Monday, September 17, 2007

!BANG! TV report & 'Pro Wrestling Unplugged report (Sandman & DDP)


!BANG! TV Report
-Wrestling, Tears and Rock 'N Roll

!BANG! TV Webbie Report (Mini Movie) - More tears than Chris Crocker can muster flow from the eyes of Blain Rage as Blain pleads with fans around the world to, "Stop Saying Bad Things About Britney Spears."

Blain Rage appears in Sumo Wrestling attire as He spills a bucket of tears.

Then there are no tears left. With the help of the Pop Tarts, Kim Dakota and Vickki Von, Blain Rage shows a few special crunch exercises passed on to him by the most infamous athlete in sports.

Next it is time for rock 'n roll and Blain and The Pop Tarts, "Dance to the Music."

It is all on !BANG! TV at

PWU Diamond Anniversary Results
w/ Sandman; Red Carpet Clip; TV Debut WEDNESDAY

* The night started hot with the Too Cold Scorpio Step II clinic & the Red Carpet Arrivals
From the sounds of Shovelhook to the arrivals of PWU superstars on the red carpet, PWU fans got to be up close & personal the likes of “Living Legend” Larry Winters, Justice Pain, Nikolai Volkoff, Gangrel, Sunny, Diamond Dallas Page, PWU Heavyweight champion Too Cold Scorpio (arriving on Jet Skis with The Bosom Buddies), and more of the PWU superstars and their unique arrivals, including Team PIT in convertible Corvettes, Eddie ! Kingston in a custom car from Eargasm, & even Detox on a scooter!

As PWU prepares for its TV debut on Wednesday at 8 pm on Comcast Philadelphia channel 66 and Comcast Main Line channel 98, catch exclusive Red Carpet highlights each day until Power Surge TV explodes onto Philadelphia TV.

As fans entered the building, they were warmed up by the sounds of Survival Rate Zero.

* TV Title First Round Match: Detox def. Lucky
An overconfident Lucky, who pulled off a victory against Detox in their last match was ready to shut him out again. But this time, Detox has a goal in mind – 10 lbs. o! f gold around his waist in the form of the PWU TV Title. Action packed from the beginning, Detox caught the NJ superstar with a pump handle STO after Lucky attempted to fake an injury.

* Aramis w/ “Pitbull” Gary Wolf & Annie Social def. "The New Jersey All Star" JC Ryder
One NJ Independent Superstar suffering a loss, JC Ryder wanted to stop Team PIT member Aramis from making it 0-2...but got sidetracked at first, telling the crowd Annie Social was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Aramis took exception to the comments and took a powerful control over JC Ryder the whole match, finally connecting with a Brainbuster to get the 1-2-3.

* Justice Pain stepped up to Gangrel’s open challenge & pulled off a win
With the ink barely dry on his contract, Justice Pain pulled off a victory against the legendary Gangrel using every tactic on the book to keep Gangrel off guard. But as Gangrel seemed to have the upperhand, Pain reversed the momentum and hit the Pain Thriller for the victory.

* PWU Wo! men's champion "Primetime" Amy Lee retained over British star Lexx (w/ guest referee Annie Social)
The petite Lexx attempted to out maneuver the PWU Women’s champion, but Amy Lee showed she can trade holds with the best of them. But Amy Lee’s power shone through and despite some “playful” assistance from referee Annie Social, Lexx got caught and tapped out to the Gory Stretch. But before leaving, Amy Lee told Annie Social that she’s beaten her before in under 20 seconds and next month if she can’t do it again, she’ll give up the PWU Women’s Title.

*John House Interviews Joey Mattews and his private security force – Dan Severn
After House reminded the crowd to catch him on the new PWP Live on Friday nights at 10 pm, he demanded everyone stand for a “real” TV star, the number 1 contender to the PWU Title, Joey Matthews. Matthews said he’s not worried about facing Scorpio as he brought his own! security force, Dan “The Beast” Severn.

* TV Title First Round Match: Z-Barr w/ Sunny def. "The Fabulous" John McChesney
Z-Barr, in pre match commentary, promised some Sunny skies ahead and once in the ring through the resounding boos that filled the Arena, he introduced his new manager, “The Original Diva” Sunny. But John McChesney showed how little he was impressed and took early control, even splashing Barr from the top rope on the floor. But Sunny turned the tide, stopped the count after McChesney’s frog splash, allowing Z-Barr to hit his world famous Brainbuster to advance in the TV Title Tournament.

* PWU #1 Tag Title Contenders Match: The Best Around def. The Iron Saints and All Money Is Legal
The crowd exploded for the arrival of All Money Is Legal, but the building shook with booing upon the arrival of both sets of opponents. Fast paced action was the name of the game, as each man tried to capitalize to get their chance for tag team gold. As both The Iron Saints & All Money Is Leg! al hit awesome double team maneuvers on T.B.A., they began to brawl on the outside. This gave The Best Around a count out victory over The Iron Saints & All Money Is Legal.

* TV Title First Round Match: Brandon Thomaselli def. Adam Flash
Brandon Thomaselli riled up the crowd by getting them to insult Adam Flash by asking him “Who are you?” and “What’s your name?” Thomaselli started by blindsiding Flash and took the early control, until Flash capitalized and clotheslined the boots off of Thomaselli. But as Flash later tried to go to the top, Thomaselli crotched him and connected with a Superplex. After a powerful double underhook lungblower, Thomaselli his “The Deal” and advanced in the TV Title Tournament.

* “New Batman” Johnny Kashmere & “Boy Wonder” Jimmy Kleidsdale hosted the first Batcave w/ special guest Diamond Dallas Page & turned the tables on the Commissioner Idol contest! ants
Upon Diamond Dallas Page’s arrival to a chorus of &ldquo ;DDP”, he said he was there to put the Commissioner Idol contestants through the ringer. The Commissioner Idol finalists each had 30 seconds to give their best, most “DDP-like” motivational speech. Each contestant (Dexter, Joanna, RC, The Kliq, The White Board Mafia, Loud Fan, Chris Cavanaugh, The Joker, Stephanie, and Ravenheart) did their best, but their’s only one DDP. You can vote for your PWU Commissioner at

* TV Title First Round Match: "The King Of Diamonds" Eddie Kingston def. "The Southern Stomper" Luke Hawx
Hawx tried to start off with a vicious onslaught, shrugged off by Kingston who capitalized by trying to knock Hawx’s head off. Hawx tried to take advantage after catching Kingston with a lucky neckbreaker, but got crotched on the top rope, allowing Kingston to continue the assault with powerful kicks and suplexes. When Hawx countered a backdrop driver, Kingston ducked a spinkick attempt, and deliv! ered a crushing spinning backfist for the win & to advance in the PWU TV Title Tournament.

* PWU #1 Contender to the PWU World Heavyweight Title: Devon Moore def "The International Superstar" Trent Acid w/ “Discount” Dewey Donovan
Both men tried to destroy each other – Trent to beat Devon down for his assault on Too Cold Scorpio last month and Devon to show he’ll do anything regain the PWU World Heavyweight Title. Powerful action that went back and forth and spilled to the outside, these two kept a strong flurry of action. But Devon pulled referee Mike Kehner in between him & Acid, knocking the ref out. Acid connects with the Yakuza Kick, but there’s no referee. Moore slid on a pair of brass knuckles to lay out Acid cold, but to play more mind games, put the knux in Acid’s shorts & drug Trent’s Arm over himself for the 1-2-3…just to point out to Kehner that Acid “cheated”, which caused a reve! rse decision.

* Pro Wrestling Unplugged Tag champions The SAT retained over The Bosom Buddies
The SAT started their assault early by slinking through the crowd to assault The Bosom Buddies. The champions kept on the attack with double teaming tactics until Drew Blood came in to clean house. But after the champs regained control, Blood made the save by holding down Teddy Fine’s feet to stop him from being hit with the Spanish Fly. But when the ref’s back was turned, Joel hit Drew with a cheapshot for the win.

* PWU World Heavyweight champion Too Cold Scorpio vs. Joey Matthews w/ Dan Severn went to a no contest
Joey Matthews started confident that with his new security Dan “The Beast” Severn, he would champion by the end of the night. But it was Scorpio who got the support of the fans, standing on their feet for his arrival. A tremendous high impact match between the two, it broke into chaos after Matthews sidestepped a dropkick from Scorpio which instead hit referee John Finnegan. Dan Severn slides in! the ring & began to beat down & choke out the champion, only to be stopped by Diamond Dallas Page, who Diamond Cuttered Severn and Matthews. But Devon Moore made his way to the ring, cleared the ring of DDP & then began to try to stomp through Scorpio’s rib cage. But when all hope was lost, the light went off in the Arena and as they came back on, Devon Moore was so flipped out, he ran out of the ring as fast as he could and away…from THE SANDMAN! After clearing the ring, Scorpio, DDP & Sandman stood with their arms raised & Sandman saying, “Damn it feels good to be home!"

Pro Wrestling Unplugged
Diamond Anniversary
September 15, 2007
New Alhambra Arena
Philadelphia, PA

By Art Shimko

Pro Wrestling Unplugged celebrated their third anniversary Saturday
night in front of a packed house at the New Alhambra Arena, a historic
venue that has been home to many wrestling promotions since 1993.

Before the wrestling itself took place PWU held a Red Carpet ceremony in
a parking lot across from the arena which featured many of the wrestlers
performing this evening being interviewed about their matches by Johnny
Kashmere who was sporting a Batman mask.

Local rock group Shovelhook played an acoustic set that was at one point
interrupted by Joey Matthews who cut a promo on 2 Cold Scorpio who he
was wrestling for PWU world title later on.

As fans were entering the arena for the evening's Diamond Anniversary
show another local rock group Survival Rate Zero were entertaining the
crowd inside.

Show opens with a PWU music video featuring various clips and highlights
played to Pearl Jam's "Go".

Nikolai Volkoff comes out to the ring and sings the National Anthem, he
seemed to forget some of the words and didn't finish the song, crowd
didn't know what to really make of this but it was an interesting idea
and surreal to hear him sing the National Anthem.

1) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #1
Detox vs Lucky of The New Jersey Independent All Stars
Lucky comes out and tears a fan's sign who then replaces it with one
that reads "You're Still A Jobber", Lucky wasn't too happy with that
one. Lucky gets the early advantage striking away at Detox, gets cocky
about it while Detox goes for a pin only to get a two-count. Lucky hits
a standing moonsault and goes for a pin, gets another two-count. Lucky
scoops up Detox, has him upside down and throws Detox hard into the
corner. Lucky climbs to the top turnbuckle and falls back and gets his
knee caught in the top rope, referee Mike Kehner checks on Lucky who
then superkicks Detox but he catches Lucky's boot and hits a pumphandle
slam for the win.

2) JC Ryder vs Aramis w/Gary Wolfe and Annie Social
Ryder's eyeing up Annie saying she's a beautiful girl and girls who look
as good as her are from New Jersey, this gets "Jersey Sucks" chants and
some people around me didn't take too kindly to that chant. Ryder
immediately beats on Aramis cornering him with chops then trips him into
the bottom turnbuckle taking control of the match but only gets a
two-count for his first pin attempt. Ryder then flirts with Annie,
Aramis hits a brainbuster on Ryder and gets the pin. Afterwards Aramis
holds up Ryder while Annie slaps the hell out of him.

3) Special Challenge match: Justice Pain vs Gangrel
Former CZW wrestler Justice Pain makes his debut this evening accepting
former WWE wrestler Gangrel's open challenge. Pain goes for the early
advantage but Gangrel quickly takes control cornering Pain with a
beating and goes for a pin but only gets a two-count. Pain hits a
belly-to-belly on Gangrel and follows up with some punches and kicks.
Gangrel heads out the ring and Pain dives out the ring onto Gangrel,
after some fighting outside the ring both wrestlers are back in, Pain
brings a chair but the ref takes it away. Gangrel gets the chair and
goes for Pain in the corner with a chairshot and misses, Pain hits the
Pain Thriller on Gangrel and gets the pinfall for his first win as a PWU

4) PWU Women's title match
Amy Lee (champ) w/Dr. Bootz vs Lexx - referee: Annie Social
Lexx is a cutie, Lee comes out and throws her belt in the ring hitting
Annie's head. Match was at a slow pace, Lexx was making an effort to get
as much offense on Lee but didn't have much luck. Lee wins with a Gory
stretch for the submission win, Lee then cuts a promo on Annie who
wouldn't raise her hand for the victory, she challenges Annie next month
and she accepts. Lee's jawjacking with a fan in the front row making fun
of his teeth and clothes.

John House comes out to the ring and interviews Joey Matthews on his
match later on, the last time I saw Matthews in this building was his
last match in 3PW against Chris Sabin. A few fans and myself recalled
the early days when Matthews was aligned with Special K in Ring Of
Honor. Matthews at first puts over the Philadelphia fans then says he
realizes that they're disrespectful. Matthews brings out his enforcer
for the main event, Dan "The Beast" Severn! Severn assures Matthews
he'll watch his back during the match.

PWU returns to the New Alhambra Arena on 10/27 featuring Brutus
Beefcake, Larry Zbyszko and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.

5) 1) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #2
Z-Barr w/Sunny vs John McChesney
First off I couldn't believe how hot Sunny looked, Z-Barr attacks
McChesney from behind following his chops and headbutts. McChesney
fights back and superkicks him out the ring then gets on the top rope
and hits a splash onto Z-Barr. Back in the ring McChesney corners
Z-Barr, hits a dropkick and follows with a Northern Lights suplex.
Another dropkick, McChesney goes for the pin but gets a two-count,
Z-Barr kicks McChesney out of the ring and Sunny works on him. McChesney
back in the ring gets a Bossman slam from Z-Barr, goes for the pin only
with a two-count. Both men exchange vicious chops, McChesney hits a
frogsplash and goes for a pin as Sunny distracts the ref. Z-Barr gets
McChesney with a brainbuster for the win.

6) Number one contender's match for the PWU Tag Team titles
The Best Around (TJ Cannon and Bruce Maxwell) vs The Iron Saints (Sal
and Vito Thomaselli) vs All Money Is Legal (K-Murda and K-Push)
TJ and Vito start off, lots of action with various tag partners coming
in, TBA takes control beating on Murda then the Saints run in tossing
TBA out the ring and continuing the beatdown on Murda. Pusha tags in
getting revenge on the Saints, TBA back in and AMIL work on them also,
Saints come back beating on AMIL. It's craziness as all teams are
beating on each other, AMIL and the Saints take out TBA and then both
AMIL and the Saints end up outside the ring fighting. The ref counts
both teams out and The Best Around become the #1 contenders for the tag
titles. The AMIL/Saints feud is far from over.


7) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #3
Brandon Thomaselli vs Adam Flash
When the ring announcer is about to say Flash's name the mic cuts out,
Flash gets mad and grabs the mic to say his name but again the mic cuts
out. When Thomaselli grabs the mic it works fine, there are fans with
signs featuring different versions of Flash's name, he's not amused.
Thomaselli gets control early on getting Flash in a headlock then a
chokehold, drops an elbow for a quick pin attempt but only gets a
two-count. Flash hits a spinebuster and gains control cornering
Thomaselli with elbows and hits a facebuster from the top rope but only
another two-count. Flash on the top turnbuckle, Thomaselli hits a
superplex leaving both men lying on the mat. Both men are up, Thomaselli
hits a double underhook lungblower followed by "The Deal" (Thomaselli
pulls Flash face-first down into his knees) for the victory.

Johnny Kashmere (in a Batman mask) and Jimmy Clydesdale (as Robin) debut
their "Batcave" segment by bringing out special guest Diamond Dallas
Page. They have contestants in the ring for the PWU Commissioner Idol
contest where a PWU fan wins a spot as the promotion's commissioner.
Each contestant gives a 30-second promo on why they would make a great
commissioner. Voting for the winner takes place at Segment ends with DDP, Kashmere and
Clydesdale tossing packs of Batman cards to the crowd.

8) PWU TV Title Tournament - Match #4
Luke Hawx vs Eddie Kingston
Hawx wastes not time attacking Kingston from behind with a series of
chops and kicks, Kingston retaliates with a powerslam and goes for a pin
only getting a two-count. Luke goes for a lowblow followed by a kneedrop
to Kingston's head. Hawx hits a neckbreaker but Kingston kicks out of
his pin attempt, Hawx kicks Kingston several times, heads to the top
turnbuckle but Kingston hits him with an enzuigiri. Eddie comes back
hitting Hawx with a number of suplexes, Hawx hits a flatliner but only a
two-count following another pin attempt. Eddie tries a backdrop driver
and misses, Hawx with a spinning kick and misses, Kingston delivers and
connects with a spinning back fist and gets the pin.

9) Number One contender's match for the PWU world title
Trent Acid w/Dewey Donovan vs Devon Moore
Trent takes his good ol' time getting to the ring working the crowd and
emptying his shorts from the dollar bills given to him by girls in the
crowd. Moore is all heated up and storms in attacking Acid, Acid returns
with an aggressive series of punches and strikes to Moore. Moore
delivers a sunset flip powerbomb to Acid outside the ring! Back in the
ring Moore goes for a few pin attempts only getting two-counts, he's
working on Acid with elbows in the corner, Acid hits a swinging
neckbreaker and a springboard DDT. Moore and Acid on the top turnbuckle,
Acid hits a sitout powerbomb but only gets a two-count, Moore goes out
the ring and Moore hits an high Asai moonsault onto Moore slamming his
ankle into the guardrail. Acid limps back into the ring and goes for a
lariat, Moore ducks and referee Mike Kehner gets knocked out. Acid
yakuza kicks Moore goes for the pin but the ref's still out, Moore has
brass knuckles and punches out Acid. Moore puts the knucks in Acid's
shorts and positions him on Moore for a pinfall, ref counts it then
finds the knucks on Acid and reverses the decision in Moore's favor.

10) PWU tag team champions The S.A.T. (Jose and Joel Maximo) vs The
Bosom Buddies (Teddy Fine and Drew Blood)
As the Bosom Buddies are in the ring waiting for the SAT they come from
the crowd and attack the Buddies from behind. Both teams fight outside
the ring then Teddy and Joel wrestle in the ring while Drew and Jose
continue brawling outside, Drew helps his partner double team Joel. SAT
come back hitting double team moves of their own regaining control of
the match, Drew tags in beating on the SAT. SAT set Drew up on the top
turnbuckle for the Spanish Fly but Teddy holds onto Drew's feet and the
SAT go to the mat without him. Drew pins Joel following a crossbody
getting a two-count, Joel hits Drew and rolls him up for the pin.

DDP comes out to do commentary for the main event.

11) PWU World Championship
2 Cold Scorpio (champ) vs Joey Matthews w/Dave "The Beast" Severn
Scorpio offers a handshake and Matthews flips him off. Match begins with
some mat wrestling as both men counter each other's moves, they go for a
test of strength and Matthews takes Scorpio down trying his best to get
a pinfall without any luck. Scorpio now in control elbowing Matthews who
then sends him out of the ring with an elbow strike of his own. Back in
the ring Scorpio takes punishment from Matthews delivering a lariat
followed by a sleeper hold, Scorpio grabs the ropes and the hold is
broken. Scorpio hits a gord buster, Matthews on the top turnbuckle and
Scorpio hits a sunset flip powerbomb for the pin but gets a two-count.
Scorpio goes for a dropkick on Matthews and instead hits referee John
Finnegan. The match breaks down as Severn applies a guillotine choke on
Scorpio, DDT runs in hitting the Diamond Cutter on both Matthews and
Severn, then Devon Moore runs in attacking DDP and Scorpio... suddenly
the lights go out... a fan next to me wonders if it's Sandman then
figures probably not... but in fact it is the Sandman! And the crowd
pops like crazy! Moore, Matthews and Severn escape as DDP, Scorpio and
Sandman celebrate in the ring, Todd Gordon comes to the ring as well.
Crowd chants "Welcome back!" to which Sandman replies, "Damn, it feels
good to be home!" Title match was a no-contest but the crowd went home
extremely pleased seeing their hometown hero back in the old ECW Arena.

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