Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dean Malenko Coming to Funk's Corner, !BANG! TV news

Source: Dory Funk Jr.

Funk's Corner - Second Generation Legend and WWE Producer, Dean Malenko is Coming to the Funking Conservatory.

"You have the most beautiful country I have ever seen. The people are wonderful. The beaches are the best in the world and nature in your country is untouched."

"There is only one thing you don't have here in Australia. You have no heroes. No role models for your children and young people to look up to."

"I, The Great Malenko will fill the emptiness you all have here in Australia. I will be your hero."

As I listened to Boris Malenko do the interview for network television out of Sydney, Australia, I thought, "What a great way to get the heat as a heel and not have to put the country or the people down."

Boris Malenko was one of the greatest heels on interviews I have seen. He was also a box office attraction for Eddie Graham in the Florida Territory. Boris Malenko was the originator of the Russian Chain match.

Boris Malenko's chain used in a match in Florida with Eddie Graham was actually shipped from Florida to the Amarillo Territory and used in the first ever Russian Chain Match in the Amarillo Territory between Dory Funk Sr. and Iron Mike Dibiase.

Boris Malenko (Larry Simon) had two sons who followed his footsteps in professional wrestling, Dean and Joe Malenko.

Here at the Funking Conservatory, we are proud to announce that second generation wrestler, Wrestling Legend and WWE Producer, Dean Malenko will be at the Funking Conservatory Tuesday September 4th to scout wrestling talent.

Support the Troops 19, "Hard Labor" comes to the Funking Conservatory Sunday September 2nd. For more information on tickets, training schedules and Dean Malenko's appearance at the Funking Conservatory, call 352-895-4658 or visit our website at


Next !BANG! TV Taping, Sunday September 02-07

Next !BANG! TV Taping, Support the Troops 19, "HARD LABOR."
Sunday Sept 02-07 Doors Open at 6:30pm, Showtime 7:00pm.
2200 NE 36th Avenue

All Championship Matches
WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT Championship Match

Johnny Magnum vs Shane Chung

Florida Championship Match
Flyin' Ryan "Air" Mitchell with Sandii Skye vs Elvis Sharp with the Pop Tarts

!BANG! TV Title Match
Hack Meyers vs Blain Rage

Women's Three Way Championship Match
Miss Vicki (Champion) vs The Claw Claudia Reiff vs Lady Kimberly

Cowboy Cory Squires vs Johnny Romano from Gainesville, Florida the Italian Heartthrob

Ticket Prices are $10 purchased in advance and $15 at the door.

For Advance Ticket Purchase to !BANG! TV go by Devon Self Storage in Ocala, Florida

CALL for information 352-895-4658

Or you may purchase tickets at


Funk's Corner - Dory and Terry Funk vs Dean and Joe Malenko

WWE Producer, Dean Malenko is coming to the Funking Conservatory to scout wrestling talent on Tuesday, September 4th.

Working for All Japan Pro-Wrestling September 30th, 1990 at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan as a part of the All Japan Pro-Wrestling Real World Tag Team League Tournament, Terry and I wrestled Dean and Joe Malenko.

We have video of that match on our website on !BANG! TV at

ACW report 8/21


The evening was opened by the New Movement who are in possession of the ACW Heavyweight (David Mercury) and the ACW Tag Team (“Raging Bull” Eddie Taurus & “the Rising Star” Austin Amadeus) championships that George Martel couldn’t help but gloat about in front of the fans that clearly hate the Movement. Each champion took some time to rub their victory in the faces of their non-supporters. Mercury claimed they were going to purify the locker room and create order for all to follow. He was so confident in his abilities he laid an open challenge which was answered by the Wewahitchka resident of ACW, Moonshine McCoy.

(1) New ACW Heavyweight champion “the G.O.A.T” David Mercury of the New Movement (w/George Martel) defeated Moonshine McCoy.

To everyone’s surprise McCoy used some chain wrestling to work over Mercury‘s left arm for several minutes. The Movement could only watch on in shock as McCoy went move for move with Mercury who was backdropped to the floor. McCoy followed out with a forward roll into the champion. But when the action came back to the ring McCoy pushed Mercury in first and he got pounced in with right hand punches to the jaw. That opening was all the Movement needed to get involved as Mercury kept the referee busy. McCoy got out of a chinlock with a jawbreaker but when he went to the ropes Mercury sent him right back to the mat into another chinlock. McCoy reversed a corner whip and hit a clothesline followed by a backdrop and ten punches in a corner. But Mercury was able to double leg McCoy to the mat and get the pin, with what looked like both of his feet on the ropes for leverage.

(2) “Vastly Underrated” Logan Fernandez won the ACW Cruiserweight championship from Jaison Moore.

Early on Fernandez kept walking into Moore’s fast paced offense but stopped it when he held the ropes to avoid a dropkick. Fernandez missed a cross bodyblock and went to the floor to reformulate a strategy but Moore pulled him back into the ring. Fernandez got control again with what looked like a sneaky move but the referee allowed the match to continue. Moore fought out of a chinlock but ran right into a Fernandez forearm. Fernandez kept attacking Moore’s upper body with forearms and chest chops and a knee drop for two. Fernandez went up but missed an elbow drop and it allowed Moore to get a second wind with several clotheslines and a Samoan drop. Fernandez missed a corner splash and it allowed Moore to hit an STO into the turnbuckles but Fernandez kicked out of a sitout power bomb. Moore went to end the match but got hit with a superkick for two. George Martel came out of the locker room and argued with referee Billy Dalton. As this went on, Eddie Taurus and Austin Amadeus attacked Moore. This allowed Fernandez to get the win and the championship. After the match Martel told everyone Fernandez was the newest member of the New Movement.

(3) “The 8th Deadly Sin” Sideshow defeated Nick “I’m Not Gay” Fame.

Fame was a bit over matched in power and took some time to hide behind the referee. Fame backed Sideshow to a corner but Sideshow made the referee fall for the shoe is untied gag so he had a clear shot at Fame and a chest chop. After some more chops Sideshow hit the G-14 (Go F**k Yourself spear) which sent Fame to the floor. Sideshow went out after him and when they got back on the apron Fame hit a knee to the gut and a spinning neckbreaker. Fame followed with a Rude Awakening for two. But Sideshow fought back with a spring board splash for two only to be hit by a Fame leg lariat and another neckbreaker. Sideshow fought to his feet but ran into an elbow. Sideshow fought to his feet from a reverse chinlock but Fame was quicker and decked Sideshow in the face again. Fame sensed something was wrong and countered out of the Backiotimy into a pin for two, but he didn’t counter out of a Catatonic Backbreaker or a running powerslam. Sideshow got to his feet and went crazy on Fame with a series of moves which led to the Backiotimy for two as Fame got his leg on the ropes. Sideshow called for Double Penetration but Fame countered into a sunset flip for two and hit an ear ringing enziguri. Fame put Sideshow on the top but Sideshow fought back even as Fame hit a superplex. Fame went to end the match but Sideshow countered out of what looked like Sliced Bread #2 into Double Penetration to gain the win.

(4) New ACW Kombat champion Ray Beez defeated “South Florida Phenom” Scott Commodity.

This clearly was not Commodity’s style of match and he told the fans before the bout he wasn’t even scheduled to be in NPR. He claimed the ACW needed him to hold a quality match not hardcore. Early on the match was anything but hardcore as Commodity tried to wrestle. But Beez got in several hard hitting shots to Commodity’s upper body including a clothesline that took both men to the floor. Beez grabbed a jug of water and smashed into Commodity’s head. The action went to the entry way where Commodity backdropped Beez onto the stage. Commodity also used a trash can as he dragged Beez back to the ringside area. Commodity hit an in ring knee drop for two but Beez fought up and wedged a chair into the corner, but he ended up going head first into it thanks to Commodity and a corner whip. Commodity grabbed the chair and dropkicked it into Beez’s face but Beez fought back again with punches. But Commodity got punches of his own and suplexed Beez onto the open folding chair for two. Frustration began to show on Commodity’s face as Beez kept kicking out of pin attempts. Commodity missed a corner splash and got hit with a German suplex and went up top. But his Dumpster Dive was met with a Commodity dropkick for two. Commodity hit several forearm shots to the back but got hit with a Saito suplex for two. Beez got another energy rush hitting knee lifts to Commodity’s ribs and a series of moves which led to a running clothesline. Beez knocked Commodity to the mat so he could go under the ring for a trash can. Beez hit Commodity with a top rope boot to the back of the head and grabbed the trash can, but the can met the referee’s head instead of Commodity’s. With the referee down there was no one to count after Beez hit a discus clothesline. Commodity got to hit feet and hit several punches but when he went to the top Beez hit the ropes, causing Commodity to fall head first into the trash can. Beez hit a move that incapacitated Commodity long enough that the referee could be revived and count the pin.

Before the main event George Martel and friends made their way to the ring to discuss some New Movement business with Delta Iota Kappa who also came to the ring. While Martel praised the former champions on their long title reign but it also seemed like he was scared of them as he offered them a place in the New Movement. Things were discussed among the DIK members and Strong took the mic from Martel and told him when he taps the mic everyone shuts the f**k up and DIK attacked Martel.

(5) Former champions Delta Iota Kappa (“Candizzle Dream” Joshua Masters & Sedrick Strong w/Fetish) defetaed NEW ACW Tag Team champions “Raging Bull” Eddie Taurus and “the Rising Star” Austin Amadeus of the New Movement (w/George Martel) via countout.

The bell rang and the fighting began in and out of the ring as Masters fought with Amadeus while Strong and Taurus fought to the entry way. The action came back to the ring where Masters was isolated from Strong by the Movement. To the shock of many the fans sided with DIK during the match. Masters took a beating and then some from all the Movement members as Strong and Fetish could only watch on. Masters avoided a Taurus corner move but couldn’t tag out as Taurus grabbed his ankle as Amadeus tagged in. But it went bad when Taurus came back in and got hit with an Acecrusher which allowed Strong to come in hot and energized. Strong hit Amadeus with a spear but Taurus made the save and hit Strong with a sitout slam. But Masters recovered and hit Taurus with a Riki Lariat. Master and Strong grabbed up Amadeus for a double team move but they got too close to the ropes and it allowed Taurus to grab a hold of Amadeus’ ankle. Martel grabbed both men and the tile belts as they headed to the locker room, letting referee Billy Dalton count them out. After the match Strong told the New Movement they just begun a sh*tstorm of trouble.

On Sunday September 2nd ACW will be holding a pool party show at Gold’s Gym of New Port Richey at 6pm. ACW also has a return date set for the Jewish Community Center of Port Richey, Saturday September 15th at 7:30pm for NO GUTS, NO GLORY. ACW is back online, so log onto for information on our events at Bourbon Street Night Club and links to video sites. Like live music, then check out for info on upcoming concerts.

The New Movement has established their MySpace account at the following location: . You can also find several of the ACW stars pages by looking on the ACW MySpace page.

ACW would like you to be part of their new training school. ACW offers a variety of training from many different styles. This is a great way to get affordable training and get to actually work in front of a great fan base. Training will be affordable and we will give you one week free to see if it is for you. School will be Sundays 11 AM to 1 PM and Wednesdays 7 pm to 9 PM. The school will be held at the Jewish Community Center 9841 Scenic Dr in Port Richey. School will also be at Bourbon Street 6:30 PM to 7:30 every Tuesday. Payments will be discussed in person. Please bring knee pads and elbow pads. No boots, preferably wrestling sneakers. Please contact with all questions.

More Canadian Indy Notes: MSW & GCW reports, The Missing Link


Steven Ashe also sent these notes in as well:

MSW-Dave Doolittle's Reunion
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Dartmouth, NS

1. Cypress def. Jimmy Capone
2. Legion Cage/Sidewalk Sam/"X-Ray"/Honky interview to declare the Main Event
3. Jason Rumble pinned Scott Savage
4. Firefly def. Johnny "Scotia" Soul by DQ when "Pistol" Pete interfered and stunned 'Fly
5. "Iron Tiger" Mike Fraser beat 7-ft. Giant Grimez
6. Honky Tonk Man & Sidewalk Sam def. "X-Ray" & Legion Cage when Peggy Sue threw a guitar to Honky,
who bashed it over "X-Ray's" head for the pin

Saturday, May 26
Digby Arena
Digby, NS

1. Sidewalk Sam def. Blue River
2. "Lumber" Jack Johnson beat Maritime Menace in a Hardcore Match
3. Jason Holiday pinned Sexton Phoenix
4. "X-Ray" def. Scott Savage by submission to retain the CWA Cruiserweight Title
5. "Wildman" Gary Williams beat Trash Canyon

Sunday, May 27
Middleton & District Arena
Middleton, NS

1. Sidewalk Sam def. Blue River
2. Maritime Menace beat "Lumber" Jack Johnson in a Hardcore Match
3. Jason Holiday pinned Sexton Phoenix
4. "X-Ray" def. Scott Savage by submission to retain the CWA Cruiserweight Title
5. "Wildman" Gary Williams beat Trash Canyon

Thursday, June 7
MSW UNtAMeD 2007
Dave Doolittle's Sports Bar & Grill
Dartmouth, NS

- "X-Ray" Lab with guests Menace, Johnson, Sidewalk, & Hughes

1. "Lumber" Jack Johnson def. Maritime Menace in a Hardcore Match
2. Trash Canyon/Jason Holiday def. "Scotia" Soul/Tony Armstrong
(Ref got knocked down and Pete took his place; after match, Soul attacked Pete.)
3. "X-Ray" Kyle Kruze beat Sexton Phoenix by submission to retain the MSW AC and CWA Cruiserweight
4. "Iron Tiger" Mike Fraser wrestled Scott Savage to a double-pin that was declared a draw. The match
lasted about 20-plus minutes.
(Afterwards, "X-Ray" announced that on the next show as part of the Summer Tour, August 30 at
Doolittle's, the two crowd favourites will battle again, this time in MSW's first 60-Minute Iron Man Match.)
5. Sidewalk Sam pinned "Kowboy" Mike Hughes
(After the match it was announced that Sam, now the #1 contender, will battle Giant Grimez at the next
show for the MSW Championship.)

Friday, June 8
Danny Russell & Legion Joint Benefit Show
Royal Canadian Legion
Sheet Harbour, NS

1. Blue River pinned Sexton Phoenix
2. Tony Armstrong def. Trash Canyon
3. "Lumber" Jack Johnson toppled Maritime Menace
4. "X-Ray" beat Scott Savage JDL by submission to retain the MSW AC and CWA Cruiserweight Titles
5. "Kowboy" Mike Hughes def. Sidewalk Sam

Please contact the webmaster at with any questions, concerns, or comments about the web site.
Thank you.

Saturday, August 25
Digby Arena, Digby, NS

Sunday, August 26
War Memorial Community Center, Windsor, NS

Thursday, August 30
Dave Doolittle's Sports Bar & Grill, Dartmouth, NS

Friday, August 31
Trenton Community Rink, Trenton, NS
7:30 pm

Meet the wrestlers at The Brick
on 280 Stellarton Rd. from 2-4 pm

Saturday, Sept. 1
Holy Redeemer Parish Center, Sydney, NS

Sunday, Sept. 2
Sarah Denny Cultural Center, Eskasoni, NS

Tuesday, Sept. 4
Bruce II Sports Center, Port Aux Basques, NL

Wednesday, Sept. 5
Bay Arena, Bay Roberts, NL

Thursday, Sept. 6
Re/Max Centre, St. John's, NL
7:30 pm

Tickets also available at
our sponsor, Club Etomik
on George St. and by calling
(709) 693-9858

Friday, Sept. 7
Unity Park Arena, Placentia, NL

Saturday, Sept. 8
Marystown Arena, Marystown, NL

Sunday, Sept. 9
Clarenville Stadium, Clarenville, NL

Monday, Sept. 10
Cabot Stadium, Bonavista, NL

Tuesday, Sept. 11
Joe Byrne Memorial Arena, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL

Wednesday, Sept. 12
Lion's Club, Lewisporte, NL

Thursday, Sept. 13
Stephenville Dome, Stephenville, NL

All shows begin at 7:30 pm with doors opening at 7:00 pm (Doolittle's 8:30 pm bell).
Newfoundland tickets go on sale Friday,
August 10 at their respective venues for $10 general seating, $12 ringside, $16 V.I.P.
(Early arena entry, backstage meet
w/wrestlers, exclusive souvenir, and surprise).



GCW Breaking Point 07
Oshawa, Ontario
Great Canadian Legion Hall
Attendance: 150

1) Bruno Davis def Tyler Logan

2) Steve Brown def J Rennels

Matches recorded for DVD:
3) Warhed vs Amazing Darkstone ended in no contest after Ontario Top Team(Idol,Andrew Davis and O'Reilly) attacked both

4) Otis Idol def Crazy Steve with interference from Andrew Davis and Jake O'Reilly

5) Magnificent Matthew (Matt Burns) def Rip Impact

6) Andrew Davis def Derek Wylde with interference from Otis Idol

7) Abdullah the Butcher def Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson in a bloodbath. Match was no dq, fall counts anywhere. Match never entered the ring.

8) Ontario Independent Championship:
Cody 45 def Ash and Xtremo to retain the title. Xtremo came off top turnbuckle witha 450 splash onto Ashe. Cody grabbed Extremo and tossed him out of the ring. Cody then was able to pin Ash.

9) Jennifer Blake def Portia Perez to become # 1 contender to GCW WILD championship

10) GCW Tag Team Championship:
Cody Deaner & Hayden Avery def Le Tigre (Rees Reynolds & Josh Alexander, formerly Prodigy and Jay Fenix) to retain the titles

11) GCW Canadian National Championship:
Kris Chambers def Jake O'Reilly by dq when Ontario Top Team interfered. Jake retains the title





Subject: Dewey Robertson Memorial
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:59:04 -0500

Family, friends, media and fans
Come and Remember Wrestling Legend

Dewey "The Missing Link" Robertson

When: Monday August 27, 2007

Where: The Joshua Centre
Pastor Ace Clarke
616 Main St. East - Hamilton, Ontario
(Main St. E. and Gladstone one block east of Sanford)

Time: 7:00PM (sharp)
Space is limited so please arrive early.

What: A gathering of family, friends, media and fans to reflect, tell stories and fondly remember one of professional wrestling's true characters.

** Following the official part of the evening
Food and Beverage will be served downstairs at the Joshua Centre.

For more information please contact:
Glenn Allan
Director: Media, Public Relations and Development
Promise Keepers Canada
1295 North Service Road
Box 40599 RPO Upper Brant
Burlington, ON
L7P 4W1
1-888-901-9700 x 24
905-331-1830 x 24
Cell 905-975-6455
Fax: 905-331-1832

Canadian Indy Notes: WCCW, PWX & NSW reports, PZW & more!


Steven Ashe sent these notes in:

WCCW 9/7 Press Release

On Friday, September 7, 2007, World Class Canadian Wrestling returns to Ridgeway, ON Canada at the Crystal-Ridge Community Centre, 99 Ridge Rd South, Ridgeway, ON Canada with “Chaos At Crystal Ridge”. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $10.00 in advance and $12.00 at the door.

Announced so far:

North American Heavyweight Title Bout
Blackjack Phoenix vs Greg “The Hammer” Valentine

Canadian Junior Heavyweight Cup Semi Final #1:
Jimmy Jam Olsen vs Chris Sabin

Canadian Junior Heavyweight Cup Semi Final #2:
RIP Impact vs A Mystery WCCW All-Star

Crystal-Ridge Tornado Tag Match

Featuring Chris Laplante, Brodie Lee, Quinson Valentino, and Lance Malibu

WCCW All-Stars Scheduled to appear:
The Unholy Ryot, Matt Burns, Impact Eddie Osbourne, Nick Paradise, Cousin Cletus and the Hickster, and Rex Atkins.


*card subject to change*


PWX Tillsonburg Fair Results Aug 18th Scott Steiner

Here are the results from the Tillsonburg Fair tonight for those who could not attend:

Outdoor Show opened with Commish Jen Blake coming out, and saying that she's gonna fight PD Skillz and in an anything goes style match.

Tiana Ringer vs Phil Latio
An entertaining match for the opener, the crowd was into it. Less comedy, more wrestling which I enjoyed even though there was a fair amount of comedy spots, it was all pulled off in good timing. Tiana was victorious.

Lance Mailbu w/ Rusty Malibu vs Kobra Kai
Tburg is always solidly behind the Golden Boyz, Rusty was being his big "brothers" cheerleader getting all the children behind Lance. Rusty cost his "brother" the match by getting on the apron, then Kai grabbed the Canadian flag, smashed Lance, pinned him, and then pummeled brother Russ!

PD Skillz vs. Jen Blake
In the beginning Blake smashed Skillz good in the bridge of the nose with a forearm. PD dominated, crowd was behind the beautiful Blake. PD brought a table out from under the ring, but was Blake who reversed a suplex to the outside horsetrack through a table with a powerbomb of her own. Crowd popped children chased Blake for high fives, as she braced her lower back with her hand.

Reck vs Johnny Trackpants in a Puffer on a Pole Match
In this match the majority of the crowd wanted the ref to place the puffer higher on the pole at the start. Some back and forth action, Trackpants worked the crowd in his favor. Trackpants retrieved the puffer, and won the match. Reck left in disgust.

Derek Wylde defends his X-Title against Ash
In my personal opinion this was the match of the night, lots of good back and forth action with some nice high spots. Crowd was behind Wylde, but I could hear some Ash supporters in the grandstand. Wylde nailed the death valley driver, crowd called for a 2nd after a near fall. Ash reverses nails the GO 2 SLEEP, 2 count only, Wylde makes a come back nails the Burning Hammer to retain.

Ref Rezner & PWX Champ Michael Elgin vs Freakshow & Cody Deaner
Elgin came out saying that he's not cleared by doctors to wrestle, and so this match isn't happening. Instead he has his good friend Mike Stevens to take his place. Freakshow and Deaner came in riding on the back of some motorcycles around the ring. Deaner said the match is happening, he talked to Jen Blake and that whoever gets the pin tonight gets the title match against Elgin in september. Deaner said he'll kick Rezner's ass, then the greased up pretty boy Mike Steven's ass too. Stevens carried the team, Rezner coming in for cheap shots. Trackpants took over for a short while in this match on commentary due to pissbreak for Jimmy. Deaner score the pin in order to face Elgin for the PWX Heavyweight title come September.

Tyson Dux vs Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner
Dux came out saying that Tburg smelled like poop and eggs. He also said keeping in PWX tradition another star didn't appear, so the bad news is you won't see Dux in action tonight, and the good news is Steiner missed his ride. Dux then said see him at the merch table get your 8x10s of him, memories last forever. Steiner's music hit, he called Dux scrawny and said he drove 3 hrs from Michigan to shut him up and kick his ass. Crowd was pumped and surrounded Steiner upon his entrance and then surrounded the ring that they had to ask people to please step back. Steiner actually impressed me, even though the match was short he brought back some memories with some crazy suplexes, he made Dux tap out with the Steiner Recliner.

After the show they drew 50/50, Golden Boyz hawked pics, and plugged themselves. Steiner was a nice guy took pics with everyone and signed everyone's stuff, pics, and cards etc.

Next month Sept. 23rd in Tillsonburg they return with Matt Hyson aka Spike Dudley, Brother Runt. Plus ladies star from NWWL Annie Social.

Sorry I'm no Gordo, just tryin' to get the word out.

Peace n Goodnight.



NSW: Underworld Unleashed
Unit 13
Attendance: Aprox 50
Referees: Sean Cassidy, Jon Turnip
Ring Announcer: Brady

The Flatliners, Asylum & Matt Burns, came out to the ring and said no one had stepped up ro their open challenge. They gave teams another chance but Burns wanted to go for dinner so they better make it quick. Matt Cannon & Mike Elias accepted the open challenge.

1) The Flatliners crushed Matt Cannon & Mike Elias.
Jake O'Reilly & Andrew Davis came to the ring after the match & Jake said rather than he & Davis fight each other in the main event, he wanted a match for the tag titles instead. The Flatliners accepted.

2) Vile & Valor Match:
The Motion Picture, Ethan Page def. SportFather Jessy Jones
Jones was subbing for Eddie Osbourne who was injured at the Friday night PWA show in Kitchener. (Wrestle Craze II)

3) Black Serpent def. Mike Rollins

4) The Gym Rats (Scotty O'Shea & Alex York) def. RJ City & Rip Impact w/ Joey Valentyne.
RJ made sure to ask his regular partner Joey if he was okay with him teaming with Rip. Joey gave Impact a Wild Stallions shirt but that wasn't enough for Rip & RJ to overcome the cheating ways of the Gym Rats

5) NSW World Tag Team Championship: Ontario Top Team (Jake O'Reilly & Andrew Davis) def. The Flatliners
The Flatliners retained their titles but lost the match when they were DQ'd after Asylum hit Jake with the belt.

6) NSW Cruiserweight Championship:
Josh Taylor w/ Kraft Dinner, Kyle Davenport def. Sebastian Suave to win the title.

7) Rumble Style Battle Royal, Brass Knuckles Championship:
Nick Watts won the title.
4 guys started the match: (Eliminations marked by *)
1- Logan Savage
2- HHV w/ Jules
3- Samoan Moe (Big masked guy with "SM" on his trunks)
4- Zakk Atticus

5- Dan Morris (He & HHV worked torgether)
* Samoan Moe by HHV (Over the top)
6- Bruno Davis w/ Andrew Davis (Bruno brought a big stick with him, which was legal)
7- Kris White
8- Some Masked Guy
* Zakk Atticus by Bruno Davis (Over the top)
9- Lak Sadartha
* Kris White by Bruno Davis (Over the top)
10- Matt Cannon
* Bruno Davis by Lak Sadartha (Over the top) (White & Attiscus brawled at ringside with the Davis Brothers)
11- Mamood (He went & hid in the audience.)
12- Deanna Conda
13- Darkstone
14- Mike Elias
* Matt Cannon & Mike Elias by each other (Over the top)
* Deanna Conda by Dan Morris (Pinfall) Deanna beat up Jules after being eliminated.
15- Steve Brown
16 - Sabrina Kyle (Formerly known as Saphire)
* Dan Morris by HHV (Over the top) (Oops? Maybe.)
* HHV by Steve Brown (Over the top)
17- Nick Watts
* Sabrina Kyle by Nick Watts
* Masked Guy by himself (Over the top) (Why? Who knows?)
* Lak Sadartha by Savage, Watts, Darkstorm & Brown
Ref Turnip slid a car hood into the ring. Watts & Darkstone both brought ladders in. Brown took a bump on the car hood courtesy of Savage. Lots of ladder bumps.
18(?)- Jake O'Reilly enters the match. Immediately goes to the floor and grabs Mamood. Gives him two BRUTAL back chops and tosses him inside. Jake powerbombs him severe then walks out. (Don't know if he was actually IN the match or not)
*Mamood by Steve Brown (Pinfall)
* Darkstone by Logan Savage (Over the top)
* Logan Savage by Steve Brown (After sit-out powerslam onto car hood. Can't remember if it was pinfall or over the top after that.)
Nick Watts blasted Brown with a crutch and pinned him to win the match and the Brass Knuckles Championship.

8) Rees Reynolds def. Dangerboy Derek Wylde and Josh Alexander in a 3-Way match
After the show they drew 50/50, Golden Boyz hawked pics, and plugged themselves. Steiner was a nice guy took pics with everyone and signed everyone's stuff, pics, and cards etc.












All Lethbridge shows at the LCC D.A. Electric Barn

Upcoming Shows:

Wednesday, August 29th. 7:30 Belltime. SHAW TV TAPING
Wednesday, September 19th. 7:30 Belltime. SHAW TV TAPING
Wednesday, October 10th. 7:30 Belltime. SHAW TV TAPING
Wednesday, November 7th. 7:30 Belltime. SHAW TV TAPING
Wednesday, December 5th. WRESTLEBASH!! 7:30 Belltime. SHAW TV TAPING

Tuesday, August 28th. 7:30 Belltime. Doors open at 6:30.

Thursday, August 30th. 7:30 Belltime. Doors open at 6:30.
Friday, October 5th. 7:30 Belltime. Doors open at 6:30.
Friday, November 16th. 7:30 Belltime. Doors open at 6:30.
Friday, December 21st. 7:30 Belltime. Doors open at 6:30.



Friday, August 24th, 2007
Bridgeview Hall
Surrey, BC
8 PM Belltime, Doors Open At 7:30 PM

Scotty Mac (champion) vs. Cremator (challenger) vs. Moondog Manson (challenger)

Cole Bishop (champion) vs. "Rocket" Randy Tyler (challenger)

Ice (champion) vs. "Brilliant" Billy Suede (challenger)

Abbadon vs. DK Roc

Disco Fury vs. Azeem The Dream

Marty Sugar & Deuce Savage vs. La Sombra & Volcano

Click For More Information
Friday, September 14th, 2007
Presented By NWA All Star Wrestling!
Fundraiser for Recreation Department
Totem Hall
Squamish, BC
8 PM Belltime

Cole Bishop (champion) vs. Moondog Manson (challenger)

The Bollywood Lions vs. Greatness On Demand

"Bomber" Nelson Creed vs. Fast Freddy Funk

Click For More Information
Friday, September 28th, 2007
Presented By SuperGirls Wrestling!
Bridgeview Hall
Surrey, BC
8 PM Belltime, Doors Open At 7:30 PM
Click For More Information
Saturday, September 29th, 2007
Presented By SuperGirls Wrestling!
Russian Community Centre
Vancouver, BC
8 PM Belltime, Doors Open At 7:30 PM
Click For More Information
Saturday, October 20th, 2007
Russian Community Centre
Vancouver, BC
8 PM Belltime, Doors Open At 7:30 PM
Click For More Information
Friday, October 26th, 2007
Bridgeview Hall
Surrey, BC
8 PM Belltime, Doors Open At 7:30 PM
Click For More Information
Saturday, December 15th, 2007
Russian Community Centre
Vancouver, BC
8 PM Belltime, Doors Open At 7:30 PM
Click For More Information

PWA, Big Vito news, BWO, UPWA


Arturo Zaldana sent this in:

Tea Time With King Booker Radio Show
August 25, 2007
1:00 - 3:00 P.M.
Listen to the show via the internet here at

Also, do not forget that on August 31, 2007, the PWA presents "Mid-Summer Madness" will take place from The Pasadena Convention Center. Beer will finally be served at the event. In store for the night would be the following matches:

*PWA Heavyweight Title Match*
Neico (C) vs Dawg Chettum w/ Ms. Rosa (Challenger)

*Special Attraction Match*

You do not want to miss out on this huge event, last month PWA event was succesful! It's one night of total nonstop action wrestling!!!!!.

1st & 2nd row seats are sold out. There is only 1 seat left in the 3rd row, so get your tickets fast!!! Before they are taken!!! ANd who knows what other stars might be at the event.........

Schedule To Appear: PWA Tag Team Champions "Kryll" w/ Lady Poison and the young lions of the PWA academy.

Of course King Booker & Queen Sharmell will be at the event. You can also meet AJ Styles & Joey Matthews for $5 after the event is over!.

For more information go to While your there signed up for our message boards where you can interact with local fans who are always in attendance at the event and share their thoughts about our events.

Shannon Rose sent this in:


Big Vito Wins Puerto Rico’s Coveted Wrestling Title

Tampa, FL: August 21, 2007 – Big Vito (formerly of WWE, WCW, ECW and TNA) won the IWA InterContinental Title in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on August 18th using the old WCW mobster gimmick. He defeated Dominican wrestler El Bacano for the title.

“It was a great honor to win the title in Puerto Rico. It is like coming home – my career has gone full circle since I began wrestling there in 1992. This is my first championship in there and it meant a lot to win it,” said Big Vito.

His career internationally continues to expand. He is currently in talks with promoters in Japan.

For more information or to book Big Vito, please contact


XWE Presents: Hardcore Chaos

Sunday August, 26TH at 2 pm

Slim N Chubbies Sports Bar And Grill

1428 Highway 19 North
Holiday, Florida 34691

More info: (727) 237-4044

Tickets: $10

This will be an outside show

Main Event:

Former WWE and WCW star Big Vito vs. “Human Fire breathing Monster” Torcher

A 20 man bring your own weapons battle royal

Punk and Disorderly vs. Michael Patrick & Raymond Snow

Also featuring, 4 way dance Melee:

Heater with John Q. vs. “Superhero” Mark Zout vs. Aaron Epic vs. Kennedy Kendrick with Jelena

Barney Rumble vs. A.D.D.

Ricky Romeo vs. Jerome Hendrix

Milton Xero & Carlton Xero vs. Deakon Starr & Stone Cates

Son Of Sicily with John Q vs. Ash Kristensen with Jelena

XWE Heavyweight Championship Title Match

Also in action

Bobby Wohlfert
The Drill Instructor
El Juggadore
James Morrison
Tony Perez

Ring Announcer: Shannon Rose

Tickets can be purchased at:

13807 Old Dixie Hwy
Hudson, FL

Short Stops Sports Cards
32776 US 19 North
Palm Harbor, FL

5TH AVE Jewelry & Pawn
8201 US HWY19
Port Richey, FL

Paladin Auto
6142 Siesta Lane
Port Richey, FL

Also you can email XWE at

also check out the XWE myspace

Blackball'd Wrestling Organization sent this in:

Blackball'd Wrestling Organization returns to Phoenixville, PA at Top Gun Wrestling Academy, 373 Walnut Street on August 25th for "Last Chance '07" with a 7:30 pm Bell Time. Tickets $10.00!

Announced so far:

Heavyweight Title Match:
Bazooka Joe vs Rockin Rebel

Tag Team Title Match:
Hard Candy vs Blahdeggo/Uptown Chris Brown

Interstate Title Match - NO DQ:
Dr. Spider vs Din Mak

Bomboy v Kid Kaos v Antonio Blanka

KFC (Kory Castle/Rick Feinberg) v Alan Cross/Louis Rich v Massive Mike/Sgt. Smith

Also scheduled to appear: Twisted Tate, Arkham, Evan Nemo, ring announcer Heavy D and many more.

TICKET INFO: 610-933-8550

*card subject to change*


Do you have the desire to be a Professional Wrestler? BWO is proud to announce Top Gun Wrestling Academy, Inc. in Phoenixville, PA!

All Training is done by Professional Wrestling & Fitness Trainers. Our Trainers have wrestling experience in countries all over the world. Join in with Rockin Rebel and Ricky Reyes plus guest trainers.

Come visit and check us out at 373 Walnut Street, Phoenixville, PA - just blocks from the Vale Rio Diner and Phoenixville Hospital. New Classes always opening!

We offer everything you need to become a Star in the Professional Wrestling World today and are just minutes from Philadelphia, New Jersey and Delaware.

Call today (610) 933-8550 or email for a tryout, hours, rates and information on our programs and unleash the Wrestler in YOU!!!!


Donald Brower sent this in:

The fastest growing wrestling promotion in the southeast packed the National Guard Armory in Wilmington, NC with a crowd of 250 fans when UPWA presented August Assault 2007 on August 18th. The show was a star studded affair with appearances by "Storm" Clark of American Gladiators, who sang the national anthem and Former All-Pro Football Player Donnell Woolford. In a Double Main Event, first the debuting "Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff def. "Mean" Marc Ash in a hard hitting Russian Chain Match with special guest referee Donnell Woolford. Before the match, Ash questioned why Woolford was in the building with real athletes not hanging out with the thugs in the NFL. When Woolford tried to answer, Ash kept interrupting until Koloff made his way into the arena. He announced that Woolford was the special referee. In the Second Main Event, Sexton Tyler def. UPWA Heavyweight Champion "Playboy" Marcus Shields via pinfall in a non-title match. The match was announced as a title match but after the pin, Donald Brower stated that due to the ongoing celebration of the champion's birthday, they had forgotten to sign the actual contract so therefore the match was not for the title. He also announced Tyler would not get a rematch but he would be allowed to enter the upcoming UPWA Carolina Title Tournament. Tyler accepted the decision but was shocked when he learned his First Round opponent will be Pete Nixon. In other action, The Sons of the New South (Bam the Destroyer/Billy Holiday) def. Donald Brower Enterprises(Andrew Anderson/Pete Nixon) via when Brower accidentally hit Anderson with a chain allowing Bam to get the pinfall. UPWA Tag Team Champions D.R.S, Inc(LA Tank/Mike Devine) def. Beast/Eric Evans to retain the titles. Dave Dawson def. Josh Hunter in a stellar match. In the opening contest, Pitt def. Sabertooth and Draven in a triple threat match. The show opened with former UPWA returns to the armory on September 8th with an action packed card including the UPWA debut of Chris Hamrick. For more information visit

AWA RUSH featuring Kamala Jr

Come out to AWA RUSH, an AWA sanctioned promotion, on Friday, August 24th, 2007 at the Eagles Club (708 North Riverfront Drive) in Mankato, Minnesota. Doors open at 6:30PM for a 7:30PM bell time. Ticket prices are $10 at the door. This show will feature the son of the Ugandan Legend Kamala! That's right, KAMALA JR. IS COMING TO AWA RUSH!

***AWA RUSH Championship Match***
(c) "The Future" JOEY ENVY vs. "White Kryptonite" AARON CORBIN

***AWA RUSH YouTube Television Championship Match***

***AWA RUSH Tag Team Championship Match***

***Special Attraction***

***Singles Action***

***No DQ 3-Way-Dance***
"The Rising Star" SHIMDOG vs. COOTER vs. MATTY STAR


Come out to AWA RUSH, an AWA sanctioned promotion, on Saturday, August 25th, 2007 at "Old Town Summer Fest" on Riverfront Drive in Mankato, Minnesota. We will be set up on the street as a part of the festival. Gates open at noon and bell time is at 2pm. We will be having four AWA RUSH matches, one on the top of every hour from 2-5pm! More information is at

Here are the times we will be running matches...
7:30pm - Kamala Jr vs Casanova

This show will be special for RUSH, as it will be filmed EXCLUSIVELY for YouTube!

***Special Attraction***

Also announced...AWA RUSH YouTube Television Champion ARYA DAIVARI, "Dangerous J" JAYSIN STRIFE, "Delicious" DEVIN CARTER, "The Rising Star" SHIMDOG, COOTER, & MATTY STAR!

EVO Wrestling Update

Source: Deric Blaze

Bandstock '07 has been moved to Catfish Lake- 1700 W Wabash Ave. Ticket info for the three day event will be released soon. For more info on Bandstock go to or visit