation
Live Wrestling Events @ Great Falls Festival 2007

Saturday, September 1, 2007 @ 4 pm & 7 pm & 9 pm
Sunday, September 2, 2007 @ 4 pm & 7 pm & 9 pm
Monday, September 3, 2007 @ 4 pm & 7 pm & 9 pm

@ Overlook Park, McBride Ave & Spruce St, Paterson, NJ
(Festival 3 pm to 12 Midnight Daily, IWF Action @ 4 pm & 7 pm & 9 pm Daily)

Card for September 1 (Day 1):

Main Event: Return Match for the IWF Heavyweight Title
Tony Torres w/ Eloy Fiesta vs. Franciz (IWF Champion)

IWF American Title Match
Kevin Knight (Champion) vs. Nick Sabre

IWF Tag Team Title Match
Burnin' Mike Durnin & Steve Camacho vs. Justin Corino & Frank Scoleri (Champions)

IWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Antonio Rivera (Champion) vs. Chris Steeler

* Plus other great bouts. Check back soon for details. Referee: Matt Bennett

Card for September 2 (Day 2):

Main Event: Return Match for the IWF Heavyweight Title
Tony Torres w/ Eloy Fiesta vs. Franciz (IWF Champion)

IWF American Title Match
Kevin Knight (Champion) vs. Justin Corino

Burnin' Mike Durnin vs. Frank Scoleri

IWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Antonio Rivera (Champion) vs. Chris Steeler

* Plus other great bouts. Check back soon for details. Referee: Matt Bennett

Card for September 3 (Day 3):

Main Event: Contender's Battle Royal for the IWF Heavyweight Title
* Winner to face IWF Champion (either Tony Torres -or- Franciz)

IWF American Title Match
Kevin Knight (Champion) vs. Travis Blake

IWF Tag Team Title Match
Steve Camacho & Jana vs. Justin Corino & Frank Scoleri (Champions)

Biggie Biggs vs. Bryan Harley

* Plus other great bouts. Check back soon for details. Referee: Matt Bennett & Barry Delaney

For information visit www.WrestlingIWF.com



New Genesis Car Care Products
Independent Wrestling Federation
Live Wrestling Event @ New Genesis Car & Bike Show

Saturday, September 15, 2007 @ 1:00 pm
@ Challenge Grove Park, Cherry Hill, NJ
(Car Show 11 am to 7 pm, IWF Wrestling 1 pm to 3:30 pm)

Main Event: IWF Heavyweight Title Match
Tony Torres of Latin Revolution vs. Franciz of The Ross Family

IWF American Title Match
Kevin Knight vs. Travis Blake of The Ross Family

IWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match:
Antonio Rivera of Latin Revolution vs. Jana

* Plus other great bouts. Check back soon for details. Referee: Matt Bennett

For information visit www.WrestlingIWF.com



Independent Wrestling Federation
Fall Brawl Weekend

Saturday, Sept 22, 2007, 7:30 pm
& Sunday, Sept 23, 2007, 4:00 pm
@ IWF Centre, 32 Willow Way, West Paterson, NJ

For information visit www.WrestlingIWF.com

Larry Goodman sent this report in:

In a major surprise, “The Universal Soldier” Shatter became the new NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion at the company’s bimonthly television taping in Cornelia last night.

Shatter wasn’t scheduled to be in the title match at all. It was Iceberg that had earned the shot at Ace Rockwell by eliminating Shatter to win the Rumble match at the last taping. But with Iceberg out of commission, Shatter took full advantage of his unexpected opportunity by defeating in an injured Ace Rockwell to bring the title home to Jeff G. Bailey's NWA Elite.

It was another quality taping that was carried by the strength of great storylines. I would rank it a notch below the recent tapings, mainly because the crowd reaction was down. And who could blame them? The record breaking heat wave that has gripped North Georgia over the last two weeks has taken a toll on everyone. They kept the air moving inside the NWA Arena as best they could, but 90 degrees is still 90 degrees. Even the Anarchy faithful, 165 strong, began to wilt as the evening wore on. The wrestling held up quite well, without standout performances by Slim J and Shatter in the main events.

The show opened with a 10 bell salute in honor of Karl Gotch. Todd Sexton said that with all the bad news in wrestling, the death of Gotch had not gotten its proper due. Sexton explained that Gotch was the originator of the German suplex (also the Scorpion Deathlock) and a pivotal figure in the development of the shoot style/MMA branch of pro wrestling. There’s a Gotch link to wrestling in Cornelia, from Boris Malenko through Tony Mamaluke and Jeremy Lopez to select members of the current roster.

Greg Hunter introduced “The Boss” Jerry Palmer. Palmer said this week reality had butted heads with wrestling. Palmer said he had three families: his biological family, his wrestling family, and the family of firefighters, his profession for 18 years. Palmer said that in the line of duty, Hall County firefighter Angie Roach had fallen through a floor, taken a 10 foot drop, and ended up pinned in the room where the fire originated. Palmer said Roach was in Grady Hospital recovering from severe second and third degree burns. Palmer then called four of the firefighters responsible for saving Roach’s life into the ring. The crowd gave them a standing ovation. Palmer told the men that they made him proud to wear the colors of the Hall County Fire Department. Palmer said that through the end of September $5 from every purchase of the Hostile Environment DVD would go to help injured firefighters. Palmer gave the firefighters a round of hugs and handshakes. Right to the heart. It’s moments like this that make wrestling in Cornelia so special.

(1) NWA Elite (Kory Chavis & Shatter & Abomination & Jeff Lewis with Jeff G. Bailey) dismantled Steven Walters & Chris King & Mike Pittman & Nick Halen in 5 minutes flat. This was a first class squash. The thing about it was that the Elite were ignoring Lewis and refusing to tag him into the match. Abomination gave “Oompah Loompah” Halen the Tree Slam, now known “Welcome to Auschwitz.” Lewis tagged in and immediately pinned Halen.

Bailey gave Lewis a tongue lashing. Lewis punched Bailey and he went airborne. Chavis gave Lewis the Spinesplitta and the beatdown was on. Dominous hit the ring and leveled Abomination with the kick of death, the first bump Abomination has taken in Anarchy. Dominous removed the mask to reveal Mikael Judas! A huge “welcome back” chant erupted. The place was buzzing. Judas squared off with Lewis. He gave Lewis a weird Satanic salute and exited out the front door. For his part, Lewis received a babyface response as he headed up the ramp. The postmatch was pretty much awesome.

On the big screen, Sexton was backstage with Wesley Grissom. Tony Santarelli interrupted and asked for another match. Sexton offered Santarelli a rematch against Grissom, but he would need a partner because he (Sexton) was teaming up with Grissom. Santarelli said he was a former Deep South Wrestling tag team champion so it was on. The camera followed Santarelli on his search for a partner. He encountered Anger Alliance. They said four was company and five was a crowd. In the next room, Santarelli found Terry Taylor. Taylor turned Santarelli down as well, but not before noting Santarelli’s added poundage. Santarelli said it was muscle bulk. Santarelli moved on to an area occupied by Andrew Pendleton III. Pendleton said he had been a tag team, but his partner left him high and dry. He accepted Santarelli’s offer. Santarelli threw his arm around Pendleton and started filling his head full of God only knows what, as they walked away. For low budget indie wrestling television, this was one hell of a tracking shot. Somewhere, Robert Altman is smiling.

(2) Jeremy Vain (with Mr. Adonis) beat Adrian Hawkins to retain the NWA Anarchy Television Title in 9:32. Good pop for Hawkins. Vain was more aggressive than usual in the early going. Hawkins responded with a strong babyface flurry. Vain bailed after Hawkins scored a near fall with a flying body press. Adonis had words with referee Harold James. Vain did a nifty take over spot where he hung Hawkins out to dry on a dropkick, and then catapulted his throat in the bottom rope. Vain did a rolling reverse into a rear chinlock. Hawkins broke it with a jawbreaker that was sold beautifully by Vain. Hawkins got a slew of near falls here. Vain answered with a gordbuster for a near fall. Hawkins hit the Unprettier, and Adonis jumped up on the apron to distract. James made the count before tending to Adonis, so Vain kicked out of the finisher. I’m thinking it was not supposed to go like that. Adonis grabbed Hawkins leg to set up the finish –a VKO followed by the VDT. Good match. The fans were into Hawkins, although not to where they believed he was going home with the title.

Postmatch, Hollywood Brunettes (Andrew Alexander & Kyle Matthews) gave Hawkins a haircut. Alexander told Matthews to mess his face up with that wicked corner dropkick. Then, they laid him out with the Sheeny Curse. Alexander whipped out a pair of scissors and went to work. They didn’t take all of it, but Hawkins will definitely need a shorter hairstyle.

(3) Todd Sexton & Wesley Grissom beat Tony Santarelli & Andrew Pendleton III in 5:38. Another great pop for Grissom. Santarelli was greeted with a “puke” chant because of the unfortunate incident two weeks ago. He sent Pendleton out to face Sexton, and it wasn’t long before Pendleton was scrambling for a ropes break to escape a cross armbreaker. Santarelli wanted Grissom. The little guy got a brief flurry, but Santareill overpowered him and twisted his arm into some sick positions. Grissom managed to shove Santarelli face first into the top turnbuckle. Both men tagged. Sexton kicked Pendleton in the mush for a near fall and tagged out to Grissom. Santarelli kneed Grissom in the back, and while the ref was admonishing Santarelli, Sexton superkicked Pendleton and pulled Santarelli off the apron. Grissom pinned Pendleton with a running SSP to score his first win in Anarchy. Santarelli threw a fit and blew Pendleton off.

Slim J intro got the biggest babyface pop thus far. J said he wanted Patrick Bentley pronto. “The Rev” Dan Wilson lead Devil’s Rejects to ringside. Wilson said said he could make J’s dreams come to life and then slay them. The Rev said J could have Bentley, but he would have to get by Azrael and Shawn Tempers first.

(4) Patrick Bentley pinned Slim J after J had run through the Devil’s Rejects gauntlet of Azrael & Shaun Tempers (with “The Rev” Dan Wilson) in 16:43. Azrael was first, so this part had to be good. J was like a demon on Azrael’s arm. A wild flurry led to wicked series of MMA knees by J. Azrael hit the Old Testament and shredded J’s chest with chops. Those were some ugly welts. Azrael applied a body scissors choke submission. J came back with his body scissors bomb. Both men down for a count of eight. J hit the Screwdriver on the Rocks, but only managed a one-armed cover. Azrael dropped J on the top of his head with a brainbuster suplex for a near fall. Azrael tried for the slit throat piledriver, and J countered with the Detox Driver for the pin at 8:12. Tempers was all over J. Slimmy looked done in. Tempers gave J a side arm toss by the neck and tried to twist his head off. Powerslam for a long two count by Tempers. Out of nowhere, J did a victory roll and started pulling pinning combinations out of his ass. A pair of roundhouse kick and Fishermanbustah~! But Tempers kicked out. J went to the top. Wilson crotched him and tossed his staff to Tempers. He brained J for the DQ at 12:45. J was bleeding. Wilson cackled with glee at the sight of it. Bentley rubbed J’s blood on his body. Bentley was there in body, but it looked like his mind was in another world as he zeroed in J’s remains. Out of the blue, J put Bentley on the deck with wild windmilling blows. He hit the flying reverse DDT for a near fall.
But Bentley avoided a crazy aerial maneuver that sent J crashing into the turnbuckles. Bentley hit the Dark Driver and it was over. Best match of the show. Seems like I’ve been saying that a lot about J’s matches lately.

Intermission. The Anarchy announce team of Greg Hunter and John Johnson hawked the final available copies of the Hostile Enviroment DVD until they were sold out. Fans donated about $100 in cash to the injured firefighters in addition to the contributions from the DVD purchases.

(5) Anger Alliance (Brodie Chase & Brandon Phoenix & Adam Roberts & Don Matthews) beat Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) & Awesome Attraction (Austin Creed & Hayden Young) via DQ due to Nemesis’ piss poor impulse control (11:11). In the early going, Chase saw the Montefisto coming from Creed and cowered in fear. Creed sent Chase looking for cover after a pair of dropkicks. A schmazz broke out at ringside, and Young did a wild flip dive into a pile of bodies. After a valiant effort to fight off interference by the Alliance, Young got flip bumped off the top. Alliance put heat on Young. An awkward sequence ended with Chase pouncing Young to cut off a tag attempt. Spinning enzuigiri by Young for the double down spot. Hot tag coming up. Jackson hit a spinebuster slam on Matthews for a short-lived advantage. The heels trapped Jackson in the corner and gave him a four-on-one beating. Nemesis couldn’t take it and slugged referee Ken Wallace for the DQ. Nemesis came to his partner’s rescue, but the match was lost. Nemesis reluctantly shook hands with Creed and Young, but he had that stone cold glare going. This match worked for me. The finish told the story, and the Alliance looked like they belonged against the two most over tag teams in Anarchy.

Palmer was on the big screen talking about the Mysterious Benefactor Tag Team Tournament, which will start on 9/1. Alliance said they should be the number one contenders for the tag titles after winning the 8 man. Palmer told them that if needed to win the tournament to become the number one contenders. Parham showed up, as obnoxious as ever. He said nobody cared about this crap, because the people paid to see him, and he wanted his NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title back. Truitt Fields showed up wanting a shot at the TV title. Palmer made a match between them with the winner getting their title shot.

Al Getz came out with Melissa Coates to issue another challenge. Instant “She’s a man” chant. Getz said the people couldn’t stand it because for once Anarchy had a strong, confident, beautiful woman that kicks ass. Getz said the people were looking at their next champion in the undefeated Coates.

(6) Melissa Coates destroyed Billy Buck in 5:18. Anarchy has done a great job of exploiting Coates’ unique transgender qualities to book her as a larger-than-life attraction. There’s a freakish Sports Entertainment element to these segments. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. When it comes to wrestling in Cornelia, variety is spice of life. This match added to Coates’ credibility against male wrestlers. Buck did a great job in his role. Buck isn’t tall, but he is thickly built, and he looked overmatched in the power and strength department. Coates destroyed him with power moves. Then she gave him a nutshot with a reverse atomic drop and stomped him in the kibbles and bits. Coates nailed Buck with a corner lariat and paused for a set of push ups. Coates chopped Buck. But Buck couldn’t bring himself to strike a woman. Coates took a boob bump into the buckles, and Buck rolled her up but only for a one count. Coates hit a power slam and finished the job with a sitout facebuster. Coates and Getz made a charming couple, as they circled the ring taunting the crowd to the sounds of “New York, New York.” Well done.

(7) Truitt Fields beat Chad Parham at 8:16 to earn a shot at the NWA Anarchy Television Title. Fields got a great pop, but not what it would have been under more normal conditions.
Parham rolled the apron after absorbing a shoulder block and looked stunned by Field’s explosive power. Fields did a gorilla press slam. Parham took a TO with Fields in hot pursuit. Parham turned the tide with a whip into the ring steps. Back inside the ring, Parham used the senton back splash and the back suplex for near falls. Parham applied a camel clutch. Hot comeback time. Parham made Fields look like a million bucks. Fields hit a powerslam to set up his finisher, but Parham blocked it. Parham fired back with stiff chops. Parham went for his jumping piledriver, and Fields countered with the Truitt Slam (sitout uranage) to pin the two-time former NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion clean in the middle. The finish got the big pop. It might have been even better without the glitch in the count.

Wilson entered with the Rejects for the title match. He told the fans that Iceberg wasn’t there for reasons that were none of their business, so Tempers was taking his place. Bailey came out with Shatter. He said that Shatter was the last man in the Rumble except for the fluke elimination by Iceberg, so he deserved the title shot. Palmer came to ringside. He said he hated to side with either the Elite or the Rejects, but fair was fair. He told Wilson to either produce Iceberg or take a hike. Wilson was sputtering and growling as he led the Rejects toward the back entrance.

(8) Shatter (with Jeff G. Bailey) pinned Ace Rockwell to become the new NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion in 9:28. The crowd wasn’t as amped as usual for Rockwell. He was limping noticeably as he approached the ring due to a legit knee injury. “There ain’t no fear in these eyes,” said Rockwell. Shatter bitch slapped Rockwell. He got a receipt and charged at Rockwell, who pulled the ropes down to spill him over. Shatter teased taking the bump off the apron that eliminated him from the Rumble, except this time, he landed on his feet and caught Rockwell’s pescado. Back inside the ring, Shatter crushed Rockwell with a spinebuster. He pulled Rockwell up after a fallaway slam. Shattter hit a powerslam and pulled him up again. Rockwell landed on a seriously bad angle, and it looked like a sure neck injury, but thankfully not. Rockwell had no mobility on the comeback, so he fired off a barrage of punches and then a standing dropkick to the knee. Rockwell slowly made his way to the top for a flying bodypress. Shatter kicked out. Shatter went for the dreaded powerbomb, and Rockwell bit him in the knee. Rockwell hit the Aces High, but Shatter kicked out. The handwriting was on the wall for the champ. In desperation, Rockwell tried the Aces High off the ropes, but Shatter turned it into a power bomb straight to hell for the 1-2-3. Rockwell was out cold. The Elite celebrated victory. The match could only be so good, due to Rockwell’s injury. Shatter was the monster he needed to be.

Mikael Judas appeared on the ramp for a stare down with Shatter, who showed no fear whatsoever. Judas gave Shatter the thumbs down and departed.

NOTES: Here’s wishing a speedy recovery to Iceberg, who missed the show because he was hospitalized for treatment of an infection…Rockwell has tears in both the PCL and MCL. Since it’s not a complete tear, he’s going to try to rehab the knee, which will keep him out of action for several months…The 9/1 Anarchy TV taping will feature the opening matches of the Mysterious Benefactor Tag Team Tournament…Fright Night ’07 is going to be at the NWA Arena on 9/29…Salvatore Rinauro and Seth Delay worked the FIP shows in Crystal River and Arcadia, Fl this weekend…Roach’s injury was a freak accident. She had no way of knowing that she was perched on a small section of unusually thin flooring, which gave way due to the heat from below. The Hall County Fire Department is providing a round-the-clock guard for Roach during her hospitalization…MAXW returns to Williamston, SC on 9/8…The heat wave has been a blow to APW. Their crowds have fallen off badly due to the steam bath-like conditions inside the Royston Gym. For 8/24 APW has Jackson defending the APW title against Adonis, Buck & King (c) vs. Matthews & Vain, and the latest “Talent Show (as in J. T. Talent)” contestant.

Championship Wrestling, PCW, NWA: Hawaii report

Source: http://www.wrestleview.com

Championship Wrestling sent this in:

On Saturday, September 22 in Kingsport, TN at the Civic Auditorium, Championship Wrestling will present the 2007 Best of the Best Cup!

12 wrestlers will compete in 6 qualifying matches with the winners of those matches competing a 6 Way Elimination match at the end of the night to crown the winner of the Best of the Best Cup.... The Best of the Best will receive a shot at any CW or SoW title of his choosing.

Since this event will feature 10 matches, bell time has been moved back to 7:00 PM... However, There will be NO increase in the regular ticket prices. Championship Wrestling fans will get to see an extra 4 matches at the same prices as usual.

This event has, without a doubt, the most stacked line-up from top to bottom that we have ever presented in our 3 1/2 year history... Here is the card:

***Main Event***
Best of the Best 6 Way Elimination Match

Grudge Tag Team Match
National Heavyweight Champion, Big Steve Fury & SoW Champion, Big Pimp James
O-Dog & Greg Rocker
--- Last time we were in Kingsport, Big Pimp James took on Big Steve Fury one on one. During that match, O-Dog & Greg Rocker ran into the ring and unsuccessfully attempted a blindside attack on both James & Fury... Now O-Dog & Rocker must take on the 2 giant champions head on!

Dream Tag Team Partner Match
CW TV Champion, Thorn w/ Kandy & "Power House" Ray Idol
"Mister Wrestling" Adam York & "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton
--- 2 Weeks ago in Greeneville, Adam York challenged Thorn to a dream tag team partner match for Sept. 22... York has chosen former World Tag Team Champion, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton... Thorn made a shocking choose in Ray Idol. The last time Thorn and Ray Idol were in the ring, they were battling each other for the National Heavyweight Title... Can Thorn trust Idol?

Best of the Best Match # 1
Tony "The Dragon" Givens w/ Moe Jenkins
"Pure Talent" Eric Darkstorm

Best of the Best Match # 2
"Notorious" Nick Hammonds
"High Risk" Robbie Cassidy w/ Moe Jenkins

Best of the Best Match # 3
Former ECW Star, EZ Money
"Mr. Insane" Bryan Wayne w/ John Hawkins

Best of the Best Match # 4
The Mysterious Ginn
"The Real Deal" Chase Owens

Best of the Best Match # 5
"The Blackanese Assassin" Menace
Brad Thomas

Best of the Best Match # 6
"Sensational" Wayne Adkins
The Super Destroyer w/ John Hawkins

$5,000 Tennessee Stampede
Any member of the Championship Wrestling or Stars of Wrestling roster is eligible to compete
Already signed for this match:
Moe Jenkins
Tri-Cities Champion "Young Guns" Cody Ices
"X-Rated" Wayne Daniels w/ Barbie
Danny Gibson
Brett Gibson
& More Wrestlers to be named!

*Card Subject to Change*


Ticket Information

Front Row: $10
General Admission: $8

Doors open at 6:15 PM.


Concessions will be Provided by Crickets Hot Dogs


Venue Information

Civic Auditorium
1550 Fort Henry Dr
Kingsport, TN 37664
(423) 229-9457

For more information on Championship Wrestling, visit us at www.championshipwrestlingtv.com.

You can watch Championship Wrestling TV Online every week for FREE on www.thesuperstation.net.

Shannon Rose sent this in:

Planet Championship Wrestling Presents…
August 25th, 2007 - 7:00 pm
Manatee Civic Center
Palmetto, Fl
For more info: (941)465-3890

Scheduled to appear:

Nasty Boys

Norman Smiley

Shane Twins

"Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi

Hector Guerrero

Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart

Big Vito

Barry Horowitz

Brent Dail

Superhero Mark Zout

Navy Seal

Scott Davis


Rico Sauvé

Ring Announcer: Shannon Rose

Ticket prices:
$20 General Admission
$20 Reserved
$25 Ringside

Advance tickets are on sale at Mr. Tequila (491 Cortez RD , 941-751-9006). You can also buy your tickets online by contacting our Ticket and Tailgate Representative Lucy Weber at LucyWeber@planetchampionshipwrestling.com Or Purchase your tickets directly online through Ticketmaster at ticketmaster.com

For more info go to www.planetchampionshipwrestling.com

Before the wrestling event at the Manatee Civic Center, we will have a tailgate fiesta, which will start at 12 PM until 6 PM. We will have models and some of the wrestlers signing autographs. This is a party you don't want to miss, I promise. For more info call (941)465-3890, or email mariaobeso@planetchampionshipwrestling.com

The fiesta will be at:

491 Cortez Road West
Bradenton, FL 34207

Scott Sayers sent this report in:

Results from NWA Hawaii's "Dawn of Destruction"
Match #1: Lucha Libre 5-man Battle Royal (Masked Custodian, Super Typhoon, El Guapo, Major Glory, and Bushido X)

All five masked wrestlers came out to the ring, however, when the bell rang, Bushido X decided to sit at the announce table and do some commentary with G.M. Rich Miyamoto. That left the other 4 to do battle. El Guapo and Major Glory worked together early but that quickly changed. Masked Custodian was the first to be eliminated followed by Major Glory a few minutes later. El Guapo and Super Typhoon went at it for a while, and it looked like Typhoon was going to win the match, as he had El Guapo nearly over the top rope. At this point, Bushido X decided to get involved in the match, sliding into the ring and pushing Super Typhoon and El Guapo out of the ring.

Bushido X, thinking he had won, started mocking Miyamoto. What he did'nt realize was that El Guapo's feet had not touched the ground and re-entered the ring. When BX turned around, he was met with a kick which sent him outside the ring and to the ground.

Winner: El Guapo

After the Battle Royal, Bushido X protested the outcome and demanded a match against El Guapo. The General Manager granted BX his wish....but it was for the title!!!

Match #2: NWA Hawaii Jr. Heavyweight Championship (impromptu) Bushido X [c] vs. El Guapo

Bushido seemed more concerned about the crowd than El Guapo to start the match, but when they locked up, the action was back and forth. BX went outside to the announcers table and grabbed the championship belt and brought to the ring. G.M. Miyamoto also entered the ring and along with referee Scott Stryker got into a tug of war against BX for the belt. Miyamoto managed to get the belt away, but accidently nailed El Guapo in the gut with it and left the ring. (Stryker never saw what happened as he was admonishing BX). Bushido took advantage of the situation for the pinfall to retain the title.

Winner: Bushido X

Match #3: Tui vs. The Masked Custodian

Tui continued his path of destruction in the NWA Hawaii as he totally dominated the match. Finished the match with a Boston Crab submission.

Winner: Tui

Bushido X came out before the intermission with both the Jr. Heavyweight belt and an X-Division style belt. Bushido told Rich Miyamoto that the new "X" belt will represent the Jr. Heavyweight championship from now on. Bushido X's music and out came......Bushido X?!? The two Bushido's were talking when all of a sudden the 2nd BX nailed the Thunderbolt on the 1st BX. The 2nd BX unmasked....it's Ricky Thunder!!!


Match #4: J.T. Wolfen vs. TLA (impromptu)

Wolfen came out and told the crowd that he came to wrestle for them, but had no one to challenge. He told the crowd to make some noise to get someone with guts to come out and challenge him. TLA's music started playing. He came out to the ring and told Wolfen he had the guts.

TLA continues to improve in each match and looked impressive against Wolfen. However, TLA couldn't avoid Wolfen's moonsault and was pinned.

Winner: J.T. Wolfen

Match #5: Sulu Afi vs. Kapu

A rematch from the July 4th show in which Afi got the upset victory in his pro debut. Both contestants controlled the match at various points, but Kapu's power proved to be the difference as he punished Afi's back. Kapu got the win the "300% Elbow".

Although Afi lost, the poise he showed in just his second match could be a sign of great things to come. Keep an eye on him.

Winner: Kapu

Match #6: NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Championship Sickdog [c] vs. "Hotsauce" Jody Lopez

Lopez tried every trick in the book, put couldn't keep the champion down. Sickdog gained control of the match with his patented arsenal, including the Missle Dropkick from the top rope, but the challenger kicked out each time. Sickdog attempted his Sickdog Drop, but Lopez somehow got out of the move and caught Sickdog in a roll-up and got the pin with a handful trunks!!!

Winner and new NWA Hawaii Heavyweight champion: "Hotsauce" Jody Lopez

After the match, Lopez grabbed the mic and bragged that he was the best wrestler around and would take on anyone, anywhere, anytime. With that, G.M. Miyamoto said very well...your first title defense will be against Sickdog...RIGHT NOW!!!

Match #7 NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Championship (impromptu) "Hotsauce" Jody Lopez [c] vs. Sickdog

The "rematch" lasted less than 3 minutes as Lopez fell victim to the Sickdog Drop.

Winner and new NWA Hawaii Heavyweight champion: Sickdog
Championship Wrestling sent this in:

On Saturday, September 22 in Kingsport, TN at the Civic Auditorium, Championship Wrestling will present the 2007 Best of the Best Cup!

12 wrestlers will compete in 6 qualifying matches with the winners of those matches competing a 6 Way Elimination match at the end of the night to crown the winner of the Best of the Best Cup.... The Best of the Best will receive a shot at any CW or SoW title of his choosing.

Since this event will feature 10 matches, bell time has been moved back to 7:00 PM... However, There will be NO increase in the regular ticket prices. Championship Wrestling fans will get to see an extra 4 matches at the same prices as usual.

This event has, without a doubt, the most stacked line-up from top to bottom that we have ever presented in our 3 1/2 year history... Here is the card:

***Main Event***
Best of the Best 6 Way Elimination Match

Grudge Tag Team Match
National Heavyweight Champion, Big Steve Fury & SoW Champion, Big Pimp James
O-Dog & Greg Rocker
--- Last time we were in Kingsport, Big Pimp James took on Big Steve Fury one on one. During that match, O-Dog & Greg Rocker ran into the ring and unsuccessfully attempted a blindside attack on both James & Fury... Now O-Dog & Rocker must take on the 2 giant champions head on!

Dream Tag Team Partner Match
CW TV Champion, Thorn w/ Kandy & "Power House" Ray Idol
"Mister Wrestling" Adam York & "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton
--- 2 Weeks ago in Greeneville, Adam York challenged Thorn to a dream tag team partner match for Sept. 22... York has chosen former World Tag Team Champion, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton... Thorn made a shocking choose in Ray Idol. The last time Thorn and Ray Idol were in the ring, they were battling each other for the National Heavyweight Title... Can Thorn trust Idol?

Best of the Best Match # 1
Tony "The Dragon" Givens w/ Moe Jenkins
"Pure Talent" Eric Darkstorm

Best of the Best Match # 2
"Notorious" Nick Hammonds
"High Risk" Robbie Cassidy w/ Moe Jenkins

Best of the Best Match # 3
Former ECW Star, EZ Money
"Mr. Insane" Bryan Wayne w/ John Hawkins

Best of the Best Match # 4
The Mysterious Ginn
"The Real Deal" Chase Owens

Best of the Best Match # 5
"The Blackanese Assassin" Menace
Brad Thomas

Best of the Best Match # 6
"Sensational" Wayne Adkins
The Super Destroyer w/ John Hawkins

$5,000 Tennessee Stampede
Any member of the Championship Wrestling or Stars of Wrestling roster is eligible to compete
Already signed for this match:
Moe Jenkins
Tri-Cities Champion "Young Guns" Cody Ices
"X-Rated" Wayne Daniels w/ Barbie
Danny Gibson
Brett Gibson
& More Wrestlers to be named!

*Card Subject to Change*


Ticket Information

Front Row: $10
General Admission: $8

Doors open at 6:15 PM.


Concessions will be Provided by Crickets Hot Dogs


Venue Information

Civic Auditorium
1550 Fort Henry Dr
Kingsport, TN 37664
(423) 229-9457

For more information on Championship Wrestling, visit us at www.championshipwrestlingtv.com.

You can watch Championship Wrestling TV Online every week for FREE on www.thesuperstation.net.

Shannon Rose sent this in:

Planet Championship Wrestling Presents…
August 25th, 2007 - 7:00 pm
Manatee Civic Center
Palmetto, Fl
For more info: (941)465-3890

Scheduled to appear:

Nasty Boys

Norman Smiley

Shane Twins

"Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi

Hector Guerrero

Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart

Big Vito

Barry Horowitz

Brent Dail

Superhero Mark Zout

Navy Seal

Scott Davis


Rico Sauvé

Ring Announcer: Shannon Rose

Ticket prices:
$20 General Admission
$20 Reserved
$25 Ringside

Advance tickets are on sale at Mr. Tequila (491 Cortez RD , 941-751-9006). You can also buy your tickets online by contacting our Ticket and Tailgate Representative Lucy Weber at LucyWeber@planetchampionshipwrestling.com Or Purchase your tickets directly online through Ticketmaster at ticketmaster.com

For more info go to www.planetchampionshipwrestling.com

Before the wrestling event at the Manatee Civic Center, we will have a tailgate fiesta, which will start at 12 PM until 6 PM. We will have models and some of the wrestlers signing autographs. This is a party you don't want to miss, I promise. For more info call (941)465-3890, or email mariaobeso@planetchampionshipwrestling.com

The fiesta will be at:

491 Cortez Road West
Bradenton, FL 34207

Scott Sayers sent this report in:

Results from NWA Hawaii's "Dawn of Destruction"
Match #1: Lucha Libre 5-man Battle Royal (Masked Custodian, Super Typhoon, El Guapo, Major Glory, and Bushido X)

All five masked wrestlers came out to the ring, however, when the bell rang, Bushido X decided to sit at the announce table and do some commentary with G.M. Rich Miyamoto. That left the other 4 to do battle. El Guapo and Major Glory worked together early but that quickly changed. Masked Custodian was the first to be eliminated followed by Major Glory a few minutes later. El Guapo and Super Typhoon went at it for a while, and it looked like Typhoon was going to win the match, as he had El Guapo nearly over the top rope. At this point, Bushido X decided to get involved in the match, sliding into the ring and pushing Super Typhoon and El Guapo out of the ring.

Bushido X, thinking he had won, started mocking Miyamoto. What he did'nt realize was that El Guapo's feet had not touched the ground and re-entered the ring. When BX turned around, he was met with a kick which sent him outside the ring and to the ground.

Winner: El Guapo

After the Battle Royal, Bushido X protested the outcome and demanded a match against El Guapo. The General Manager granted BX his wish....but it was for the title!!!

Match #2: NWA Hawaii Jr. Heavyweight Championship (impromptu) Bushido X [c] vs. El Guapo

Bushido seemed more concerned about the crowd than El Guapo to start the match, but when they locked up, the action was back and forth. BX went outside to the announcers table and grabbed the championship belt and brought to the ring. G.M. Miyamoto also entered the ring and along with referee Scott Stryker got into a tug of war against BX for the belt. Miyamoto managed to get the belt away, but accidently nailed El Guapo in the gut with it and left the ring. (Stryker never saw what happened as he was admonishing BX). Bushido took advantage of the situation for the pinfall to retain the title.

Winner: Bushido X

Match #3: Tui vs. The Masked Custodian

Tui continued his path of destruction in the NWA Hawaii as he totally dominated the match. Finished the match with a Boston Crab submission.

Winner: Tui

Bushido X came out before the intermission with both the Jr. Heavyweight belt and an X-Division style belt. Bushido told Rich Miyamoto that the new "X" belt will represent the Jr. Heavyweight championship from now on. Bushido X's music and out came......Bushido X?!? The two Bushido's were talking when all of a sudden the 2nd BX nailed the Thunderbolt on the 1st BX. The 2nd BX unmasked....it's Ricky Thunder!!!


Match #4: J.T. Wolfen vs. TLA (impromptu)

Wolfen came out and told the crowd that he came to wrestle for them, but had no one to challenge. He told the crowd to make some noise to get someone with guts to come out and challenge him. TLA's music started playing. He came out to the ring and told Wolfen he had the guts.

TLA continues to improve in each match and looked impressive against Wolfen. However, TLA couldn't avoid Wolfen's moonsault and was pinned.

Winner: J.T. Wolfen

Match #5: Sulu Afi vs. Kapu

A rematch from the July 4th show in which Afi got the upset victory in his pro debut. Both contestants controlled the match at various points, but Kapu's power proved to be the difference as he punished Afi's back. Kapu got the win the "300% Elbow".

Although Afi lost, the poise he showed in just his second match could be a sign of great things to come. Keep an eye on him.

Winner: Kapu

Match #6: NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Championship Sickdog [c] vs. "Hotsauce" Jody Lopez

Lopez tried every trick in the book, put couldn't keep the champion down. Sickdog gained control of the match with his patented arsenal, including the Missle Dropkick from the top rope, but the challenger kicked out each time. Sickdog attempted his Sickdog Drop, but Lopez somehow got out of the move and caught Sickdog in a roll-up and got the pin with a handful trunks!!!

Winner and new NWA Hawaii Heavyweight champion: "Hotsauce" Jody Lopez

After the match, Lopez grabbed the mic and bragged that he was the best wrestler around and would take on anyone, anywhere, anytime. With that, G.M. Miyamoto said very well...your first title defense will be against Sickdog...RIGHT NOW!!!

Match #7 NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Championship (impromptu) "Hotsauce" Jody Lopez [c] vs. Sickdog

The "rematch" lasted less than 3 minutes as Lopez fell victim to the Sickdog Drop.

Winner and new NWA Hawaii Heavyweight champion: Sickdog

'As I See It' 8/20

Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets
PWBTS.comSo TNA's at it again.

First, by hiring everyone's favorite football felon (not named Michael Vick) Adam "Pacman" Jones and paying him a ton of money...then finding out he can't do anything physical due to the Tennessee Titans filing a lawsuit. They had to do the single most awkward looking set of skits with Jones in the history of wrestling.

Meanwhile, to pay for the salary of America's second favorite football felon, TNA released Jerry Lynn, Danny Basham, Damaja, Matt "Brother Runt" Hyson (aka Spike Dudley) and Matt Bentley. Lance Hoyt and Christy Hemme were "not brought in" for the last PPV and TV taping.

Yup. Even the most hardcore WWE mark could tell you that Jerry Lynn for Pacman is one helluva crappy trade-off.

Then, TNA managed to screw up something they had absolutely free...Alan Wojcik.

Alan Wojcik gave TNA free publicity for 5 years on dozens of websites ranging in size from PWBTS.com to Dave Meltzer's Wrestling Observer.com, and got treated like crap as a result.

Wojcik had an agreement with TNA's media relations department where he would cover the product like I was a sportswriter or beat writer for a sports team.

Then issues started coming up this past February phone call Media Department head Steven Godfrey, first in telling Wojcik not to post an interviews that wase so fluffy, I felt like I was inside a bottle of Downy. Then, eventually Godfrey got to the real issue, telling Wojcik he was "too good at your review work.”

After that fact was made public by this column, Wojcik got him the go-ahead to continue doing what he had been doing...ALLOWING him to give them free publicity far in excess of what they had been generating themselves to that point.

So fast forward to two weeks ago, where Ross Forman called and let Wojcik know his laptop was not going to be allowed in due to a "new policy". Wojcik went to the show, figuring that he could straighten out things as he had before. Meanwhile, the websites that use Wojcik's reports reported this all over the place. Wojick went to the show, only to see three mainstream reporters who were there to cover Pacman's debut, using laptops with wireless cards....using the same arrangement he had with TNA. Later that same evening, Wojcik got the same statement from Forman, although Forman wouldn't tell Wojcik who was responsible.

I'll say now what I said back in February: if I were an independent wrestling company that has illusions of being number two to WWE.... if I were a company that has pissed away millions upon millions of dollars...and who brought in football's second most favorite felon, yet still drew some of their lowest ratings ever for the Pacman "debut" on IMPACT; along with continuing PPV buyrates that are two-tenths of WWE's; I would get on my knees in the middle of Times Square, and kiss the ass of everyone that wanted to help me get out the word about my company wearing mint-flavored Chapstick if they wanted me to.

I damned sure would be pissing off someone like Alan, to the point that he's pulled his reports from all his sites. Way to go, TNA...you've just lost coverage for your TV tapings on every website except Richard Trionfo's PWinsider.com reports...even on Dave Meltzer's Wrestling Observer.com website.

It gets better...there's a former bigtime TNA fan...a fan on the level of an apologist, who is now organizing an "Ignore TNA Impact Initative". No, folks, it isn't me under a pseudonym, nor is it the above Wojcik.

Read this for yourself:

"...As you may or may not already be aware, there is a rapidly growing grass roots movement afoot among the internet wrestling fan community to boycott this Thursday's Impact program, airing on 8/16.

Dubbed the 'Ignore Impact Initiative', the approach and desired outcome is a positive one. The pro-active “voice of the people” is designed to send a clear, strong message to TNA management regarding widespread dissatisfaction over the recent booking trends and sharp swing back towards intelligence insulting, cheesy gimmickry and outright illogical marketing tactics. This, following an earlier summer series of shows where compelling wrestling based episodes were aired and tested - and without question proven beyond a shadow of doubt to garner consistently higher ratings for the promotion while offering itself as a true alternative for eager viewers.

This viral word-of-mouth boycott has quickly generated an amazingly strong reaction among thousands of frustrated wrestling fans and is spreading as we speak to thousands more. Starting within the talkimpact.com community on the evening of 8/15, the movement has within literally less than a 24 hour period spiked significant net traffic and publicity for the cause. This morning found multiple sports and wrestling hotlines, fan blogs and forums around the world discussing the crusade for change within TNA Wrestling.

We have received word that several people involved with the Nashville based promotion are on board 'off the record' and strongly supportive of this initiative for positive change within TNA creative."

Yup, sure looks like TNA has the pulse of its fanbase.

So, as a public service, here's the TNA Master of Media directions manual:

1) Piss off fans who spend THEIR time and THEIR money to post items on dozens of websites to get over TNA.

2) Get other fans mad enough that they start online mvements to boycott your flagship TV show.

3) Dismiss all online reports that don't genuflect at the altar of TNA as writers "being on the WWE payroll". Apparently my mail carrier in suburban South Jersey is still pocketing my checks. US Post Office security still hasn't gotten me my checks yet. Guess Alan Wojcik should start looking for his as well.

4) Dismiss critical fans at the live shows in Orlando by getting into "seeing the black helicopters coming paranoia" mode, and claiming critical fans are no more than "smart marks trying to take over the show".

5) Fire workers who are critical of your company to the online media.

Matt Bentley's contract recently expired, with the cause for his release termed to be to criticism of TNA on a recent episode of an online wrestling show. Seems Bentley acknowledged the poor morale PWBTS talked about months ago, owing to original TNA talent being upset that former WWE guys were getting bigger pushes. The most important comments may well have been the Bentley statement that "he has never been tested for drugs by TNA, nor does he know of anyone who has".

So much for Dixie Carter's comments about their wonderful drug testing program. I wonder how she plans to deal with a recent demand by a Congressional Committee that TNA provide information on their plan? Perhaps she'll try the "it's confidential" routine again.

By the way, in the future, if I get any snotty e-mails from TNA of the type I mentioned some months ago (the e-mail from one of their public personalities)... from here on they get printed in full with e-mail addresses and headers shown; just as I warn anyone sending e-mails can be done right on the main page of my PWBTS.com website. If someone chooses to embarass themselves in private, they have fair warning that they'll be embarassing themselves in public, too.

Until next time...

If you have comments or questions, or if you'd like to add the AS I SEE IT column to your website, I can be reached by e-mail at bobmagee1@hotmail.com.

If you'd like to add advertising on PWBTS.com (the flagship website of this column), banner ads are available for $400 for one year. These ads would appear on each newspage appearing on the newsboard. Cube ads are available for $200 for one year, which would be placed on the main newsboard page. For advertising requests, I can also be reached by e-mail at bobmagee1@hotmail.com.

BWO report 8/17, IWF, CWE report 8/18, NCW

Source: http://www.wrestleview.com

Tellin D. Truth sent this in:

QUICK BWO Southern State Results from 8-17 Hightstown, NJ

BWO Southern State
Friday August 17th
Hightstown, NJ
Quick Results
* Danny Danger's open challenge was answered by Dr. Callahan who made quick work of Danger with a Backdrop Driver.
* BWO Women's Champion Rebecca Payne Successfully defended her title against Roxie Cotton.
* BWO World Tag Team Champions Richie Rotten & Chaos defeated High Impact, Pretty Fly and the Silver Bullets to retain their gold. After the match there was a heated brawl between former champs Pretty Fly and the new champs.
* Vinny The Fixxer defeated Corey Kastle.
* "Candian Shooter" Tommy Forcer w/ JADEN defeated The Patriot via DQ
* "Puerto Rican Prodigy" Chrono Chris defeated Dan De Man to start up the second half of the show.
* Former BWO World Champion Draven Blaze defeated Ima Shiteed in a match that saw the whole crowd all over Shiteed.
* Kyle Smiley defeated Dave Logan, Zack Novack and "Top Prospect" Eric Alverado in a Fatal Four Way match
* What started out as Section 8 against "Motley" Mike Notar was interrupted by an angry Vince Steele. It was turned into a 3-way dance. Section 8 was able to hold on to his World title. After the match Steele snapped, and Section 8 told him any time any place!
* In the Main Event of the evening, in a HUGE Tag Team match: BWO United States Champion "Modern Day Enforcer" Eric Cooper and Reckless Youth were able to defeat "Dirty" Don Montoya and Anhell Gonzales
The BWO Southern State will be returning this fall to Hightstown, NJ! Keep checking back for more updates!


IWF sent this in:

Rhino, Necro Butcher, Corporal Robinson, Mr. Insanity, C.J. Otis, Tyler Black, CK3 and ? for the vancant IWF Title

For the IWF Tag Team Titles: IWF Tag Team Champions The Soul Shooters vs. "The Original Gangsta" New Jack & "The most dangerous man in Michigan" The DBA

Plus for the 1st ever IWF Six Man Tag Team Titles:
Truth Martini, Amazing N8 and a partner of their choice vs. Frankie The Face, "The Hype Jimmy Shalwin and "Richie Boy" Breyer Wellington and much more!!

Aaron Patton sent this in:

Carolina Wrestling Entertainment
Saturday Night ~ August 18th
Burlington National Guard Armory
Burlington North Carolina
"Revenge" Results...

* "Hardcore Hero" Dick Foley Defeated Aaron "By Godd" Devil to become the #1 Contender to the CWE Heavyweight Title held by "Cowboy"Willie Watts...
* CWE Divas Champion Naudia Defeated Brokeback Tobi...
* Hangtime Defeated Jay Synn in a Special Grudge Match...
* Mexican Superstar La Fletcha Dfeated Otto Shwanz....
* CWE Tag Team Champions UNOD Defeated DZ Hyde and Cletus Bass (After the match, Cletus along with Buddy Langley truned on DZ and kidnapped Lil DZ and left the building)...
* CWE Revoltion Champion Rick Link Defeated Justin Feeche and ScrapYard Dog in a Body Bag Match (Putting Feeche in the Body Bag) After the match, Scrapyard Challenged Link to a Dog Collar Thumbtack Match for the Revulion Title on September 15th...
* Justin Duke Retianed the CWE Cruiserweight Title in The Suicide 7 Double Ladder Match, Jay Synn and That Guy Dave both tore the RLL Title Contract in half and will now wrestle on Sept. 15th to see who gets the title match...

Next Show: September 15th at the Burlington Armory

NCW sent this in:

Tickets for NCW's big Nov.3 extravaganza with
Bruno Sammartino,
will go on sale at selected outlets on TUESDAY,
AUG 21. @ 4:00pm
Tickets will be available Tuesday at the following locations.
Lion Bowl 717-244-6215, and Buck's Variety Store 717-246-6404Also, for the first time, you will be able to purchase tickets via phone and for delivery, using your VISA , MASTERCARD , or DISCOVER card by calling
Buck's Variety and using the BUCKLINE at 717-578-8413.

Tickets will be available in our other outlets through out the next week

For those who may have missed the following post, please read for additional info....

NCW returns Sat. Nov. 3rd to YORK, Pa with
The One, The Only,


NCW storms back to town, and drops anchor at The York County Technical School { Formerly known as the York Vo-Tech Senior High School } 2179 S. Queen St {immediately off the Queen St. exit on Rt 30}

Tickets to officially go on sale, AUGUST 21 & will be available at Lion Bowl 717-244-6215, and Buck's Variety Store 717-246-6404 with numerous other outlets to be announced.

Also, for the first time, you will be able to purchase tickets via phone and for delivery, using your VISA , MASTERCARD , or DISCOVER card by calling Buck's Variety and using the BUCKLINE at 717-578-8413.

NCW is predicting another overflow crowd, and as always tickets will go FAST.

Get them early !!!

Another early signing by NCW for this event...
"The 1st Lady of Pro Wrestling"

It has also been announced that the popular tandem of Marshal Law & The Lovebug will put the NCW Tag Team titles on the line !

NCW is also putting the final touches on a contract that that will see the prestigious WPW Light Heavyweight title defended at this monster event. This will prove to be a very historic match, as never before has an organizational belt from another federation, been defended on NCW soil, inside an NCW ring.

Many more details to come on this one.

Can't forget those gorgeous NCW Ring Card Hotties !!!

Also, NCW has taken it upon themselves to plan your entire evening on November 3rd. That's right ! Fans will join the NCW crew for a private post match party, directly across the street at TAILGATOR'S & SUBS UNLIMITED PLUS.

We will be occupying both sides of the Restaurant and Bar, so ALL ages will be able join in on the fun!

Food & drink specials will be offered as you wind down the evening with all your favorite NCW superstars.

TONS of Information still to come ! For all the action, all the additions, all the announcements, check in at WWW.NCWZONE.COM

Also feel free to E-Mail our office at NCW2BRUTAL@Yahoo.com