Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dory Funk Jr. *Funk's Corner*


Dory Funk Jr. sent the following items in:

Funk's Corner - Rule Book for Professional Wrestling?

Section 1: General Rules - A wrestling match shall consist of a physical confrontation between two individual athletes or two teams of athletes who have demonstrated a proficiency in the skills contiguous to the sport and who are in sound physical condition. Wrestlers shall be of good moral character and shall not be fugitives from justice.

Section 1 (b): The object of a wrestling match shall be to gain a victory over one's opponent through the use of a legal hold or series of legal holds and maneuvers. either by scoring a pin fall or by forcing an opponent to concede defeat. To be pinned: both of a contestant’s shoulders must be held to the mat for three consecutive seconds, as witnessed and counted off by the referee in charge of the event.

Section 3 (f) Biting any part of an opponent's anatomy is strictly prohibited.

Section 3 (h) Choke holds are prohibited as is any use of the ring ropes for the purpose of impairing an opponent's breathing.

Section 3 (i) Any wrestler who deliberately strikes his opponent in the privates is subject to immediate disqualification.

Section 6 (a) Women wrestlers shall in no case be paid either more or less than male athletes involved in matches which could reasonably be construed as being of similar value to the promoter.

Would you believe there is a rule book for professional wrestling written by Florida Wrestling Promoter, Eddie Graham during the glory days of the NWA?

The complete rule book of professional wrestling is now on our website at Scroll to and click on the "Scales of Justice."

The complete show, Support the Troops 18, "Fight for Freedom is now up on !BANG! TV including one of the best catfights ever at the Funking Conservatory.

For ticket information to our next !BANG! TV Taping, Support the Troops 19, "Hard Labor" coming Sunday September 2nd and for training schedules, Call 352-895-4658 or visit


Funk's Corner - The Largest Sports Memorabilia Convention on Long Island Ever.

Friday and Saturday August 24th and 25th, Turnbuckle Promotions memorabilia Convention will have special meaning for many reasons. Just like the wrestling fans, Marti and I will have the opportunity to speak with friends who have been special in our life that we haven't seen in years.

It could also be the last opportunity to appear at a wrestling event with my brother Terry Funk. It will bring back many memories.

When Terry broke into the business, I had already been wrestling two years. As I watched Terry wrestle his first match with Sputnik Monroe at the Amarillo Sports Arena, I knew my little brother had what it takes.

In the early days we teamed together in the Amarillo Territory often. Even though we were individuals and had different styles and separate careers in the wrestling business. I always knew Terry was at my side and when necessary, had my back covered.

Our days in Japan as the premier American Tag Team and our feuds with Abdullah the Butcher and The Sheik were memories I could never forget. As a team in Japan, we were the only three time All Japan Pro-Wrestling World League Wrestling Champions.

Here in America we had separate careers but at times there was a team so dominating that wrestling fans demanded they face the "Funk Brothers." Teams like the Brisco Brothers, Sheik and Abdullah the Butcher and maybe the most dominating team in wrestling, The Road Warriors.

Turnbuckle Promotion's Largest Wrestling and Sports Memorabilia Convention on Long Island will be special as once again I will be making a public appearance with the man who never ceases to surprise and entertain me in professional wrestling, Terry Funk.

For more information on Turnbuckle Promotion's Largest Wrestling and Sports Memorabilia Convention visit their website at

To see Terry and Myself wrestling the Road Warriors on !BANG! TV, visit our website at and scroll to the bottom.

For information on training schedules at the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School Call - 352-895-4658 or visit our website.


Funk's Corner Professional Wrestling - Old School vs New School.

On our next !BANG! TV Taping, Support the Troops 19, "Hard Justice," coming Sunday September 2nd, Shane Chung will be challenging Johnny Magnum for the Funking Conservatory World Championship. Johnny Magnum will be facing his toughest challenge yet.

Following is from Funking Conservatory Hard Core Champion, Shane Chung's MySpace Blog.

"Okay, let's talk about wrestling. Lets talk about Old School vs New School. Which is better? I guess it's somewhat debatable. First off we have old school or what my generation calls Old School. Dory Funk Jr., Jerry Brisco, Pat Patterson, Jack Brisco, Stu Hart, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard and many more legendary wrestlers and icons are considered Old School Wrestlers."

"These men would travel the world on and defend their titles, defend their names and wrestle. Yes Folks, they used actual wrestling moves and hold they would wrestle hour long matches night after night, putting everything they got on the line, all while carrying and building the sport of professional wrestling."

"Ask yourself when is the last time you've seen someone use a short arm scissors, a double wrist-lock, a fireman's carry, a well executed arm drag? Ask yourself that?"

"Now we have new school, Springboard Tornado, DDT's, Hurricaranas from every angle, aerial attacks from the inside of the ring and the outside, not to take away from these maneuvers but matches aren't won in the air. They are won on the mat. Sure they're flashy but are the extra movements necessary."

"Bruce Lee invented JKD for one reason, to take the flashy unnecessary movements out of fighting. To make fighting more effective. What's more devastating, a Hurricarana or a double under-hook supple driving you into the mat?"

"As a mat wrestler you're taught the fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line. In other words, if you are going to shoot the leg, go straight in. Be direct, so any opponent I face is more than welcome to bring the "Air Attack," to bring the flash but while you are down on the mat with "Daddy," I'm gonna be straight. I'm gonna be "Old School," and I am gonna kick your "New School," butt. I will do what I do best.......... Wrestle, in the tradition, in the legacy of the men who built this sport from the ground up."

"Go to and get your tickets for the show (!BANG! TV Taping) on September 2nd. Come see wrestling at its' purest form."

Shane Chung

To see Shane Chung and Johnny Magnum in action and to see the complete "!BANG! Gang" on streaming video 24/7 and for more information on training and schedules, visit or call 352-895-4658.

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