Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Uganda Beast Coming to EVO Wrestling + UCW Commercial


Kamala Jr. has been announced to make an appearance at an Evolution Wrestling show August 12th. He is set to make an open challenge to any EVO superstar..The event will be held at Eagles Lodge (201 S. 6th St) Logansport, IN- 46947. Admission is Adult Tickets: $4.00 Student Tickets: $2.00 Kids 5 & Under: FREE!


Advanced tickets will be sold at Mom's Taxi:
723 W Market St
Logansport, IN 46947
(574) 737-8294


Eagles Lodge:
201 S. 6th St
Logansport, IN 46947
(574) 732-0082



UCW Commercial for Summerfest

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CHIKARA, CZW TV Petition, + Tom Prichard Interview


CHIKARA sent this in:

CHIKARA: Just over two weeks until the International Invasion begins!

International Invaders weekend takes place on Friday, August 17 and Saturday, August 18 right here in Pennsylvania! We're bringing in faces both fresh and familiar to make this weekend an affair unlike any other on the CHIKARA calendar! On August 17, we play the Riverside Beneficial Assoc. in Reading, and we've already got a handful of matches locked down for that event. Here's what we've got so far:

Mexican sensation Lince Dorado will captain a quartet against a team led by Mitch Ryder!

All Japan Pro Wrestling's Brute Issei vs. CHIKARA's own Eddie Kingston

USApe vs. Moscow, the Communist Bovine

Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne (of ROH) vs. Tim Donst (from the Chikara Wrestle Factory)

Also, International Invaders weekend will be your first chance to snag one of the new "Simply Marvelous" Mitch Ryder t-shirts, as well as the latest release in our ongoing series of CHIKARA trading cards (card # 13 goes on sale in Reading)!

Don't miss us this Sunday afternoon, when we play the former ECW Arena with an event entitled "Maximum Overdraft!" It's loaded to the gills with great matches! Read all about it right here!

Advance tickets are on sale right now (just follow the SCHEDULE link for this event) and complete information is available at! Join the rest of the CHIKARMY and come see us live; keep up to date with all things CHIKARA by subscribing to our free, weekly podcast!

"Maximum Overdraft" on Sunday, August 5th, 2007
Live @ The ECW Arena (New Alhambra)
7 Ritner Street
in South Philadelphia, PA!
Doors open at 3:30 pm. Bell time is 4:00 pm.

All seats just $15.00!

"Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage - Attack of the Phantom Sith"
Friday night, August 17th, 2007
Live @ The Riverside!
1742 Pear Street
just outside downtown Reading, PA!
Doors open at 7:00 pm. Bell time is 7:30 pm.

Our homebase:
For our free, weekly video podcast:
On MySpace!

Ben Kerin sent this in:

CZW Salutes Wayne Payne
CZW salutes its fan Wayne Payne for starting an online petition to get CZW back on TV. When we reach 500 signatures, we will approach both local and cable stations to discuss the return of "Fake You TV". Thanks for supporting the "Dub"!

CLICK HERE To Sign Petition

Independent Wrestling Federation sent this in:

Independent Wrestling Federation

Exclusive IWF Interview with WWE's Dr. Tom Prichard:
by: Independent Wrestling Federation

Posted: August 2, 2007

(WEST PATERSON, NJ)- Independent Wrestling Federation is pleased to announce that WWE Developmental Talent Trainer Dr. Tom Prichard of Florida Championship Wrestling returns to conduct a WWE Seminar, Clinic and Tryout at IWF Wrestling School, 32 Willow Way, West Paterson, NJ.

Prichard, a former WWE Tag Team Champion with The Heavenly Bodies and The Bodydonnas, hosts the three-day clinic on Friday, August 17 from 6:30 to 10:30 pm, Saturday, August 18 from 12 to 5 pm, and Sunday, August 19 from 11 am to 2:30 pm. Day one and two include a seminar, in-ring drills, basics and fundamentals. Day three includes a videotape study, promos and evaluation.

This is a must for all wrestlers and students to have an opportunity to get scouted and coached by Prichard in this three-day clinic. This marks the 10th clinic Tom will host at IWF Wrestling School since 2002.

As we look ahead to the upcoming Clinic, here is an interview with Tom Prichard as we probe his role as a trainer and coach, and seek knowledge about what it takes to make it as a successful professional wrestler...

IWF: First, tell us about the early stages of your wrestling career and about your training?

TOM: I am a lifelong wrestling fan and have watched my whole life. From the time I was 4 years old I knew I wanted to be a professional wrestler. I started watching on TV in El Paso, TX and there were great workers like The Funks, Harley Race, The Infernos, The Von Brauners, Nick and Jerry Kozak, Grizzly Smith, Rickey Romero, Gory Guerrero, El Santo and many other top names who I didn't know at the time were top names pretty much everywhere they went. Or, they were being groomed for a top spot. West Texas was run by the Funk family and they were very smart in how they did business. When I was 10, we moved to Houston and got acquainted with a whole new crew of wrestlers; Wahoo McDaniel, Johnny Valentine, The Spoiler, Gary Hart, The Great Malenko, Fritz Von Erich, Jose Lothario, and Dory Funk Jr. just won the NWA World championship before we moved so he was now a touring champion, going from territory to territory so I was able to still see some of my favorites from West Texas. Paul Boesch was the promoter and we were able to go to the matches every Friday night at the Sam Houston Coliseum in the 70's. I made it a point to be around the entrance the guys arrived at in the coliseum and would try to talk to some while other times I just watched. I finally introduced myself to Paul and told him I wanted to wrestle. Of course at 11 years old I was told there’s no way but I was persistent and never gave up. From the time I was 10 up until I was 20 years old I was at the matches every week and in between those years I managed to work in the Houston office during summers, referee, second and set up rings. I was a gofer and did anything I could to be a part of the business. I never gave up my hopes and dreams. There wasn't a lot of encouragement to go around either but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

IWF: During your wrestling training, who was most instrumental in your development and what were some of the most important tips and advice you received?

TOM: The most influential person in my early training and development was my karate instructor, Bill Gray. About the same time we moved to Houston, my brother and I took karate classes and that’s where I met Bill. Bill brought a speaker to class one night who said, “There are 3 kinds of people in the world: Those who ‘try’. They'll never make it because when they don't they say “Well, at least I tried.” Those who ‘give it their best shot’. They'll never make it because when they don't they say “Well, at least I gave it my best shot.” Then there’s that third kind of person who says ‘Whatever It Takes.’ There is no denying these people because they will not stop until they accomplish their goal. There is no ‘try’ or ‘best shot.’ I thought that was the most profound thing I ever heard. What’s possible is done, what’s impossible will be done. How true! I was told I was too small, couldn't wrestle, didn't have ‘it’, blah, blah, blah. I knew what I wanted to do and while I wasn't sure exactly how I would get there I was going to get there! I took a lot of risks and made a lot of mistakes but that’s life. I just couldn't see myself doing anything else. Paul Boesch letting me work in the office and train with The Iron Sheik on Friday afternoons in an empty coliseum was a big help as well. Paul was a great influence and inspiration to me too.

IWF: How long did it take you to "get it" and were there any defining moments that stand out when you truly understood what performing and the business were all about?

TOM: The rule of thumb when I had my first match (1979) was you had to be working for at least 5 years before you would be allowed to call a spot or anything in the match. Back then you were put with a veteran every night and you listened to him. That’s how you really learn this business is on the job training and experienced veterans pass down their knowledge. I think I finally ‘got it’ when I turned heel in Louisiana. Then I was able to try things and try my hand at calling a match. It was right around my 5 year mark after working 5-7 nights a week for 5 years! It’s next to impossible to fathom that today. There’s just no where to go and do something like that. Going to the Pensacola/Alabama territory really gave me the freedom to try my hand at some ideas and get comfortable about who I was as a performer. But then again, going to WWE it was like starting all over again! The great thing about this business is it’s constantly changing. And the bad thing about this business is it’s constantly changing!

IWF: In 1996, you began a new career as a trainer and coach for WWE. It is well known you had a hand in preparing The Rock, Kurt Angle and Ken Shamrock among others for their careers What were the qualities and attributes that separated those that made it to the big dance from those who didn't make it?

TOM: The biggest qualities these guys all have is they are students of the game. They kept looking for improvement and new ways to do things. It wasn't “just doing moves for the sake of doing moves.” In the case of Rock and Angle they both became extremely entertaining on the mic and in the ring. Shamrock had a lot of talent as well. They all had the “Whatever It Takes” attitude!

IWF: Kevin Knight opened IWF Wrestling School in 1999 because there weren't any quality schools in the area. His role was also that of a student as he began brining in countless stars and legends to conduct clinics. In addition to yourself, WWE's Steven Richards, WWE's Nunzio, WWE Hall of Famer Tito Santana, former WWE Intercontinental Champion Honky Tonk Man, WWE legend Ricky Steamboat, former UFC and WWE Champion Ken Shamrock, former WWE Diva Dawn Marie, former WWE star Tom Brandi, former ECW Champion Steve Corino, and TNA's Simon Diamond have hosted clinics. How valuable are these sessions for trainees?

TOM: The hardest part starting out today is finding a reputable school and coach who knows what he’s doing. To be able to hear it from the people who have “been there, done that” is immeasurable. No two people have broke into the business the same way but the successful ones with longevity know and understand what someone must do in order to follow some direction. No one knows everything, therefore it is good to hear a different point of view as long as the information is constructive and helping the students attain their goals. You never know when you might see or hear that ‘one thing’ that inspires you or answers that burning question nobody else seemed to have the answer to. Too many times trainers give answers they “think” is right because they read it in a book or magazine.

IWF: Kevin Knight formulated his coaching style for IWF Wrestling School by combining all the valuable knowledge gained during these superstar clinics. Who was influential in helping you to develop your coaching style?

TOM: Once again, Bill Gray. His method of teaching kept things fun, interesting and informative. I actually learned and wanted to learn more. You must have a passion to learn the business but I also feel a good coach must have a passion for coaching. A good coach must also be willing to change and adapt as things change.

IWF: You conducted many clinics throughout the country, including developing a relationship with IWF Wrestling School in 2002. Since that time, 16 different IWF graduates performed with WWE. Now, there are thousands of independent wrestlers in the country. What qualities and attributes separate an ordinary "independent" wrestler from a first-class "professional" wrestler?

TOM: Attitude. Too many guys think it’s all about how many moonsaults or huracanranas they can do. Stone Cold Steve Austin has NEVER done a moonsault! Less is more! The real pros understand it is about quality, NOT quantity. This is a business and it should be enjoyed. The object is not to kick each other as hard as you can. It’s to give the impression you are beating the hell out of each other! Pros understand this. Indie/Outlaws don't!

IWF: Yourself, Honky Tonk Man and Tito Santana among others, have been credited for the success of IWF Wrestling School as a result of your roles as guest instructors. The common theme is basics, fundamentals and storytelling. To some young wrestlers, this seems boring when compared to stunts, dives and barbed wire. Any idiot can do a stunt, a dive or fall into barbed wire, but it takes a skilled professional athlete to master the basics and tell a logical story. Why are these the most important elements for a wrestler to learn?

TOM: We can teach moves. We can't teach charisma or passion. How much talent does it take to do 15 huracarranas, 12 moonsaults, go thru 20 tables and still get up and do a flying dive off the cage? I'm sure it takes something but the object again, is to tell a story and entertain people. The Rock will still get more of a reaction by raising his eyebrow than some 165 pound guy stapling a dollar to his tongue.

IWF: Today, with the short attention span of society in general and instant gratification expected, many trainees and young wrestlers expect to make it to WWE after just a few months or few years of training. What are some things that young wrestlers need to keep in mind during the early years of their career?

TOM: Worry about having a solid foundation before worrying about “getting my tattoo on my trunks and ring jacket!” Without knowing the BASICS and having a solid foundation you will go nowhere fast! Ask veterans who have been where you want to be for advice! Become a student of the game and live this business 24/7. Don't live your gimmick…live and understand the demands and sacrifices required of this business.

IWF: With almost 30 years of experience as a wrestler, trainer and coach, you have seen countless wrestlers come and go. What are the keys to longevity and a prosperous wrestling career?

TOM: Attitude. Understanding ones strengths and weaknesses. Learn everything you can about everything connected to the business. It won't last forever. Are you thought of or capable enough to pass down what you learned? Longevity means WORKING SMART! That doesn't mean be lazy, it means work smart so you don't get a serious injury and aren't able to make a living any more.

IWF: Thanks for the interview Tom and thanks for your time!

TOM: Any time. I am looking forward to seeing everyone!

For information regarding the Tom Prichard Wrestling Seminar and Clinic at IWF Wrestling School in West Paterson, NJ, on August 17-18-19, please visit Prichard also appears at the IWF Desperate Measures Weekend live events Saturday, August 18, 7:30 pm and Sunday, August 19, 4 pm at IWF Centre, West Paterson, NJ.

Established in 1999, IWF Wrestling School has trained hundreds of wrestlers from 15 states and six countries that compete in bouts for organizations around the globe, including WWE, ECW, OVW and TNA. Open House Tours are hosted Tuesdays and Wednesdays anytime between 6:30-10 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays between 12-4 pm.

IWF Wrestling School is recognized as the premiere training facility in the Northeast by countless media outlets. Independent Wrestling Federation produces family-friendly live events, hosts Birthday Parties, and conducts Field Trips for youth and recreation organizations. For information visit


Independent Wrestling Federation LLC.
Desperate Measures Weekend

Saturday, August, 18, 2007, 7:30 pm
& Sunday, August 19, 2007, 4:00 pm
@ IWF Centre, 32 Willow Way, West Paterson, NJ

WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard
Former Tag Team Champion w/ The Heavenly Bodies & The Bodydonnas

Card for August 18 (Day 1):

Double Main Event: Return Match for the IWF Heavyweight Title
* Special Guest Referee: WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard
Tony Torres w/ Eloy Fiesta vs. Franciz (IWF Champion) w/ Commissioner Rich Ross

Double Main Event: IWF American Title Match
* Title Can Change Hands via Count-out or Disqualification
Kevin Knight vs. Travis Blake (Champion) w/ Commissioner Rich Ross

IWF Tag Team Title Match
Burnin' Mike Durnin & Steve Camacho vs. Justin Corino & Frank Scoleri (Champions)

IWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Antonio Rivera (Champion) w/ Eloy Fiesta vs. Chris Steeler

Contender's Bout for Future IWF Junior Title Match:
Jana vs. Nick Sabre

Dan Schwartz vs. Mister Nick Gregory

* Autograph & Photo Session with WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard!

* Raffle Drawing to win 2 free tickets to Yankees vs. Seattle on Monday, Sept 3, 1 pm @ Yankee Stadium!

* Plus much more to be announced. Check back soon for details at

Card for August 19 (Day 2):

Featuring: WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard

And: Kevin Knight, Tony Torres, Antonio Rivera, Eloy Fiesta, Franciz, Travis Blake, Commissioner Rich Ross, Justin Corino, Frank Scoleri, Burnin' Mike Durnin, Steve Camacho, Nick Sabre, Chris Steeler, Jana, Matt Bennett, Barry Delaney & more.

* Autograph & Photo Session with WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard!

* Raffle Drawing to win 2 free tickets to Yankees vs. Seattle on Monday, Sept 3, 1 pm @ Yankee Stadium!

* Plus much more to be announced. Check back soon for details at

Watch the August edition of the Eruption Webcast at, which provides a recap of Summer Sizzler, and a preview of the upcoming Desperate Measures Weekend.

Pro Wrestling Unplugged + Jericho & 'cancer fundraising'


Nate Stein sent this in:

PWU 8/18 'Fan Appreciation Night' Where Fans Pick The Matches: Scorpio, Violent J, Corporal Robinson, 2 Tuff Tony, Matthews, Sunny, Gangrel, Billy Blade; Power Surge TV; & More

Pro Wrestling Unplugged is giving their fans a chance to book their own matches on Saturday, August 18 at 7:30 pm in the New Alhambra Arena, 7 Ritner ST in Philadelphia, PA for “Fan Appreciation Night”.

* New Power Surge TV – “Overload” Review of “Iron & Steel” with host Dan “The Phan” Cowhey:

* PWU Iron & Steel DVD on sale now in the PWU Pro Shop at

* As announced, PWU returns for “Fan Appreciation Night”, where fans will LEGITIMATELY pick the matches, on Saturday, August 18 at the New Alhambra Arena. Check out the latest at

* Just Added: Joey Matthews & The Hatchet Boyz (Violent J, 2 Tuff Tony, and Corporal Robinson)

They are added to the growing list of names for the event, which also includes PWU World Heavyweight champion Too Cold Scorpio, Sunny, Gangrel, & Billy Blade.

* GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Our last two events broke PWU attendance records and sold out the front row! You can purchase your ticket now in the PWU Pro Shop at

* Get a sneak peek at PWU’s Third Anniversary event on the sub-site at Catch the sub-site video featuring band Shovelhook who will be playing live on the Red Carpet, along with band Survival Rate Zero.

Experience the New Edge online at for exclusive news and event information, Power Surge TV, & more.

Georgie of sent this in:

Hi Everyone!

My McDonald's restaurant in Canton, Ct was one of seven restaurants in New England selected to participate in "Teal at The Wheel," a fund raiser for Ovations for the Cure, (Ovarian Cancer Research). On Saturday, August 18th, we will be having a grand event at the store.

We are selling discounted tickets for $5.00, which can be redeemed for a Quarter Pounder With Cheese Extra Value Meal. (Retail value $6.04!) All proceeds from ticket sales will go directly to Ovations for the Cure.

How Does It Work?

Between July 1st and August 18th, we are selling $5.00 tickets for a QPC Extra Value Meal. You can buy these tickets two ways. If you are local, you may come to my store in Canton, CT and purchase them. If you are not local, you may log onto; On the main page you will see the McDonald's "Teal at the Wheel" logo, where you can purchase tickets. Please select the "220 Albany Tpke, Canton , CT McDonalds" location when ordering tickets! After your online transaction is complete, it will let you print your ticket(s.)

ALL tickets sold may only be redeemed on the day of the event, August 18th, between 4pm-7pm for your meal. We urge you to come to the store around 4:30, because between 5pm-6pm, our goal is to get 1,000, YES! 1,000 Cars through our drive-thru in one hour. This is how BIG this event is going to be. We are going to try and set the new world record while raising money for Ovations for the Cure! If you are unable to make it to the day of the event, I am asking that your hearts be open to this event. Any donation, even as small as $5.00, could mean the difference between where we are today, and where we could be tomorrow.

What's Happening?

- 1,000 Car Contest
- Live TV Remotes
- Live Radio Station Remotes
- Local celebrities: Working on firming up names as we speak.
- Classic Car Show
- Face Painting
- Magic Shows
- Live Music
- Ronald McDonald and Friends
- Raffle Prizes (These are NOT Small prizes either! You WANT to win these!)
- Food & Fun for the Whole Family
- Helping a GREAT Cause!

How Can You Help?

1- Purchase Tickets! The more tickets we sell, the more money is raised! There is a friendly competition between all seven stores to see who can sell the most tickets, I know we can be #1!

2- Promote Tickets! Please send this email to EVERYONE in your address book, MySpace page, FaceBook. Tell all your friends, family, co-workers! Spread the word!

3- Volunteer! We are looking for volunteers to work the day of the event. Ever wanted to work at McDonalds? Run the drive-thru? Make a cheeseburger? Now is your chance. We need 50 volunteers by the end of this month. No experience is necessary! Please contact me for more information.

Thank you so much for your help!

Brian Keifer, GM
CANMAC Enterprises, LLC
#17261, Canton, CT
860-693-9284 Office

* * * * * * * * * * * *

August 18th - CHRIS JERICHO will signing autographs for ovarian cancer fundraiser at McDonald's - 220 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT from 3 to 5 PM.

Canadian Indy News


Steven Ashe sent these notes in:

Pure Wrestling Association presents

AUGUST 17TH, 2007
Elements Night Club
90 King Street West
Kitchener, Ontario

Doors Open @ 7:00PM

Tickets are $15.00ADV for Floor
$10 General ADV

Announced so far:

Pure Wrestling Championship
Steel Cage Match
Ruffy Silverstein will challenge "Big Ticket" Reggie Marley (c)

Elite Womens Championship
Danyah vs. The 21st Century Fox (c)

Tagteam Table Match for the Tagteam Championships
"Le Tigre" vs. "Youth Unleashed" vs. "Spare Change" vs. "Canadian Goldnboyz"

Pure Violence Championship
Addy Starr vs. "Canada's Meanest Wrestler" Two Time UFC Vet Geza "Dawg" Kalman

Internet Championship
"Suicide" Sean Ball vs. "Cuban Sensation" Elian Habanero (c)

10 000 Thumbtacks
Cade Von Dutch vs. Warhed

Arm Wrestling Contest
Masked Hideous Blob vs. "Prince of Power" Lak Sadartha

Respect Me
Jessy Jones vs. Paul Wright

more to be announced


PWX August 18th with Scott Steiner - Card Update

On August 18th PWX comes back to Tillsonburg with another awesome event. This event takes place at the Tillsonburg Fair Grounds located at 45 Hardy Ave in Tillsonburg. Bell time is 6:30. This event is free with admission to the Fair

Prior to the event All PWX stars will be on hand for a special autograph session

Here is your card

Tianna Ringer vs Phil Latio

PD Skillz vs Kobra Kai

Reck vs Johnny Trackpants in a Puffer on a Pole Match

Derek Wylde defends his X-Title against Ash

Ref Rezner & Frankie The Mobster vs Freakshow & Cody Deaner

Tyson Dux vs Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner

Also to appear: Jen Blake , Michael Elgin , Golden Boys and More



Having taken this month, NSW is back on board in preparation for our next show. Here are just a few of the matches confirmed:

NSW: Underworld Unleashed
Sunday, August 19th 2007
Bell Time: TBA
95 Hempstead Drive, Unit 13
Hamilton, Ontario

NSW World Championship
Hayden Avery (c) Vs. Jake O'Reilly

#1 Contender's Triple Threat
Derek Wylde Vs. Josh Alexander (Jay Fenix) Vs. 'The Prodigy' Rees Reynolds

NSW Cruiserweight Championship
Sebastian Suave (c) Vs. Josh Taylor w/Kyle Davenport

NSW Tag Team Championship - Open Contract
The Flatliners (c) Vs. _ _ _ _ _ _

Vileness Vs. Valour
Eddie Osbourne Vs. Ethan Page

**More Matches to be Announced in the coming weeks**

For more info and news details:


Peter Bisson Review: PCW - July 28, Ottawa, Ontario
Peter Bisson Review
PCW, July 28/07 Ottawa

Opening bout was a tag-team match. The Sex Pistols, Chaz Lovely and Matt Grey came out dancing like wanna-be Shawn Michaels, no high fives for any of the fans, instant bad guys. Then out came Team Player, Tyler Logan and J. Runnels, always a hit with PCW fans.

An excellent opener to get the crowd going, fast action and high risk moves. Runnels was cut off from his partner for a good portion of the match, but was able to rally back and get that much needed tag. Team Player scored the win with a sick double team manouevre that had Matt Grey smacked face first into the Matt from the top of Logans shoulders.

One of my biggest gripes in pro-wrestling are obvious mis-matches, well, it couldn't get any worse than this, a relatively inexperienced and much smaller, KC Tanks vs a Killer such as The Asian Nightmare, Kwan Chang. Kwan wasted no time abusing his opponent, but thanks to a little distraction from some hostile fans, KC nailed Kwan with a Spear which softened Kwan enough that KC could enjoy the odd advantage over Kwan, which he paid for with brutal retaliation.

When it appeared KC was lifeless on the Matt, Kwan announced "Time for Near Death Experience", and as he was about to pick his opponents seemingly lifeless carcass off the matt, KC rolled Kwan into an inside cradle, 1..2..3, What????? The winner KC Tanks???? Kwan was so much in a fit of rage over this embarrassing loss, he "forgot" to make his opponent pay for this embarrassing loss.

What's next, aw come-on, not another mis-match? It was the masked wrestler, Inferno vs Danny Linkin! Yep, the same guy described by Gordo as a "Crack-Addicted-Spider-Monkey". I think they exaggerated his weight, 150 lbs.? A five year old could draw a picture of this guy, "a stick-man with long hair"!

Are you sitting down Gordo? OK it gets worse, he was the "Good-Guy"! Well, Inferno didn't "play chicken" like he usually does, why would he? Inferno did have some difficulties though, especially trying to pin this guy too close to the ropes, and like a "spider-monkey", this guy was all arms and legs, always finding a way to reach the ropes.

Finally Inferno got smart and finished this guy in the middle of the ring.

Fourth match of the evening, Caster McFear vs Boink The Clown, Boink with a "B", not the same Doink the Clown from WWE, but a fair imitation. Before the match could begin, both Caster and the ref got sprayed with silly-string, both the ref and Caster got spankings from Boink. I guess Boink figured that was Caster's "Achilles-Heel" cause his main point of attack was Caster's ass, which he attacked with slaps, kicks, knee-drops, and just plain dropping the guy on his ass.

It seemed as if the match was going in Boink's favour, but the ever resourcefull Caster pulled on Boink's tights for extra leverage and scored the pin. This match was basically a repeat of the same match at CGPW in Morrisburg, and was equally enjoyed by the majority of PCW fans, especially the many family groups of fans. Nothing wrong with a little comedy!

Time for the ladies match, which I think should be on every single card, Indy or Big League. Special Referee for this match, The Anti-Diva, Katelin Diemond, who was not well recieved by an unforgiving crowd due to the stunt she pulled at the last PCW card, where her interference caused a loss for PCW fans sweetheart, Josianne The Pussycat.
The match up was Malicha Calamity vs Sweet Chrissy, and as you would expect from any ladies match, they wasted no time ripping into each other. Sweet Chrissy was the crowd favourite, but both were lovely ladies in my opinion, even the wacky Malicha.

Chrissy eventually gained the upper hand, and it seemed that Katelin was a fair and impartial ref, but when it seemed Chrissy had Malicha ready for the finish, Kaitlin downed Chrissy with a wicked forearm, and placed Malicha over Chrissy and counted the pin. In a sudden turn of events, Kaitlin raised Malicha's hand in victory, and then downed her as well. I guess that's why Kaitlin is called the Anti-Diva. Sorry Kaitlin, that wasn't enough to win over the fans.

In my opinion, the next match, not only the best match of the evening, but possibly PCW's best match ever, Kryss Thorn vs The Prophet, Jeremy Barnhoff, no mis-match here despite Prophet being smaller than Thorn. The Prophet may have been the heel, but got a few cheers here and there, and one thing unique about PCW fans, always a round of applause to whoever performs a sick manouevre, good guy or bad guy.

It was back and forth action, neither one gaining the upper hand for long, until the action spilled out of the ring. Thorn did a spinning side slam and slammed The Prophet onto the ramp from the back stage, but didn't maintain the advantage for long, thanks to interference from Kwan Chang. The ref ordered Kwan back to the dressing room but not before Kwan gave Thorn a few whacks with his Kendo stick.

The Prophet pretty well maintained the advantage for the remainder of the match, many close to 3 near pins, but Thorn was able to feed off the heavy crowd support and defeated The Prophet. Regarless of the outcome, there were no losers in this match, a match of Big League quality in an Indy promotion.

Finally, the Main Event, a No-Holds-Barred match, reigning PCW champion, The Hickster vs The Canadian Psycho, The Wild Ace. Seeing that there was alot of kids at this event, the announcer advised parents that this match could get very violent and bloody.

Ace came out wearing a dress, the same dress he had to wear at the last PCW card as the result of losing a special stipulation macth, I guess he likes his new look? Suddenly, the Hickster ran out, no music, no greeting the fans, he just tore into Ace with a vengence.

The advantage didn't last long, with Hickster not 100% due to his bad knee, and Ace was well prepared with lots of weapons stashed under the ring. Hickster was hit with chairs, garbage cans, lids, pop cans, and was soon a bloody mess. Ace pulled a STOP sign and was about to nail Hickster, but ace got knocked down, Hickster placed the STOP sign over Ace's private region, and smashed the sign with a hocky stick. Ace rallied back, but before long, The Hickster started "Hulking-Up", threw Ace into the ropes, knocked Ace down with a good boot, and landed a big leg-drop on Ace, but before Hickster could get the pin, here comes The Prophet to Ace's rescue.

Ace and the Prophet teamed up and gave Hickster a severe beating that resulted in a loss for The Hickster, thus, Ace became the new PCW champion. I shook my head in disgust at this crappy end to this wrestling show, but then Kryss Thorn came out and saved Hickster from further punishment, and then challenged Ace for the PCW title, which the arrogant Ace accepted as he feels Thorn is a push-over compared to The Hickster.

Well, it was still a sad ending to the show, especially for all the "little Hicksters", saw one kid with tears in his eyes. It appeared there would be no usual victory celebration of Hickster's usual inviting the kids into the ring to dance around to Hickster's theme song, but then, they played Kryss Thorn's theme song, and Thorn invited all the kids itno the ring to rock out to his theme song. It's little things like this among other things that keep me coming back to PCW, especially with my little side-kick, my grandson.



PWX results from Port Burwell
Royal Canadian Legion (Outdoor show)
Attendance: 125
Ring Announcer: Johnny Trackpants
Referee: Big H

1) Rip Impact & Ref Reznor def The Canadian Gold'n Boyz (Lance & Rusty Malibu)
2) Jen Blake def Amy Victory
3) Reck def Robbie Crawford
4) Freak Show def PD Skillz in a Hardcore Match
5) Kobra Kai def Quinson Valentino
6) Derek Wylde def Matt Burns to retain the X Division title


Niagara Falls, ON

1) The Davis Brothers def The Italianos w/ the Bodyguard to win the NVPW Tag titles but the decision was reversed a half hour later when the Italianos declared it a non-title match.

2)Otis Idol def Crazy Steve after interference by Jake O'Reilly.

3)Brute Issei def Brad Martin

4) Krystal Banks def Hailey Rogers

5) Jake O'Reilly vs Akira Raijin ended in a no contest after interference by Crazy Steve & Otis Idol

6) Ron Falco def Brodie Lee

7) Tyson Dux def Pepper Parks

PWA: Summer Assault II
J's Place
Attendance: 35
Ring Announcer: Hatguy
Referee: Jon Turnip

1) Eddie Osbourne & Goru Dorimu def Joey Valentyne & David Wood
2) Jeff Black w/Mr Floppy def Warhed
3) The Canadian Gold'n Boyz (Lance & Rusty Malibu) def Le Tigre (Rees Runnels & Josh Alexander) by DQ (Le Tigre retain tag titles)
4) Reggie Marley def Matt Burns w/ Jessy Jones by DQ when Eddie Osbourne & Elian Habanero interfered.
5) Unlucky 7 Double Championship Match. Suicide Sean Ball pinned Easy E to win the Southern Ontario Championship. Also in the match: Buck 10, Ethan Page, Scotty O'Shea, Rip Impact & Elian Habanero. (Habanero retains Internet title)
6) The Masked Hideous Blob w/ Dirty D def Eddie Osbourne & Cade Von Dutch in a Drinking Contest by popular vote.
7) Jodi O'Doyle def Amy Victory
8) Ruffy Silverstein w/ Jessy Jones def Lak Sadartha ending Sadartha's unbeaten streak. (Matt Burns & Elian Habanero attacked Sadartha before & after the match)
9) Geza Kalman Jr retained the Pure Violence title over GT Dynamite


BSE'S Two Year Anniversary
Blood Sweat and Ears: Adrenaline Cup Tournament 2007
Raxx Entertainment Complex - Brampton

Adrenaline Cup Semi-Finals

Sebastian Suave vs. TigerStar
Tiger Star Defeated Suave with a Tiger Bomb
Suave then used the ring bell after the match to knock Tiger Star out cold, he then had to be helped to the back by BSE Officials

Kris Chambers vs Anton Arakis w/ his son Tyrone, and his babysitter
Kris Chambers gained the victory with a super kick

Kobra Kai vs Angel De Guerra
Kobra Kai advanced to the finals when blocked Angel’s Dragon-rana with a powerbomb, following an incredibly technical match

TNT (Tyson Dux and El Tornado) vs. Akira Raijin and Brute Issie
TNT Defeated Brute and Akira when Tyson and Tornado hit a double brainbuster on the Powerful Kid: Brute Issie. Following the match and sign of respect was shown in the ring by TNT and the Brute and Akira, as this might have been their last match in a BSE ring.

Toronto Argonauts Lumberjack Match
Brian Youngblood vs Flesh
With Orlando Bown, Clifford Ivory and Michael Fletcher along with the All Starters in his corner, Brian was able to defeat Flesh with a modified inverted flip-sidewalk slam

Angel Williams vs Kelly Coutoure
Special Guest Referee: Bang-Bang Pete
Angel defeated Kelly after rolling her up and using her feet on the ropes for leverage.

The Suicide Kidz [c] vs The Blackouts
Xtremo made his return to Raxx following a potentially career threatening knee injury back in May. Showing his resiliency, Xtremo was back at full-tilt power for the title defence. The Kidz defeated the Blackouts to retain their titles after Pierre Shadows dodged the 450 splash and attempted a German Suplex on Xtremo, but Xtremo surprised Pierre with a rollup for the victory.

Ash [defending] vs Kobra Kai vs Kris Chambers vs TigerStar
With high flying action throughout the match. High risk maneuvers flying left right and centre, these finalists put it all on the line for BSE’s Adrenaline Cup. All four men were determined to retain the prize, Kai, TigerStar, and Chambers all searching for their first taste of gold, and Ash looking to Three-peat nothing was held back. Following a double suplex/german suplex involving all the competitors, the playing field suddenly became even. But unfortunately Kris Chambers missed a superkick on Tiger Star and knocked out the referee, leaving no control in this match, with a number of moments where Chambers, Kai and Ash could have won the match.
Finally as the match drew to a close, Tiger Star hit a cradle driver onto the other competitors, and gained the pinfall. Thus your NEW Adrenaline Cup Champion: TIGER STAR! But its not over yet! While celebrating, Tiger Star pointed up to the video screen, and the fans all saw a clip of TigerStar removing his mask and handing it to an unknown competitor.
When we returned to the ring we see Tiger Star unmask to reveal it was DON PAYSAN all along! Now making your new Adrenaline Cup Champion, much to the dismay of Ash, Don Paysan. Ash was noticeably upset at this turn of events. And when Paysan turned his back leaving the cup in the centre of the ring, Ash ran over and dropkicked it and proceeded to destroy the cup! Shouting obscenities and claiming that no one else should have ‘his’ trophy, while Paysan celebrated his victory with the fans at the show.


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