Friday, August 3, 2007

Deric Blaze Interview

Earlier today I got the chance to speak with a local Indiana announcer..he works for Evolution Wrestling, an organization based out in Logansport.

Q1: How did you get into the business?
A1: It was winter when I went to my first LIVE! event at the 4-H Fairgrounds. It was cold & snow was blowing like a blizzard. LWF was holding an event called Winter Wars where Anthony Barr met up with my dad & I. My dad & Anthony are long-time friends that met in high school so he got us into the event for free. My eyes were glued to the ring set up in the middle of the venue. Although I wanted to get in the ring, I was intimiated by the wrestlers standing by. After the show, Anthony told me to check out the ring..I finally got the courage to step up & after that my passion for wrestling grew.

Q2: When did you begin announcing?
A2: I began play-by-play for LWF at the age of 13..I was colour commentary with Richard Ray (RIP). He taught me a lot of what I know now. When Richard passed I was promoted to head commentator. My skills as the voice grew & I learned a lot from this job.

Q3: Have you ever thought of becoming a wrestler?
A3: Actually, I've wrestled a few times but my evolution from announcer to wrestler won't become permanent until I get all the necessary training.

Q4: Who is one wrestler you'd like to step into the ring againt if you were to become a full time pro wrestler?
A4: I would love to be able to step into the ring with Kamala Jr. / Alamak. The man is probably the nicest wrestler you'll ever meet. Plus he has talent that I love to see in the ring. I respect the hell out of him. If I had to choose, he'd be the man I'd like to step up against.

Q5: Do you ever think you'll be a success story?
A5: Anyone in the wrestling business is a success story. It takes heart & determination to do what those men in the ring do. People say wrestling is fake but I can guarentee that the falls they take have to hurt your body in the long run. Now if you mean will I ever go to TNA or the WWE..that is something I won't know unless I try. It'd be great to make it that big but I'm not sure that I will & if I don't, then I don't. I'll be proud with what I accomplish in the long run.

Q6: You told me earlier that you only worked for Evolution, what ever happened to LWF?
A6: In 2006, LWF closed due to personal issues & that same year EVO emerged..EVO actually started out as my senior project. We never knew it was going to grow to be bigger than what it actually is.

Q7: Final Question: What are your thoughts on the 'steroid' situation?
A7: I don't agree with what investigators are trying to pin on the business & if a wrestler decides to take illegal drugs to make them 'bigger' is their decision. Maybe Vince does put the pressure on them because the bigger men do tend to have better success but it doesn't justify for their actions. Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, & others made some good points in their interviews about the topic.


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